New member
- Dec 31, 2012
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I've had the app for a while, but just started looking at it in detail. I have a question about HDR. I understand that this combines 3 separate EV values into one photo. I assume if there is any movement of the camera or the subject that the quality will suffer.
Given this, is there any way you see the individual images or do you just get the composite?
1) No need to hold the button, just press it once and it'll do it's thing

2) Yes, it's best to keep the camera still, although it still does perform an auto-aligning algorithm
3) Hmm, if you have "Save Originals" enabled in Settings it's supposed to save the individual images, but I just checked and it doesn't for HDR. I'll add that to my bugs list. For now, if you want the individual images, select "Bracket only" from the HDR menu. In a future version (hopefully v5.3) I will move this so that we can have bracket exposure in any mode, like a real camera.