Process1 initialization failed ?

i had the same problem u can't do anything. i'm in this situation allready 3 days so can someone helps me ? please i reaaly need yor help <3
press volume keys and power button together above 7 seconds and soon phone will start restarting it's done :D xD
This happened to my 920 this morning too. I was totally bummed then tried the volume down + power button reset and now I've got the Cogs with update progress.
waooo. yo tenia el mismo problema y solo reinicie el telefono como un hard reset. (volumen down + power por unos 5 segundos, despues solo quito el volumen down sin dejar de precioner el boton de power por otros 5 segundo) y listo. a disfrutar el dispositivo otra vez.
Hi. I have same problem. I have tried volume down/power button reset and I am now back to the cog wheels for the third time. Any suggestions (it's now 5 am and I have work in 3 hours - need phone for work - grrrrrr)? Thanks in advance.

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