Power button won't lock phone

I thought I was the only one with this problem!! It's at least a bit comforting to see that many people are facing the issue too. :)

Nothing I did worked. So I did a hard reset. Had to redownload all the apps again but my phone is back to normal. I'm still unsure what could have caused this though I did install an app called '5 minute home workout'. Just baffles me how an app can interfere with a pure OS functionality like lock/unlock!!
Yep me too! L925 with dev preview. Starting happening just after glance update. Tried all the usual tricks but ended up with hard reset. But all working fine now with latest dev preview update installed.
Actually happened just as I ordered a L930! Thought my L925 was trying to tell me something 😊
Can we try and troubleshoot this? Is there any other reason this may have happened? Were there any other updates that happened yesterday that could also be the culprit? Wasn't there an extras info update yesterday too? Or a glance update?

Could it be a pure coincidence that this happened the same day as the chive app release? We all say it happened right after the chive app install, but we all installed it the same time after the wpcentral story.

We need to dig further. It's possible everyone I jumping to conclusions. Some testing is needed.
For what it's worth, I have glance disabled completely, because I really dislike it.

I wonder if it is causing a conflict with something in these apps.

All I know, for now, is issue appeared immediately after launching for first time and disappeared after uninstalling. Plus, I can reproduce issue by reinstalling.
Never had a prob till I downloaded the chive app yesterday. Uninstalled the chive app and restarted and so far the problem is gone.
Has anyone installed it on their tablet yet? Its a universal app. I installed it on my Dell venue pro but im going to uninstall it right away without even launching it. Would be interesting to see how it reacts on a Windows machine
Fortunately I had installed TheChive and that workout app but had never opened them. Uninstalled them. No symptoms before or after. Will wait to see what happens.

If this isn't some kind of mass hallucination or chicken little deal, I don't know why Windows Central isn't all over this. I mean it shows that malware is possible on Windows Phone which would be one of the biggest stories of the year.
I just installed and ran it again for the sake of testing. So far no issues. Power button works fine. Will keep this thread posted.
I just installed and ran it again for the sake of testing. So far no issues. Power button works fine. Will keep this thread posted.
Try installing "5 minute home workout" app. Which caused many users including me suffer from this issue.
Has anyone installed it on their tablet yet? Its a universal app. I installed it on my Dell venue pro but im going to uninstall it right away without even launching it. Would be interesting to see how it reacts on a Windows machine

No issues on my Surface Pro 3.
Fortunately I had installed TheChive and that workout app but had never opened them. Uninstalled them. No symptoms before or after. Will wait to see what happens.

If this isn't some kind of mass hallucination or chicken little deal, I don't know why Windows Central isn't all over this. I mean it shows that malware is possible on Windows Phone which would be one of the biggest stories of the year.

It's definitely not malware. At worst this is a bug. My suspicion is a bad implementation of "keep awake" for their media browser. It's possibly a bug in the OS, but malware is a stretch. This doesn't harm/infect the phone with anything.
Try installing "5 minute home workout" app. Which caused many users including me suffer from this issue.
did you installed chive also? I didn't install 5 minute home. I have the glance update and information+extras update installed on my phone several days ago with no symptoms at all. I can't reinstall Chive (stack on receive state). Also tried to disable glance, 4g data reception, Bluetooth, etc...
Still I m not hard resetting...
I didn't install chive. Just "5 mins.." App. Even I don't want a hard reset. I m waiting for an update from windows to fix this or waiting for Lumia denim update, which is expected shortly. This will ensure save in time and smooth backup restore. Till then I m surviving on soft reset everyday. :|
:( i don't want to hard reset but i guess i have to. I thought I was the only one having this problem. I also installed theChive app but not sure if the problem started after installing it.
Same issue, after theChive app, the lock button not working, charging is not shown on phone, battery sense app crashing. Trying to backup now everything to onedrive, as PC does not see the phone. Will do hard reset, first ever for my 920 :) :(
WC should really make a warning about this app.
I did the hard reset last night. Phone is now functioning normally, but man is it a pain to do that.

I love Windows Central, but it is COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE for them to promote chive's apparently malicious app and then not remove the story and warn users about the problem once they are aware of it (which the clearly are by now).
Can we try and troubleshoot this? Is there any other reason this may have happened? Were there any other updates that happened yesterday that could also be the culprit? Wasn't there an extras info update yesterday too? Or a glance update?

Could it be a pure coincidence that this happened the same day as the chive app release? We all say it happened right after the chive app install, but we all installed it the same time after the wpcentral story.

We need to dig further. It's possible everyone I jumping to conclusions. Some testing is needed.

I'm thinking the real issue is with Glance or the Gestures Beta app.
Never had the gestures beta and have always had glance with no problems. Installed and used the chive and suddenly I can't lock my phone. I reboot and all is well and screen lock working again so I open the chive app again and sure enough the screen wont lock. Uninstalled the app and rebooted and all is well.

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