Portico Update Bug List

I keep my brightness set to low with auto off. Everytime I turn off my phone and turn it back on it jacks the brightness to bat signal bright even tho its set go low. To correct it I have to set it to high then back to low. Stupid Nokia and Microsoft .
My battery is draining faster and I have all my setting the same before the update. Lolol the update did more damage than good . GG
I lose 2-3% everytime I turn the l920 off then on.
I have this exact issue. Horrid update that I regret putting on my phone. I went from liking my L920 yesterday to being very frustrated with it today. I'm giving this a couple more days, but I'm pretty sure I'm about to give up on Nokia and WP8. I want to love it, but the issues are mounting.
For those having freezing issues, I can tell you I have not had one freeze yet, and I've turned back on Bluetooth AND the text-to-speech of incoming text messages. This was previously what would cause my phone to go crazy and freeze.
Ever since the update the volume for the music app no longer works. I can't increase it at all. I've tried turning volume leveling on and off in the settings, but it does nothing. Sound for everything, but the music apps works perfectly. Also the sound is very very quiet like around 1/2 and while listening it randomly gets quieter for a few seconds. If I'm playing a game while listening to music the games volume works correctly and I can change it fine, but the music still stays low and does not change.
I keep my brightness set to low with auto off. Everytime I turn off my phone and turn it back on it jacks the brightness to bat signal bright even tho its set go low. To correct it I have to set it to high then back to low. Stupid Nokia and Microsoft .
My battery is draining faster and I have all my setting the same before the update. Lolol the update did more damage than good . GG
I lose 2-3% everytime I turn the l920 off then on.

Came here to post this exact same thing. Love my lumia, hope this gets fixed ASAP.
Re: Post Update - Brightness pulsates

Mine's been fine all day since the update, until I got home. Now I'm sitting in my chair - where the light is arguably not quite dim but not quite bright - and it's acting like it doesn't know what brightness setting it should be on. It doesn't go from dimmest to brightest, but it is kinda like... "ok, let's dim a little bit! no, wait, brighten up a tad! no, too bright, dim down some! Er, no, go bright!"

It's not happening very rapidly, maybe about every 10 seconds or so it changes a bit. Definitely new behavior, it didn't do this prior to the update. So they definitely changed something... which is odd, because I don't recall any reported problems related to auto-brightness which would require changes.

Just adding +1. Have the same issue, all batter saving settings turned off, etc. Indoors brightness goes up and down while sitting at the same spot (with same room brightness, etc).
Amazing Weather HD live tile stopped updating for me, not once since the update yesterday. Only way to get the tile updated is to open the app. Tried unpinning and re-pinning (from within the app), uninstalling, soft-reset and re-installing but nothing works. It worked flawlessly for me earlier. Does anybody with Amazing Weather HD have their tile updating automatically?
PS: I emailed the developer and am waiting for a reply.
hmm, i noticed the phone brightness going back to high after every restart as well, no biggie since i've only reset my phone like 4 times.. i do have one thing bugging me though.. not sure if anybody else has experienced this yet.. but i have custom ringtones i made on ringtone maker, and once i decide to answer a call, i have this split second of stuttering on the ringtone.. it's quite annoying.. didn't have that before the update.. anybody else experiencing this?
Portico is something I regretted now :c wish I never updated it. Everything else were fine before but after the updates, pfffft it went berserk. Especially battery is worse!
The keyboard thing used to happen to me before the update and everyone said I was crazy

I have the same keyboard problem both before and after the update on wfc.

Strange I only have this problem with windows phone central.

On another note, I have had my cyan 920 over a month and today I have my first problem. Not sure is because of the update or not.
I picked up the phone to check the time and to phone was completely dead., the power button did nothing, acted like it was dead to the world.

I ended up holding the volume down button and power button for almost a minute before it finally turned on. Check the battery and it was still 82% charged. So it wasn't a dead battery. Hope this is not a sign of things to come.

Other than that this phone has been working fine and I get great battery life. So I hope this phone holds up because I don't want to exchange it and end up with one that gets terrible battery life.
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For those having freezing issues, I can tell you I have not had one freeze yet, and I've turned back on Bluetooth AND the text-to-speech of incoming text messages. This was previously what would cause my phone to go crazy and freeze.

First time since I got my red Lumia that it froze, I updated yesterday so I was concerned, now I just realized that I turned on bluetooth and was using text to speech while driving back from the store, maybe that's what did it, my phone never froze before :(
Went from subpar battery life, about 12 hours on idle, to abysmal battery life. The battery drains 2-3% every ten minutes. My battery was fully charged at 8 PM, Its 12 AM now and I'm at 49%. With barely any use! Not loving Portico right now.

My battery life also went to ****. Can't make it 1 full day. I was getting awesome battery life before the update. Take my phone off the wireless charger around 8-9am and would still have about 25% left at 11pm when I get off work. That was using it all day for text/facebook/ebay/forums etc. Not looking to do ANOTHER hard reset!
I took photos before and after so I know that has updated. But I do notice the screen brightness pulsating. Also my Bluetooth wasn't connecting well with a Kodak Kiosk at CVS, it connected then disconnected 2 seconds later.
Everything seems to be working all right, but my battery life has greatly degraded since the update.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
Not experiencing any of the bugs reported above, but my 920 can no longer connect to my home wi-fi after the update. Not a single thing has changed in my network or router settings, and my other devices connect properly. Before the update, so did my 920. Since the update, not at all. I was hoping that some others had experienced the same thing.
Re: Just updated, and I see zero improvement in the camera

I notice the
Brightness pulsates.
everything else i have not tested yet, i really dont get why Microsoft and Nokia release this update with out trying the crap out, if we see the problem i'm sure they would have seen it too.
I had an infrequent and random problem with the phone shutting off by itself and requiring me to do a soft reset to turn it back on. After the update, it's happened four times in one day. I don't know if it's worth getting a replacement if I have to pay to unlock it again, and if it is not 100% that the replacement won't have the same problem.

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