I am in the UK and took out a Lumia 920 on EE. The sim didn't work so I returned the phone as I wasn't happy with the EE contract I was sold being no good, and was disappointed about the lack of clarity on photos (compared to my husbands Note 2). I mainly photograph/take videos my children and the lack of clarity after the hype was disappointing. I did get to try the phone and loved the camcorder ability, and the new funky layout. I've since found this forum and realised that the picture blur was a real issue and it wasn't me just expecting too much from the hyped camera phone! What I wondered though, why wasn't this picked up during any of the online reviews?? I don't want to commit to a 2 year contract for a bug filled phone though and the more I read the more hesitant I feel (however I need a new phone urgently!) Anyone in the UK that can reassure me to take my chances, or are you all waiting on the update to make up your own mind? Anyone have the UK date for the update or know when the UK phones will have it preinstalled? Thanks