[Quick Impressions] Who Has Gotten The Lumia 950?

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I have received and set up my Lumia 950, finally. The setup was easy except I had to call AT&T to activate my phone. Apparently the instructions within the box did not apply to me. However, once the call was made it did activate the phone.

My first impression was how warm the phone became while downloading the many updates. However, it is working fine at this point. Battery power seems good so far, as I am still within the first 24 hours of using this phone. I had no problems with my installation of the SIM card and a 64 G memory card. All of my data from the previous phone came through except for the apps, and I have installed most of them with no problem.
This phone feels large, thin, and the buttons a bit strange. However, it is working perfectly. I will try out the camera tonight. I am still arranging the tiles to my liking. So far, I like this phone a lot. I had a 1020, but it was very large and the screen got a crack. I have been using a 520 Lumia and it was a good phone, but this is looking like a great one so far. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Ok, it is now day 2, and several things I have noticed. Recharging makes the phone a bit on the warm side, however it is quicker than my older phones. The first charge lasted a bit more than 24 hours, and the bluetooth worked fine in my car. I need to test the USB cable in my car (Altima) as well. Memory card is working great...highly recommended and I have put several songs on the card already. (Note: I purchased the San Disk extreme recommended by a review on windows central) So far, it continues to look like a winner to me.
So disappointed with the 950 I am actually amazed how Microsoft messed up this Lumia.
If you are happy with your current Lumia DO NOT get this phone.

This is the only Lumia I have owned that will hang after taking continuous photos. You will get a saving message for 5 seconds each time you take a photo. By that time you have already missed allot of great shots. (and yes I have a class 10 sdcard)
The native camera app is so buggy it gets confused switching from Camera to Video. I usually start and stop recording when taking videos and this Lumia will have trouble responding. I ensure the only app thats running is the camera and it still struggles.
There is also a delay for the new photos or videos before they show up in the picture gallery.
When you attempt to view the videos you just took the phone will struggle to show the videos it almost looks like a slide show.
I am not a big app person but MS office randomly locks up when using this phone which is sad because office should be native to this phone. In some cases the phone will blank out when you close multiple apps you have to turn it back off and on again. Battery usage is bad if you just do a simple video trimming on 1 or two videos it will consume about %10 to %30 of the battery. The phone is just too buggy I have experienced so much problems with the 950 than any other Lumia phone that I have owned. My old 920 with a shattered screen is far more dependable than this. Its just too bad that I am stuck with it for the next 2 years. The Lumia 830 is way way far better than the Lumia 950 again DO NOT get this phone.
.. One more thing the search brings up apps and contacts or web results in previous Lumias. They just made search for the 950 only for the internet which is just dumb.
This is my last post regarding my 950. The battery life has improved to over 48 hours at this point. I have started to use Microsoft Edge on the phone and it seems to work very well. I decided to delete the older ESPN and Flickr apps since the internet browser works better than the apps anyway. I love that. So far, this appears to be one of the best phones I've purchased to date. My wife has a new iPhone 6s, and honestly I like my phone better, much better.
Welcome to everyone- new happy 950 owner on board:)
Just bought it 3 hours ago, so now installing .29 update and lets se what this thing can do.
I also have lumia 640 so am awared of some w10m issues and still couldn't be more happy.

3 days ago I purchased sony xperia z5 compact... but I couldn't stay with android more than 2 entire days, so returned it yesterday!!!

950 is a bit taller than 640 but still very comfortable for one hand use, I have no problems at all with it.
Screen is soooooo superb, bright, vivid, crisp.....
The plastic back cover- I love it, I can't understand why other phones are made of glass or aluminium. Most people uses covers to avoid scratches on those phones so they don't even touch it most of the time. When plastic cover brakes or it get scratched then I can easily replace it with a low costs and that's the point!!! Don't you think guys?
The only thing I'm a bit affraid is the type-c usb and its availability, I mean I like to know that whenever I go there's always a cable-connection (like with micro usb all over the world), but I also know that this is a new standard so sooner or later everyone will have type -c ports........ and accessories.
I've had Lumia 950 for a month now and I'm loving it so far. It's gorgeous with the brown leather Mozo cover and the user experience is very good. After .29 update I haven't experienced any app crashes or problems. My previous phone was an Android and before that I had an iPhone, and I feel Lumia 950 surpasses them in many ways. However now I have to avoid using my phone when raining because I don't trust that Mozo cover. My previous phone was water-resistant which I liked. I also ordered Band 2 and I can't wait to use it with this phone.
I have had the Lumia 950 2 weeks now and very happy with it. I have always had Android phones and was looking to try something new.
I actually like my 950 more than my 925 I had. Even though the 950 doesn't have aluminum sides, I have actually grown to like this new phone so much more. Running .29 since I got this Nov.30. Even though there were a few minor issues with restarts, it is performing smoothly now. Great OS.
My review is based on the Insider Preview of Windows 10 mobile (the .63 build) with the latest 950 firmware installed too.

What I like -

Screen size and resolution. The 950 is the ideal size for me, and the super hi-resolution screen (>500 ppi) ensure text and pictures and bright and clear. I've upped the text scaling to 130% just so text remains clear when I don't have my glasses on. This helps with text lists such as the Settings menu

Glance screen, until you have this you don't realise how useful it is to have the screen show alerts for messages etc. without consuming battery. Really missed this when moving from 925 to 930.

Fast charge and Qi charging. The Type C USB means a full charge is about 60 mins with the included mains power pack. I found the 950 works fine with cheap Qi charging pucks off Ebay, no need to pay top ? for branded Qi units. Again, very useful to have these and IIRC Ikea is now including Qi in some tables.

Navigation controls on screen (back/home/search) - I was a bit wary of not having proper buttons in the bezel, however these on-screen controls work OK and re-orientate when the phone is in landscape mode which is useful.

The speaker is loud and clear which is ideal for impromptu teleconferences with several people around a table

Micro SD Card support - I used a 32GB card and set the phone to store videos and photos on the card. No problems with a Sandisk card.

Integration with Windows 10. Features likes Windows desktop Cortana announcing a missed call on the phone and typing text messages on the desktop which the phone then sends I find very useful. Hopefully 'Redstone' will increase integration across W10 devices.

Also, I replaced the case back with a Mozo unit. Not because I thought the case looked cheap, just it's so slim I wanted a case with rubber-coated sides to avoid the phone flipping out my hand!
My last phone before Lumia 950 was Samsung S5 Mini. I was tired of waiting Android lollipop update, so i went to buy Lumia 950.
I was satisfied but two things i worry about is battery time and usb-c charger. I'm the only one in my friends list who uses this kind of charger.

Ok, now the battery.... my s5 mini had 2000mAh battery, and with pretty heavy use it lasted a whole day and end of the day 20-30% , but Lumia with moderate usage i still lost 10% or more with one hour of use. Battery just drains really fast.

Whatsapp causes the phone speaker to make buzzyng and clicking noise, so i had to move to telegram :/

But there are also good things:
Beautiful screen
Glance Screen, best thing ever
Voice quality
Camera takes beautiful photos

And sorry my English :)
I dropped a 64GB memory card into my 950 and was pleased to find Groove Music was OK with FLAC. I was also pleased the player/DAC handled 192/24 hi-rez FLAC, TBH I didn't expect that!:excited:

Will do some listening with my Ultimate Ears Triple fi 10 and Denon AH-C400 Earphones
I have the 925 and the only think I have about it is battery life. Now I'm torn between the 950 and the Jade Primo. Hard to choose.
I have the 925 and the only think I have about it is battery life. Now I'm torn between the 950 and the Jade Primo. Hard to choose.
My Samsung Focus WM7.8 finally quit on me yesterday while I was waiting for Lumia 950 to be delivered before February 8.
So I decided to go to local MS store (Toronto area) and see what they are offering and what I can buy right away.
Last time I was at the store and I really did not pay attention to Lumia 950 because I always trust Nokia quality.
So yesterday I decided to take a closer look. Sorry to all people who loves the model, but I am going to say Lumia 950 looks cheap.
This is not a $750 phone plus 13% tax = $847 Yes, screen is amazing, camera is outstanding, but plastic and those buttons makes the phone to feel cheep.I was holding the phone and really do not have the same feeling as I do when I hold my Nokia 920.
I really liked Nokia Lumia 830, but the price tag was $500 is too expensive for the older model.
I canceled my Lumia 950 order and for now I bought Lumia 550 - great well designed budget phone.
I will be using this phone until Surface Phone will be released or better flagship phone will be designed.
Welcome to everyone- new happy 950 owner on board:)
Just bought it 3 hours ago, so now installing .29 update and lets se what this thing can do.
I also have lumia 640 so am awared of some w10m issues and still couldn't be more happy.

3 days ago I purchased sony xperia z5 compact... but I couldn't stay with android more than 2 entire days, so returned it yesterday!!!

950 is a bit taller than 640 but still very comfortable for one hand use, I have no problems at all with it.
Screen is soooooo superb, bright, vivid, crisp.....
The plastic back cover- I love it, I can't understand why other phones are made of glass or aluminium. Most people uses covers to avoid scratches on those phones so they don't even touch it most of the time. When plastic cover brakes or it get scratched then I can easily replace it with a low costs and that's the point!!! Don't you think guys?

I've also bought a 950 a couple of days ago - for me, I'm not sure whether i should spend almost $800 canadian on this phone. I'm loving the phone so far. Also considering 640 - since you've both, can i just return this and buy a 640 which is a lot cheaper? Is there a big performance downgrade from 950? What's your thoughts on this downgrade?
It is not $800 CAN, it's $847 CAN. I did not like MS Lumia 950 because of the buttons.
Previously purchased MS Lumia 550 was returned to the store only because of the camera performance. Lumia 550 is great entry level phone with WM 10. OS on the phone is responsive and I did not have any major problems. I did not have enough time to play with the phone to find some issues, because I found brand new Lumia 830 on kijiji.
Just go to the local store and take a look at this model. It's 1.5 year old but well designed. I think you can buy it for $499 from MS local store only, or search kijiji. I am looking forward to install WM10 on this device. If there was same buttons and the same phone body factor on MS Lumia 950 I would buy 950 without any doubt.
You can go to gsmarena website and compare these models. This website has well built-in 'Compare' functionality.
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