ProShot camera app.

I have had a question for quite some time now. If shooting in manual mode with manual focus, does focus lock do anything? Isn't focus lock a feature that locks the focus to a certain value based on where the user taps on the screen while locking focus. If so, then in manual focus mode, where the user has already pre-selected the focus value, this shouldn't have any effect, correct? In other words, when shooting in manual focus mode, does focus lock have no role?

And one more question actually... How does MF Assist help and does it require the user to do a focus lock for it to work?

Correct, focus lock has no affect when in manual focus mode, since, technically, the focus is already locked :)

MF Assist just zooms onto the center of the image to help the user nail the focus. MF Assist only applies to manual focus mode.
I mention the first problem I've EVER had with this app on FRIDAY, and get an update which fixes it Today (MONDAY).

THIS, Ladies and Gentleman is why you shouldn't be reading this forum if you don't already have ProShot on your phone - you should have downloaded it ALREADY.

Not only a top Camera App, but Top Service from RiseUpGames again...

...and just in celebration, here's a photo of my car (again)....

(Picture taken on the 820 with ProShot, and then messed about with in Fantasia Painter)
What I've observed from my usage. So far I still take quick shots with the default app, but ProShot definitely covers many gaps.

  • All the options and modes.
  • Manual focus – with no macro in the default app, this works great.
  • Burst, self-timer and such. Didn't expect them to be included.
  • Level is awesome.
  • Interface can sometimes feel a little fiddly. Example for me is the focus override, which is a smallish slider in a tab.
  • Noticeable lag when navigating through the "camera reel", but I guess that is to be expected with a complex app.
  • Default app is definitely faster at capturing. Wonder if TPAs are given access to HTC's imaging chip?
  • Finding much more grain in ProShot photos versus the default app.
@RiseUpGames - A couple more suggestions: With regards to shutter speed, if the actual shutter speed was, say 0.45 seconds, rather than to round to proper fractions, say 1/2s, would it be more informative to display say 1/2.22s? I'm just a novice on this though, but just my thoughts to overcome the floating point issue. I'm guessing it has not been done because it might not be possible to record EXIF info in that way?

OK, my next suggestion is more on functionality. With regards to the customization panels (i.e. the one on the right hand side to choose IMG/FOC/ISO etc, and the one above to select P/M/C, etc), would it be possible to close those panels with a swipe gesture? It is less convenient (and a bit distracting whilst in middle of framing the shot) having to press the "done" check mark. Alternatively, perhaps there can be an option to make those panes auto-disappear after say 2 seconds of inaction?
I have one little note regarding the manual FOC. When the manual FOC is set and ProShot is launched the dragger shows that the FOC is set to nearest (macro) however the actual FOC seems to be set to infinity. Would it be possible that the default value for the manual FOC is infinity as this is the most used FOC.
Riseupgames :( When do you think the custom WB can work on 920, that's the only remain important feature that I're missing with proShot
What I've observed from my usage. So far I still take quick shots with the default app, but ProShot definitely covers many gaps.

  • All the options and modes.
  • Manual focus – with no macro in the default app, this works great.
  • Burst, self-timer and such. Didn't expect them to be included.
  • Level is awesome.
  • Interface can sometimes feel a little fiddly. Example for me is the focus override, which is a smallish slider in a tab.
  • Noticeable lag when navigating through the "camera reel", but I guess that is to be expected with a complex app.
  • Default app is definitely faster at capturing. Wonder if TPAs are given access to HTC's imaging chip?
  • Finding much more grain in ProShot photos versus the default app.

If you set Contrast and Saturation = 0, you'll find that the img capture speeds are comparable to the native app.

@RiseUpGames - A couple more suggestions: With regards to shutter speed, if the actual shutter speed was, say 0.45 seconds, rather than to round to proper fractions, say 1/2s, would it be more informative to display say 1/2.22s? I'm just a novice on this though, but just my thoughts to overcome the floating point issue. I'm guessing it has not been done because it might not be possible to record EXIF info in that way?

OK, my next suggestion is more on functionality. With regards to the customization panels (i.e. the one on the right hand side to choose IMG/FOC/ISO etc, and the one above to select P/M/C, etc), would it be possible to close those panels with a swipe gesture? It is less convenient (and a bit distracting whilst in middle of framing the shot) having to press the "done" check mark. Alternatively, perhaps there can be an option to make those panes auto-disappear after say 2 seconds of inaction?

It may be a bit confusing to see a complicated fraction like 1/852s. And like I said, if someone sets shutter speed to 1/15: fractions don't exist on hardware, only decimal values... the hardware will approximate 1/15, but due to electronical signals and decimal imprecision, it may choose 1/14, which will confuse and frustrate the user (despite my attempts to mitigate this, I'm still getting emails about it).

There are definitely UI functionality improvements coming. Can't talk about that yet. Still have a lot of work before we can get there. Windows wasn't supposed to have fragmentation, but I'm definitely noticing different bugs happening on specific hardware, and I'm doing my best to address those asap.

I have one little note regarding the manual FOC. When the manual FOC is set and ProShot is launched the dragger shows that the FOC is set to nearest (macro) however the actual FOC seems to be set to infinity. Would it be possible that the default value for the manual FOC is infinity as this is the most used FOC.

Oddly enough, that's not possible due to the structure of the API.

Riseupgames :( When do you think the custom WB can work on 920, that's the only remain important feature that I're missing with proShot

Sorry to say, manual white balance is not possible on the Lumia 920, as it is not supported by the hardware :/ That's why I removed it.
Just finished reading ALL 29 pages of this awesome thread. And I am buying the app now. As many others have done, I would like to sincerely thank RiseUpGames for his dedication and support.

Woohoo!! Let the fun begin!!
Just finished reading ALL 29 pages of this awesome thread. And I am buying the app now. As many others have done, I would like to sincerely thank RiseUpGames for his dedication and support.

Woohoo!! Let the fun begin!!

it's always great to see new posters open their history with such positive posts :) welcome to the forums.

RiseUpGames FTW - don't have a clue how some "meh" Wiki app could have beaten this productive must-have masterpiece! ^_^
This app looks great. Sadly I'm experiencing the "Oh No! An error occurred." issue. Any time I hit "M" at the top or try and change any settings in the right side panel. I'm using an Ativ S. I don't have the foggiest about photography but I'd like to try using this app. Looks fun. :cool:
Alright. Here are the first couple attempts of my ProShot fun time. Both pics are fresh from the ProShot oven, completely unedited.

Settings: ISO 100, manual focus, the rest are automatic.


This is a hummingbird feeder.
This app looks great. Sadly I'm experiencing the "Oh No! An error occurred." issue. Any time I hit "M" at the top or try and change any settings in the right side panel. I'm using an Ativ S. I don't have the foggiest about photography but I'd like to try using this app. Looks fun. :cool:

I am afraid that Samsung phones are not supported due to hardware limitations.
Am I the only one getting error messages when starting up the app now? And when taking a photo the app crashes.
Am I the only one getting error messages when starting up the app now? And when taking a photo the app crashes.

I am really sorry for this! Do you have the histogram on during startup? I think this may have something to do with it (but not sure). Am investigating the issue

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