[Quick Impressions] Who Has Gotten The Lumia 950?

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Re: my short review of the lumia 950, after a day of use

-Just a few tips for you, office apps are now separate and fully featured apps - Word Excel and Powerpoint
-Battery saver is there, both in action center, and you can search it in settings. I suggest you spend some times in settings and personalize battery saver setting and glance settings.
Have fun with the new phone :)

Just noticed someone already replied in more detail then me, never mind :p
What is this and where can I find this settings to turn it off? Does it save battery when off?
not sure about the (english) wording cause I got it German, but:
edge -> setting -> extended settings -> page pre-render

if edge is not in use, it doesn't have any impact, but people complain about heavy battery usage when using edge...
Re: my short review of the lumia 950, after a day of use

thanks for all the replies just seen the battery saver and didn't spot the change background app settings, so ive turned a lot of things off from running in the background now. And same about the one place for office, I use to open it and word and excel would be in one place but ive just pinned an excel shortcut and word shortcut to the front screen.

having all sorts of issues trying to pin my works outlook account to my front screen, I guess something is up with the settings I did it yesterday deleted it and can find the email account under account settings but cant find a way of pinning it to the front screen.

just been under store and checked for updates and there are about 15 to do for various apps, one for lumia camera so watching them update now.

thanks once again, everyone at work today was checking the phone and even had a couple of iphone users say it looks smart

quick update, the download worked wonders and all my favourites are back, thanks very much. So just got to try to find how to pin my outlook to my frontscreen, I think I made the mistake of syncing everything so it may take a while and after that I can pin it.
Finally have my dual-SIM, unlocked 950 from Microsoft! I am resisting the urge to set it up right now based on the Windows Central article that mentioned possible LTE issues setting up an unlocked device without a SIM. As soon as I get the nano SIM from AT&T, I'll be heads down :-).

I think I'm going to NOT do a restore as I've read about some folks having issues there as well. Besides, setting up from scratch will give me a little quality time with my new friend.
Re: my short review of the lumia 950, after a day of use

thanks for all the replies just seen the battery saver and didn't spot the change background app settings, so ive turned a lot of things off from running in the background now. And same about the one place for office, I use to open it and word and excel would be in one place but ive just pinned an excel shortcut and word shortcut to the front screen.

having all sorts of issues trying to pin my works outlook account to my front screen, I guess something is up with the settings I did it yesterday deleted it and can find the email account under account settings but cant find a way of pinning it to the front screen.

also how can work out where to up date my photo app so that I can do the favourites.

thanks once again, everyone at work today was checking the phone and even had a couple of iphone users say it looks smart

If you have more than just one email account configured on your device, each of them should show up in the apps list. Tap and hold just as usual to pin it to the start screen. If you want to pin individual email folders, open the email app, tap the hamburger menu in the top left, tap and hold the folder you want to pin and choose "pin to start".

As for the app update for the photos app, just launch the store app, tap the hamburger menu and tap Downloads and Updates about half way down the menu. Now tap the "search for updates" button (or whatever it is called, my device is German). If there's an update for the photos app, it should appear once the search is completed. Another way is to just search for the particular app. If there's an update pending for it, the usual "open" or "install" button should instead be an "update" button.

If there's no update for the app, I'm out of ideas, as the most recent version of the app should definitely have an option to set your favorite pictures as live tile cycle. You can check from here:

Launch photos app -> tap the tiny 3 dots in the bottom right of the screen -> choose "Settings" on the left side of the menu -> tap the drop down for "Live Tile" (or Tile, not sure..Again, German device) and pick "Favorites". That's about it.
Finally have my dual-SIM, unlocked 950 from Microsoft! I am resisting the urge to set it up right now based on the Windows Central article that mentioned possible LTE issues setting up an unlocked device without a SIM. As soon as I get the nano SIM from AT&T, I'll be heads down :-).

I think I'm going to NOT do a restore as I've read about some folks having issues there as well. Besides, setting up from scratch will give me a little quality time with my new friend.

I've got the single-SIM AT&T 950, and have done 2 restores. When I first go the phone, I restored from my last backup off my 920 from the day before. Then I thought I had an issue that needed a hard reset (it didn't) and restored from a backup from the 950. Both seemed to work fine.

PS Not all apps brought user data over, but I think that is more an issue of app design, not the backup/restore.
Re: my short review of the lumia 950, after a day of use

thanks for your advice on this, yes got that all sorted and working now. strangely I have a mixture of yahoo and gmail accounts, but they are not in the app list, I managed to open the outlook app pinned that to the start and then as you say there is a hamburger menu.

thanks once again to all for the advice, would have took me days to get it sorted out.
I have been using my L950 for exactly a week now and I don't recognize my phone in the reviews I read here. Let me first describe what kind of user I am. I think I'm what you call a moderate user. Some internet, email, reading the news, shopping, banking, YouTube and some listening to music. I think I am actually using the phone around 4 to 5 hours a day. No games.

I set the phone up by restoring it from the back-up of my L920 that was running the latest build of W10M. Set-up was really smooth. Only thing was that the store was telling me there were updates for the pre installed apps that I had already removed. I solved that by starting the updates and then immediately cancelling them. I set-up Glance (always on in night mode) and Hello.

I didn't change much in the standard settings and with Glance and Hello activated and Bluetooth and wifi always on, my battery life is really great. Even better than my L920 when it is was still on WP8. I pick it up from the wireless charger around 07:00 and at the end of the day, 23:00 I have always 20% or more left.

Hello is working great for me (wearing glasses). I find it more accurate and faster than the fingerprint scanner on my iPad Air 2. I just have to hold it at my normal reading distance, not look at the screen but at the top of the screen where the actual infrared scanner is located and maybe open my eyes just a little bit wider than I do normally (it doesn't look funny :wink:)

Camera is, compared to the L920 and my son in law's iPhone 6S +, outstanding. Also no need to change much to the standard settings. I love the possibility to change lighting after taking the picture.

Maybe I just received one of the few good ones but I am loving it. Only waiting for my Mozo cover ordered at Mobilefun. Anyone here already received any of the Mozo covers from them? They keep postponing blaming Mozo.
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Re: my short review of the lumia 950, after a day of use

thanks for your advice on this, yes got that all sorted and working now. strangely I have a mixture of yahoo and gmail accounts, but they are not in the app list, I managed to open the outlook app pinned that to the start and then as you say there is a hamburger menu.

thanks once again to all for the advice, would have took me days to get it sorted out.

My pleasure, you're welcome. :) These forums are a pretty good place in terms of help.
I have just taken delivery of a Lumia 950. The instructions make very clear NOT to press the power button until you have inserted a SIM. I lifted the phone out of its packaging to look at it, and then put it back into the packaging, but turned round 180 degrees. What can POSSIBLY be wrong with that? The packaging is shaped so if you put it back in the moulded packaging the other way round (unless you look really closely the depression into which the phone fits is the same both sides) it depresses and holds in the power button, so it fires up. Awesome fail, and I've done nothing yet!!!! I couldn't stop it initially booting up. Hope it hasn't messed something up.
No battery drain issues for me yet. Went to bed last night with it at 100%, played with it a bit before going to sleep. Woke up it was at 87%. Not bad.

Only bug I've come across is the Outlook Mail not opening pictures in emails. I didn't notice it until after I had synced all my music and everything so I don't really want to do a hard reset after all of that. Hopefully MS puts out a fix soon. Ah well.
For anybody wondering about audio quality:

Earlier I synced my 950 with my itunes library using the Windows Phone app for desktop like I had done in the past with my Lumia 1020. It all worked flawlessly and even synced my playlists and album art etc.

Audio quality with earphones is VERY good albeit a little on the quiet side. Probably the closest to iPhone audio quality of any phone I've tried (I'd say the iphone still has the best audio quality using earphones). The equalizer is good and the ability to create a custom equalizer profile is awesome. I tested this using a pair of RHA-t10i earphones.
After two weeks of using my 950 I have decided that I can live with the win10 bugs and cheap feel of the phone. I know that I wouldn't be happier with an iPhone or nexus, but I wish that mobile win10 were fully baked. Here are my main complaints.

1. It is ridiculously difficult to close browser tabs. The X is so small.
2. Driving mode refuses to actually ignore texts.
3. Apps crash all the time. Today it was photos and messaging.
4. Battery life has actually been pretty bad for me.
5. The phone's design is uninspired.

I don't think that the 950 is worth it unless you actively dislike the other options and have been burned by used 1520s or icons. I fit neatly in that group, so here's to hoping that updates fix most of my problems in the near future.
Just wanted to add Carphone Warehouse are starting to ship phones next week, just got my delivery email...

Now to make my mind up about the Mozo Case and if the 950 works with the Nokia DT-910?
I received mine on 11/25/15. I really like this phone. The battery life is good and I haven't run into any problems. The camera is just beyond belief. Any apps I use are there. The display is great. If I'm to complain about anything, it is that, to me, the phone is too big. I much preferred the size of my previous phone, the HTC 8X. That phone was also really nice, until it started having issues - something was failing though I don't know what. If that hadn't occurred, I wouldn't have purchased another phone. I've had iphone (twice) and found it boring and I find the android phones are (to me) a hot mess. Personal preference.
Again, no problems, as it has been performing flawlessly. :love:

AND, I forgot to add, I can see the screen when I'm outdoors. That is a big plus.
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Got mine today still downloading all the updates so will wait till that is done before giving my final verdict and playing around with it :P, only thing I would put a down on is three mobile have not detected my MMS settings so I will need to put these in manually :D
Battery life is good so far... 16 hours of heavy usage drained the battery for the first time.
Left the phone at 72% and in the morning it was at 68%... i am quite happy after all those negative things about heavy battery drain.
Battery life is good so far... 16 hours of heavy usage drained the battery for the first time.
Left the phone at 72% and in the morning it was at 68%... i am quite happy after all those negative things about heavy battery drain.
Mine is loosing 10% during 8 hours overnight and 16 hours heavy use seems impossible so far :(
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