Post your Home Screen and Color Theme

i searched for Fire letters on bing. for example. Letter D fire. choose the picture that you like from the images under media.
open up the web that contain that picture.

It's a very tedious procedure.

zoom in to the letters till it fills up the screen in the size of a box.
and press pin to start.
all the letters are are thumbnails of the webpage that are being pinned to start.
try it and you will understand what i mean.
you can make it even more interesting if you use live tiles apps. to make the pictures flip to another picture.

Abel920, show me your product when you're done : )
Here's mine. From my new Lumia 820. Such an awesome phone, but you can't imagine what i had to go through to get it.
Used My Live Tile app to create dividers, as i still like a little organization on my home screen. Also had to resort to mspaint to stitch these together. :winktongue:

My Home Screen
And to think, people say Windows Phone doesn't allow for much customisation!!!

These are some of the most awesome homescreens I've seen on ANY phone.
What calendar tile is this?


Here's mine. From my new Lumia 820. Such an awesome phone, but you can't imagine what i had to go through to get it.
Used My Live Tile app to create dividers, as i still like a little organization on my home screen. Also had to resort to mspaint to stitch these together. :winktongue:

View attachment 30397
Is there any way to get the lockscreen to change pictures constantly? It will be cool, plus I'm tired of those same old HTC weather screens all the time on my 8x

BTW here is my homescreen

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If you go under Settings- lock screen, and then hit the background section, you can set Bing, and it changes every day.
It's Chronos Calendar. It was featured on wpcentral a few days back. Very customizable, but I removed it for the meantime... It kinda bothered me i had 2 calendars, and maybe there's something wrong with me but i like the default calendar on the phone. Works very well with my office calendar.


What calendar tile is this?


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