Portico Update Bug List

Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

Well, something interesting just happened. I let my phone 'go to sleep' for a few minute, and then when I 'woke it up' I immediatly noticed the Wifi was not connected. Swiped the lock screen up, and watched as the Wifi symbol popped up greyed out, then reconnected to the network.

I thought the update was supposed to keep it connected.

Am I wrong?

you have to go into the advanced section and select keep wifi on when screen times out.
Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

I agree. The camera is much, much, much better
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

Maybe it's the sunlight settings that Nokia added? Try messing the extra Nokia display settings?
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

What happens when you switch from auto brightness?
Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

So they released a big update to fix the camera and failed? Nice!

I guess the before and after comparison pics from Daniel himself showing proof that the camera is noticeably sharper than before has no meaning for you?
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

If I turn auto off, it fixes the problem. What other Nokia Display settings are there? I turned off battery saver and that didn't help at all.
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

Now that you say this I did notice it a few times when first turning my phone on and bringing it up so I can read it. Then it slightly pulsates and stops.

I think by looking at the pictures 100% it won't tell the whole story. The magnified crops are pretty convincing. And unless you have 2 Lumia phone with and without the update the difference may be hard to detect, especially if your only metric is examining them at 100%
Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

Here are some pics I took after the update. This is SOC (no flash, no AF assist, rest is default), and looks pretty good to me.

Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

Mine definitely still blurs after taking pictures. Immediately upon taking the picture, it distorts a bit with blur unless I'm right on top of the item, such as the shots above me.
Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

I saw no diff in his pictures other than him cropping them.

For Christmas please get yourself a new monitor. I mean wow. You are either just lying for whatever reason (maybe you find it fun on the internet) or you need a new display.
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

Now that you say this I did notice it a few times when first turning my phone on and bringing it up so I can read it. Then it slightly pulsates and stops.


Yeah, there is def. something wrong. I don't know if the sensitivity is bugged or what, but outside in consistent light it was ok, now that I'm inside (in consistent light) it's pulsing up and down again. When it goes down it's nearly unusable... ugh.
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

What exactly are you talking about, guys? Is it pulsing on the lock screen? Or after you unlock the phone?
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

What exactly are you talking about, guys? Is it pulsing on the lock screen? Or after you unlock the phone?

After it's unlocked. Scrolling up and down the start screen makes it fade in and out and and sub menus etc. Basically everything after the lock screen
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

I cannot scroll my Start screen up and down, due to available room, I presume. But scrolling to the left to get Programs is not creating any side effect.
Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

I returned my Lumia 920 went back to the iPhone, then decided to get the 920 with a DSLR. I like to take snap shots of my cats with my DSLR, transfer them to my skydrive on my PC to Lumia.Then I text them to my wife's iPhone and she post them on Instgram with the Earlybird Filter. My wife then texts it back to me because I like to have the Earlybird filter on on my pics. I know it seems like a ton of work but I expect a certain quality to every sanpshot I take, especially if I take Pics of my Kitties
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Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

So the consensus is the photos are still blurry.
Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

Guys me and my friend had a big discussion about this issue on another phone (SE J20 Hazel feature phone) because when I looked at the scene through the camera, everything was sharp. The moment I took the picture and it was saved, the 100% size picture looked soft on the phone's display. I thought the JPEG compression algorithm screwed it up and compressed it too much when saving the picture. We talked a lot and my friend made a good point:

When you zoom in on the picture, the details are there. When you look at the whole picture, it's blurred. Why? If the picture actually has good details, why would it get blurred at full screen (on the phone)? Then we settled that the algorithm for actually showing the picture on the display was different than when the camera was engaged and sent its input directly to the display.

To summarize, your pictures are actually sharp. You can see the sharpness on a PC monitor or your TV, but it is the phone's display that softens the picture when showing it.
Try it. Take a photo, then zoom in to see if the details not visible at 100% are actually there. Then look at the picture on your laptop to get reassured ;)

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