ProShot camera app.

If Microsoft was willing to pay me to keep it exclusive, I would :) But since they didn't, it made sense for me to bring ProShot to other platforms. Sure, money was part of the motivation. I need money to stay alive and ProShot is my only source of income. But I also have a vision for where I want to take mobile photography as a whole, and I can only do that by expanding my audience. I have big plans. Very big plans. And WP will be there every step of the way.

Yeah! Good luck!
Btw you have over 10K votes now on your suggestion.
Sorry to see you go, I truly think the WP community is the best community out of the big three. But there are other considerations to make when purchasing a mobile device, I think we all understand.

Today I released ProShot for iOS:
Also, I revamped my website: ProShot

This is why I've been quiet the past month. I won't be bringing it to Android, at least not for the foreseeable future. Since camera apps are so hardware-specific, I can't share code between them, so it'd be hard to keep three separate camera apps up to date.

I was thinking one way or another the word will get out that ProShot is now on a competing platform, so I just wanted to let you all know that I am still committed to WP, and I still have many updates planned for WP ProShot. If anything, developing for iOS helped me get a new perspective on where I want to take this app, from both a design and functionality standpoint, and that is good news for all.

I don't mean to use this forum to sell myself, but if anybody would like to share the ProShot news with their iOS friends / favorite tech sites (iMore sister site?), I'd really appreciate it. Two years ago I gave up everything to make ProShot, and I want to keep making it better.
Wow I knew you were working on something big. Congratulations and I will definitely recommend the app to a few of my friends who I know purchased the new iPhone 6. Is the shutter speed control limited to .5 seconds or is the full 4 second option there? Well I might just get the iPhone 6 now that your app is there. By the way I'm on T-Mobile and am a well qualified customer which allows me to be on their Jump plan which would allow me to upgrade when half the cost of the phone is paid off. The plan is to try something new while I too wait for the Lumia 1020 successor. If it turns out to be another US exclusive and I enjoy my next phone, I'll just keep using that. If they make it available to T-Mobile then I will upgrade to the next Lumia beast. And to be honest I'm hoping the app development community really gives us better apps in 2015. You sir have been a fantastic example of pushing and refining your app into something beautiful, functional, and downright cool. So the app ecosystem though not a huge problem (I've managed for four years now) is partly the reason I want to explore Android(maybe iOS now) for a while until Microsoft announces the Lumia 1020 successor and its plans for Windows 10 on our devices. Kind of like a vacation.
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You know I would really focus on Android. Here is why:

IOS has the very established manual app 645 Pro and now the more in depth Camera+.
You would be competing with two established brands. Remember, a lot of iPhone users are clueless and prefer point and shoot no menus.

Now let's look at android.

The only half decent manual app is Camera FV-5 but it is very rudimentary. The rest with the exception of stock OnePlus One camera (which does long exposure) are totally a joke from a photographer's perspective.

You would dominate the android market. There are a lot of power users wanting to tap the quality sensors found in the Note 4, S5, Z3, and G3.
Yeah! Good luck!
Btw you have over 10K votes now on your suggestion.

Sweet! I'm not really sure whom to reach out to, but I'm going to tweet Joe Belfiore on Monday. I think it's a good idea, not only for my app, but for the photo community as a whole on WP to have this feature.

Wow I knew you were working on something big. Congratulations and I will definitely recommend the app to a few of my friends who I know purchased the new iPhone 6. Is the shutter speed control limited to .5 seconds or is the full 4 second option there? Well I might just get the iPhone 6 now that your app is there. By the way I'm on T-Mobile and am a well qualified customer which allows me to be on their Jump plan which would allow me to upgrade when half the cost of the phone is paid off. The plan is to try something new while I too wait for the Lumia 1020 successor. If it turns out to be another US exclusive and I enjoy my next phone, I'll just keep using that. If they make it available to T-Mobile then I will upgrade to the next Lumia beast. And to be honest I'm hoping the app development community really gives us better apps in 2015. You sir have been a fantastic example of pushing and refining your app into something beautiful, functional, and downright cool. So the app ecosystem though not a huge problem (I've managed for four years now) is partly the reason I want to explore Android(maybe iOS now) for a while until Microsoft announces the Lumia 1020 successor and its plans for Windows 10 on our devices. Kind of like a vacation.

As far as I've seen, iPhones can still only go up to 1/2s. I too am desperately awaiting a 1020 successor. Literally they could keep the same everything, just give it a faster CPU, and I'd be happy (also, make it available in Cyan :p)

You know I would really focus on Android. Here is why:

IOS has the very established manual app 645 Pro and now the more in depth Camera+.
You would be competing with two established brands. Remember, a lot of iPhone users are clueless and prefer point and shoot no menus.

Now let's look at android.

The only half decent manual app is Camera FV-5 but it is very rudimentary. The rest with the exception of stock OnePlus One camera (which does long exposure) are totally a joke from a photographer's perspective.

You would dominate the android market. There are a lot of power users wanting to tap the quality sensors found in the Note 4, S5, Z3, and G3.

Yeah, iOS does have its staples. It's always tough to break into a market when its leading players are so entrenched, even if you have a better app. I'll consider Android, but first, I've got to finish 5.3 for WP :)
proshot forced close on Micromax win121

Thank you for the report. It's been difficult to keep track of all of these new devices. Apparently Micromax and Prestigio aren't compliant with Microsoft's Camera API. I will do my best to investigate
Thank you so much!!

Side note: I'm getting back to WP dev today, hoping to have 5.3 done (for reals this time!) by the end of the week.
Anybody with a Micromax, Blu Win, or Prestigio phone want to help beta test? I'm just about done with 5.3, but I want to make sure it runs on those phones. PM me with your Microsoft email. Thank you!!
You know I would really focus on Android. Here is why:

IOS has the very established manual app 645 Pro and now the more in depth Camera+.
You would be competing with two established brands. Remember, a lot of iPhone users are clueless and prefer point and shoot no menus.

Now let's look at android.

The only half decent manual app is Camera FV-5 but it is very rudimentary. The rest with the exception of stock OnePlus One camera (which does long exposure) are totally a joke from a photographer's perspective.

You would dominate the android market. There are a lot of power users wanting to tap the quality sensors found in the Note 4, S5, Z3, and G3.

I totally agree with that. You should absolutely develop for android.
Yes I would implore you to develop for Android cause I want to get the Sony Xperia Z3 but...every single camera app I downloaded from the Play Store on my wife's Galaxy S5 sucked.(mind you I only found maybe 4 I was interested in) I'm not sure Sony's stock camera will be enough for my needs coming from the likes of Nokia camera and ProShot. Especially since I know that you have an app on iOS now. I may have to get the iPhone 6 despite my admiration for Sony's latest flagship. All those apps and they are still lacking in areas where Windows Phone thrives. Like they say, the grass isn't always greener on the other side, at least not in the whole yard.😉
Android doesn't have RAW support, not yet, they are working on it which is second reason I bought a Windows Phone, the first, I was never going to buy a Apple Phone that was a guarantee, now and forever, and I had no interest in Android.

All I ask is uncompressed 1080P video (soon 4K video with Denim), save on a media card, I'll be happy !
Android doesn't have RAW support, not yet, they are working on it which is second reason I bought a Windows Phone, the first, I was never going to buy a Apple Phone that was a guarantee, now and forever, and I had no interest in Android.

All I ask is uncompressed 1080P video (soon 4K video with Denim), save on a media card, I'll be happy !

Well actually Google opened up their camera APIs and RAW support is in the next update of the OS along with support for manual focus and shutter speed(still limited to half a second) so they are on the right track. Their camera apps are so lacking right now in quality. The ones that offer the most control(Camera FV5) don't have as beautiful a layout as ProShot or Nokia Camera. I'll have to stick with the stock camera until the update comes out. Interestingly enough, HTC's built in camera for the M8 is the only Android phone that has all the manual settings built right in including support for 4 second shutter speed.
I'm sure I'm missing something, so I figured I'd ask on here. Moved to Alaska recently and have been taking some beautiful HDR pics with the app. when I check in either the photo hub or anywhere else I can think of, I can find the three individual photos, but can't seem to find the overlayed version. what am I missing?
I'm sure I'm missing something, so I figured I'd ask on here. Moved to Alaska recently and have been taking some beautiful HDR pics with the app. when I check in either the photo hub or anywhere else I can think of, I can find the three individual photos, but can't seem to find the overlayed version. what am I missing?

Maybe you have checked bracket only in HDR settings.
First, I'm happy to announce that ProShot v5.5 is done!
It's currently pending Microsoft's approval. What's new: faster boot up, zoom with one finger (now up to 10X), save 20/41MP images directly to your camera roll, and so much more. Full change log is here: Changelog ? ProShot

I totally agree with that. You should absolutely develop for android.

I've begun looking into it. I guess for now that's all the news I can report, heh.

Honestly the iOS launch beat me up pretty badly. I sacrificed a lot (personally and financially) to get ProShot out with iOS8, and got zero media exposure. I'm seriously dumbfounded by what happened, especially considering the camera apps that did get attention. I can't afford to have that happen again on Android.

Sorry. Complaining doesn't get anyone anywhere. Let's get back to the positive. I'm very excited to get 5.5 out there for you all. I've now taken the WP 8.0 Camera API as far as it can possibly go, and will soon begin the transition to WP 8.1, where new photographic frontiers await.

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