Pictures + Videos Taken With My Lumia 830

A lady got a new bicycle for Christmas this year. Taken on Lumia 830, 5 photo bracketing in Nokia Camera, Then mixed in photomatrix.
So what's the trick for reducing red eyes with the 830's camera? Anybody find a good setting? If so, please share. I find environments that have lots of lighting such Christmas displays gives this camera all kinds of trouble.
So what's the trick for reducing red eyes with the 830's camera? Anybody find a good setting? If so, please share. I find environments that have lots of lighting such Christmas displays gives this camera all kinds of trouble.
I for one try to shoot without flash at all circumstances. Light the scene a different way or take time with post-proc..
So what's the trick for reducing red eyes with the 830's camera? Anybody find a good setting? If so, please share. I find environments that have lots of lighting such Christmas displays gives this camera all kinds of trouble.

If you've got steady hands, there's nothing better than a low ISO and longer shutter speed.
i had the 830 for a while... since October but was to lazy to post some pictures here :P WP_20141013_002.jpg
here a picture of a frog outside my PE class in college
this is outside my college if you want to walk on the trail they have. its a nice place to get away from the other students and want to chill
sort of proof of concept, shot through an anti mosquito net on manual time and ISO 100 (cropped) - could have been much worse :)
I'm doing a 5 day B&W challenge thing on Facebook, so will upload all of my L830-shot photos here as well. Here is day 2.

All are cropped for instagram BETA/6tag, except last one.
Which is best among these, friends? Post your comments

some New Year's Eve fun (just the 6tag edited pic, for some reason I still can't upload files bigger then 2MB - what the heck?!)

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