First of all I would like to say thank you for this app and all your hard work. It is very likely that I will be leaving the Windows Phone community(in hardware/OS but never in spirit) pretty soon save for some dramatic announcement for the OS or confirmed flagship from Microsoft. I will be posting some pictures soon for my appreciation of this app and what is has allowed me to do. As I will most likely get the Sony Xperia Z3 when it launches in the US I have to ask do you develop exclusively for Windows Phone or do you develop/plan to develop an app if this caliber for Android as well? The ability to control manual settings(shutter speed in particular) is one thing that is surprisingly scarce or nonexistent even in the Android space. Shooting at 4 second shutter speeds at night and 1/2000, 1/4000 during the day when I want to freeze motion is something I could compromise on but would surely miss. Thanks again for this app.
Sorry to see you go, I truly think the WP community is the best community out of the big three. But there are other considerations to make when purchasing a mobile device, I think we all understand.
Today I released ProShot for iOS:
Also, I revamped my website:
This is why I've been quiet the past month. I won't be bringing it to Android, at least not for the foreseeable future. Since camera apps are so hardware-specific, I can't share code between them, so it'd be hard to keep three separate camera apps up to date.
I was thinking one way or another the word will get out that ProShot is now on a competing platform, so I just wanted to let you all know that I am still committed to WP, and I still have many updates planned for WP ProShot. If anything, developing for iOS helped me get a new perspective on where I want to take this app, from both a design and functionality standpoint, and that is good news for all.
I don't mean to use this forum to sell myself, but if anybody would like to share the ProShot news with their iOS friends / favorite tech sites (iMore sister site?), I'd really appreciate it. Two years ago I gave up everything to make ProShot, and I want to keep making it better.