[Quick Impressions] Who Has Gotten The Lumia 950?

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What can improve the battery:
When activating the phone, click on Customize and remove all options for sending information to Microsoft.
Switch to 3G if you don''t need 4G
set Glance to 15 sec.
Disable double tap to lock
WIndows Hello - off
Hey cortana - off
Show notification banners (for some apps like Messengers and others) -> Off ( you will only hear sound when you receive a message and the screen won't turn on)
Auto Display Brightness -> Off
Positives ++++ Windows tiles/tile folders is more ergonomic and intuitive than Android swipe. Windows Hello removes the enter pin nark. Wifi calling transforms your real bad indoors network provider connection into crystal clear call audio. Excellent battery life. Great design of the back cover to allow virtually any material to be used as a replacement. 148 GB of storage space. Excellent camera and audio video playback. Continium is genius.

Negatives----- Having a set of number keys at the top of the keyboard on both pages for usernames that need numbers, Skygo not compatible
Though I'm not crazy about the new fonts, wire frame icons and hamburger menus my biggest peeve is not being able to hide the navigation bar through settings app. If you can swipe up to bring it back you should be able to make it go away. Not all developers put this setting in their apps. Microsoft included. This should be implemented in the system.

Before anyone suggests it, yes I did send it to Windows Feedback through the app on the 950.
WiFi calling works really well on EE, it's a good thing as reception isn't great where I live.
WiFi calling works really well on EE, it's a good thing as reception isn't great where I live.
Yes, but HOW does it work? According to AT&T's WiFi calling page, the options should just appear in phone settings, but I see none of that. I do have HD Voice enabled. So, this means AT&T doesn't support WiFi Calling on the 950? Yet?
How long has the WiFi calling been working?

I got a 950 at one of the insider events last Wednesday and WiFi calling worked well for two days, also on EE. I then got a SIM update message asking for a reboot - This has removed the WiFi calling option from the phone completely. Which is quite annoying.

Maybe it's because mine is SIM free.
For me it is an option... All settings/mobile and sim/sim settings/wifi calling and also an option which you prefer as a default...
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In the UK it is network provider specific and used as a carrot for a contract. Basically it deducts from your inclusive minutes like a normal call but most contracts are now unlimited minutes so it is effectively free.
In the UK it is network provider specific and used as a carrot for a contract. Basically it deducts from your inclusive minutes like a normal call but most contracts are now unlimited minutes so it is effectively free.

Thanks. I get that.

My point was, I had the option available and selected, then received an update two days later which has removed the option completely - It's not greyed out or anything, it's just not there.

I am on contract with EE, but the phone was purchased elsewhere. Was your phone from EE or was it SIM free?
I have also received the sim update or death as well, I am trying to find out why now.. I think it is their systems have not been updated to allow wifi calling on this phone with it only being out a few days. I purchased my 950 thru EE. I will keep you posted what they say?

Update EE advised me to do a hard reset and after reset another sim update installed and wifi calling is back. I am not sure if it it was the hard reset that caused this or they updated the sim their side so I would call them it might save you resetting the phone...
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That sounds right.

I just ran the Windows Device Recovery Tool to do a full restore... booted up and there was no option, received a SIM update, rebooted, and the option has returned.

Hopefully it'll stay this time.
Well I have had another sim update of death... so don't update again!! Nobody seems to know what the story is at EE I will keep pursuing them until I get an answer...

Update ... EE are looking into it, at the moment they cannot confirm but as we know it works fine as long as you don't update... I can confirm that backing up and restore doesn't effect this setting. So you can restore a previous back up and the sim still resets back to wifi calling.
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Well I have had another sim update of death... so don't update again!! Nobody seems to know what the story is at EE I will keep pursuing them until I get an answer...

Update ... EE are looking into it, at the moment they cannot confirm but as we know it works fine as long as you don't update... I can confirm that backing up and restore doesn't effect this setting. So you can restore a previous back up and the sim still resets back to wifi calling.

It's a bit of a mess at the moment then.

Mine's still working at the moment, since I did a full restore. Not sure for how long though...
It's a bit of a mess at the moment then.

Mine's still working at the moment, since I did a full restore. Not sure for how long though...

Well second restore seems to have solved it for me + a wifi connection signal booster box for free(which I know I don't need but hey never look a gift horse in the mouth)... Fingers crossed
ME :) Sofar i'm very pleased with my first WinPhone, after years of Andoid :) This simplicity still thrills me.

BUT!!!! How do i turn off the screen complitly? right now the screen displays the time and date all the time :(
ME :) Sofar i'm very pleased with my first WinPhone, after years of Andoid :) This simplicity still thrills me.

BUT!!!! How do i turn off the screen complitly? right now the screen displays the time and date all the time :(

Settings>Extras>Glance Screen... you can make your choices there.
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