Portico Update Bug List

My Windows Store doesn't show app updates on the live tile or when I enter the app. Only when I search for the apps it tells me that an update is available....
Anyone have a fix or the same problem? Happend after the Portorico update...

This happens on different apps. I got notifications on some apps, but not all the apps.
Another issue is the screen brightness. It suddenly become high brightness while the setting still shows low. So I need to set it again to fix it.

that happens to me whenever my phone completely dies to 0% (actually it says "goodbye" closer to 5%) but if it goes to nothing, and I plug it in and get the red battery logo. Once the phone comes back it is always SUPER bright.

The way to get it back to normal, go into the settings...turn off Auto if it is on, and toggle the Brightness from "low" to "medium" and back to "low". You will see it correct itself.
that happens to me whenever my phone completely dies to 0% (actually it says "goodbye" closer to 5%) but if it goes to nothing, and I plug it in and get the red battery logo. Once the phone comes back it is always SUPER bright.

The way to get it back to normal, go into the settings...turn off Auto if it is on, and toggle the Brightness from "low" to "medium" and back to "low". You will see it correct itself.

Exactly what i'm doing it. :)
My 920 still randomly reboots after portico. Not as often as before portico, but still..
And it sometimes loses reception...aaand the camera flash stops working after ~5 flashes, it needs to cool down for a couple of minutes before it works again. Bleh! :O
My 920 still randomly reboots after portico. Not as often as before portico, but still..

Mine also randomly freezes during charging (both wireless and USB).
Live tiles randomly stops updating.
Apps update notification randomly stops working.

Mine also randomly freezes during charging (both wireless and USB).
Live tiles randomly stops updating.
Apps update notification randomly stops working.

I think it's true about the apps update notifications. Before Portico, I never had this problem.
A day after I installed the Portico, I don't receive any updates. Have to check manually to update.
The next day, all of sudden I receive it. I got the Portico like few days before the MWC. Then since last week, I don't receive any updates. And since I can compare it with another 2 Lumia 920s. Another one has the same problem as mine, while the other still receive the updates.
Recently, my Lumia 920 gets portico update. However, the battery is not improved. The phone becomes warm or hot, unaccessable in my hand, I didn't play games or watch videos, just only checked emails, or using offline RSS reader app.
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Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

Mine's been fine all day since the update, until I got home. Now I'm sitting in my chair - where the light is arguably not quite dim but not quite bright - and it's acting like it doesn't know what brightness setting it should be on. It doesn't go from dimmest to brightest, but it is kinda like... "ok, let's dim a little bit! no, wait, brighten up a tad! no, too bright, dim down some! Er, no, go bright!"

It's not happening very rapidly, maybe about every 10 seconds or so it changes a bit. Definitely new behavior, it didn't do this prior to the update. So they definitely changed something... which is odd, because I don't recall any reported problems related to auto-brightness which would require changes.

Perfect description on what's happening on my L920.
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

well... i don't know if this is a problem from the device or just the OS but since Portico update on my Lumia 920 i can't buy apps from store using my carrier account billing... :/
Anybody knows wether the Portico update can cause the screen flickering issue? My 920 came preloaded with Portico and then screen flickers badly, I'll try to get it replaced today...
after updated to latest firmware (RM821_1232.5957.1308.0008_RETAIL_apac_malaysia), my Lumia 920 cant login/signin to Nokia account. anyone here facing same problem?

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