Today's home screen. I like little to no scrolling. Simple.
The app that could do this, would sell a lot. Any developer here who has some spare time? I would buy your app.make it $5. make it $10.
I see the original poster is from Piscataway... Hello from Metuchen!
An owner of the 822 here, since 4 January.
Red on Black, Games and Twitter.
Mix all the colors, you get a plugsuit.
How is that Garmin app?
interesting, I've never seen anyone purposely leave blank spaces. I actively try to avoid them.
Really more of a proof on concept type of thing. I only kept it that way for a day. Looks cool though. Lets see ya do that with an iPhone.
Here ya go!
* disclaimer: My 920 is my daily driver that I love to use, way more than my iPhone, which I have on my work account since I deal with Apple stuff and have to keep up with it.
iOS by amanda_moore, on Flickr