Post your Home Screen and Color Theme

Nice Phony,
Of topic Question, can you make a pic/screeny of Heredrive or maps
I heard some rumors that it doesnt scale right on a 6" screen.

HERE Drive+ looks OK to me.
HERE drive_1.jpg HERE drive_2.jpg

BTW, I like the Flickr Central app a lot, especially how it lets you select your Flickr photostream or favorites to be set as your lockscreen, with selectable time intervals for randomly changing the lock screen image. (this lock screen is an image taken with my last Nokia, an N75 back in 2009... and the image is straight from the camera).
What calendar app do you use for your lock screen and the double-wide live tile in pic #3?
That's Super Calendar, but:
a) the appointment blocks on the lock screen spread vertically after background update
b) the lime accent colour only stays until the first tile update, then turns to white
Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express
I have my lock screen set to rotate thru a few different but similar images based on the time of day (Lock Screen Changer). I also created a large black separator tile with Skinery Tiles to give me the feel of two home screens.
I have my lock screen set to rotate thru a few different but similar images based on the time of day (Lock Screen Changer). I also created a large black separator tile with Skinery Tiles to give me the feel of two home screens.
What is name of weather app?
Android guy posting. After spending 2 years on android, customizing to the death the launchscreen, I must say WP is a bit more limited but I'm willing to sacrify this for the gain of fluidity!
Anyway, Here is what I did so far. Nothing exceptionnal but I like it simple and clean. I regret the lack on 2*1 and 1*2 tiles though. Or the ability to set a wallpaper for the lauchscreen. Had to trick this!


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