[Quick Impressions] Who Has Gotten The Lumia 950?

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Re: That was quick...

OK i took the plunge I have an iPhone 6 and i had a 1520, i picked up a 950, quick impression this phone is no 1520 its not nearly as sturdy that being said i still think its a decent phone, not going to get a new back cover as i will be putting it in a case. i'm putting on the .29 build now and will come back on my experiences
Set it all up, got my apps installed and contacts transferred and so far i'm digging the phone, it updated to version.29 of the FW and that took awhile, i'm noticing a little loading lag but not as bad as I've seen on the XL, the Super Amoled screen is pretty accurate and not oversaturated as the samsung. i'm going to take it out on its first trip into work with me tomorrow see how it fairs so far i'm liking the size and the phone, ordered a case from amazon it will be here on Thursday.
So, as someone how came from a s6 edge+ i need to say i do still need to get used not not just the smaller screen but also W10 itself.
At first glance the phone looks great however the plastic back cover can feel a bit cheap at times, however that's by far the only complaint i have on the outside of the phone. A few points so far,

- the smaller screen is something i have to get used to!
- Since i'm so used to app's looking a specific way moving on to WPhone things look different ( not always a good thing ) But for the most part it's great
- Screen is responsive and smooth just how i and i think all of us like to see it!
- The camera is great, i'm not to sure if it's better than the s6 edge+ but it does look that way

There are a things however that i wished would have changed since my L800:
As said many times the lack of Official app's like Youtube, Etc, Etc makes you want to go over to Microsoft and push them to get those app's on there platform asap.

For those asking why i made the switch to WPhone, since my contract ended i had the chance to go back into w10 phones.
I just wanted to see how much the W10 echo system had changed since my L800 and it's improved allot since than,
Of course there are still things that could/should be changed but only time will tell.
I will keep updating this post if i find that it's time to update it with new findings.
I got my 950 two weeks ago. I love it :-)
Especially the fact it charges super fast. Two hours from 0% to 100% like that... Really impressive.
I don't like the fact it heats up while charging. Makes me avoid using it until it's at 100%. The camera is fantastic. Feel of device is nice. I like the size. I am using a back holder which is very convenient.
Easiest OS. I tried every single phone available. I love windows 10!!
App store is very un mature. A lot of fun apps are missing. I'm sure later on we will have them. But that is a killer for some people.
Screen and colors is great. Keyboard is okay, nothing special. I wish they used different material for turn off and camera side button. While I am talking my fingers press them.
Actually I agree with you in many areas. But I recommend you to get the Surface 3 ASAP! I sold my MacbookPro and got a Surface 3. I am loving it. It is light, beautiful, carry it around everywhere. Use it for business 100% and for pleasure.
I really utilize it to the max. Plex streaming directly from Surface via Cast or through iPad and Apple TV. IT is my Plex Server.
You have to get it. It replaced my laptop and I don't feel I'm missing anything.
Coming back to the Lumia 950 I love it as well. Only issue is heating up while charging or while over using certain apps. But other than that it's pretty nice. OS is better then iPhone and Android.
I think Microsoft made a great move when they came out with W10. Now the connectivity between Surface 3 and 950 is fantastic.
Next step I'm getting the Contimuum to connect my 950 to my 42 Inch TV. Connect my hard disk to continuum and I can stream movies and
I got the AT&T 950. Overall it has been a good device but the odd bugs in WM10 have been troublesome.

The phone will sometimes stop notifying me of events (calls, texts, emails, calendar/cortana reminders etc). If I open the actual app (messaging for example) the item I should have been notified about is in there. Rebooting solves it but it eventually starts doing that again.

Edge sometimes loads a blank white page instead of the actual webpage. (I can see the page in tab icon view) Manually exiting Edge (hold back then hit the X) will solve this temporarily.

On some websites, clicking a link doesnt do anything, nor does holding down on it to try and get a copy/open in tab option. Usually if I try enough times I can get it to finally work.

I've been having these issues on every Fast Ring version that has been released since the first week of Lumia 950's release so I'm hoping its a bug they havent fixed and not a goofy HW issue with the 950.
Got mine today... anything I should know? I restored from backup, but that was 2 years ago. I'm probably gonna start fresh since my photos are on SkyDrive aka OneDrive. The messages didn't come back... so I might as well start fresh. 100+ apps locked up on the install.

Anyone know tweaks or things I should do to enjoy using the device more?
Got mine today... anything I should know? I restored from backup, but that was 2 years ago. I'm probably gonna start fresh since my photos are on SkyDrive aka OneDrive. The messages didn't come back... so I might as well start fresh. 100+ apps locked up on the install.

Anyone know tweaks or things I should do to enjoy using the device more?

Start from scratch. Updates the OS and firmware first without updating the apps. When this is done let it update all the apps and then use the Transfer my data app to get your contacts, messages etc.

Hope this helps!
I replaced my iPhone 6S with a Lumia 950 Dual Sim. Now I am using two sim cards in one phone.
To be honest I do miss SnapChat and a Nice Twitter App. But I am okay with the current APPS on W10 and I can live without SnapChat...
I am really enjoying the 950 and it's really fun to use. Like you said the colors and screen is amazing. Plus the Camera is excellent.
I also sold my old MacBook Pro and I purchased a Surface 3. I love it. My iPad Air is been lying power off since I got my Surface 3. I am using my Surface as my business laptop and it's excellent. I can't complaint and I am loving it. I don't know why you canceled your order. I recommend you reorder it. It's fantastic.

Now I am using 950 and Surface 3!!!!
Love the camera on the 950 it take amazing pictures. It the most important feature of the phone for me. Better than crapple 6s.

Being able to plug-in sim to have extra capacity pictures and movies when I'm traveling or out with friends is awesome feature. I only send my favorites to OneDrive (cloud).

Fast charging is really nice. Also being able to swap battery's when mine goes bad is awesome.

I love hello. If standing with a light source behind you than it doesn't work that well. Now I know that if I see my reflection to move and then I'm in.

Having native Outlook on the phone has been awesome for work. Crapple phones will not accept calendar invites, or forward them, or it sometimes will reply back a hundred times to the person who send the calendar invite. Also having direct to corporate directory and to add into phone contacts seamlessly is wonderful (to be honest not sure if crapple phone can do).

Some folks have reported issue with Edge but, it works great for me so far. All my favorites have synchronized form my Windows 10 laptop is awesome. I personally would like the industry to make mobile versions of their website or an app if possible. Hotel Tonight's site works great in Edge as one example. I will confess I'm looking forward to Bank of America app on Windows 10 phone to be able to deposit checks. You can't do that through any browser on any platform unfortunately.

I always have clear jelly case on my phone so I have no issue feel of the case. I love the fact that I can replace it and that it has wireless charging. Nice feature too!
Re: That was quick...

I love my 950. It ran warm initially during what was an intense updating process, but it hasn't been an issue since. IMO, it was well worth what I paid for it.
I recently had to change from T-mobile to AT&T, and while at the AT&T store, they handed me my SIM card tray backwards and I foolishly jammed it into my 925 without paying attention. Managed to get it back out with a jeweler's screwdriver... but it took one of the SIM card contacts with it and somehow killed the vibrate motor on the 925. So this week, I got a 950 from eBay on the relative cheap. So far, I'm pretty impressed, especially with the camera! I had been running Win10 preview on the 925, which was good for the most part but flaky with any moving video (enough to reboot the phone sometimes). The 950 has none of those issues and has been a pretty pleasant experience so far. I was surprised to find that the 950 still works with my DT910 charging stands, though not if I put a case on it apparently. Tried the iris scanner thing... and it works if I open my eyes wide like a psychopath, but isn't something I see me using every time I want to unlock my phone. Other than that, reception is great and the mic/speaker quality is superb. Still assessing the battery life, but so far it doesn't seem much different than my 925 was. So far, I'm pretty happy with the purchase!
In addition to this I'd recommend disconnecting your iCloud account from your Lumia 950 after transferring contact details and such. I've had issues with saving new contacts on my Lumia 950 through iCloud. It would be better to set your default contacts dictionary to Outlook.
Do you guys think it would be worth eating the Verizon ETF just so I can purchase a 950? I am seriously regretting going into a contract on Verizon and still have 10 months left on it. Also, I could go with an ATT Go Phone plan at $40 a month plus $549 for the phone. It is only that ETF that is holding me back. :( (I have an HTC One M8 for Windows at the moment.)
Do you guys think it would be worth eating the Verizon ETF just so I can purchase a 950? I am seriously regretting going into a contract on Verizon and still have 10 months left on it. Also, I could go with an ATT Go Phone plan at $40 a month plus $549 for the phone. It is only that ETF that is holding me back. :( (I have an HTC One M8 for Windows at the moment.)

The One M8 is still a great handset, I went from the 930 to the 950, and though I love the 950, it's not as big a difference as some may be looking for. The camera on the One M8 is not fantastic though, so you would definitely be getting a substantial upgrade in that department.
Hi guys, after 3.5 years with Lumia 820, I got Lumia 950. I followed 950 forum since the release of it and know the good parts and shortcomings of Lumia 950. Though I'll experience them first hand now and will be able to decide myself.

I actually don't like spending flagship amount of money on a smartphone, I am more of a Lumia 8xx series guy but Microsoft didn't release 8xx this year. I like having a good camera and didn't want to give up sensors like compass. I also wanted to be sure that phone does not lag. So I went with 950 instead of 650. 950 XL is too big for me and 950's processor performance is plenty for me. Also I don't think Surface Phone will change the game and it will probably be released in minimum 1 year from now on (at least in Turkey) so I didn't want to wait that much to get benefits of Windows 10. So 950 was the best suitable choice for me in the lack of 850.

Ok let's see how long I'll be using 950.

Very happy with the phone. The screen size is a bit bigger than 930, but not too big. 950XL is too big and the button placement is too close together.

Battery life is really good, speedy, responsive. I don't get people complaining that its plastic and a flagship cannot be plastic. I am pretty happy its plastic and has a removable cover so I can replace the battery myself, add SD card and change the cover. This is more flagship for me since I can customize the phone without adding extra weight with additional covers.

I am a late comer to the smartphone world, and my first was a Lumia 620, followed by Lumia 735 then 930 and now 950.
Picked up the International Version and this thing is stunning to say the least.. I like the look and feel of it.. it is very light and has a nice gripping surface... Windows 10 Mobile is impressively fast...

I remember when the first hand held phone hit the market (you know the one on Miami Vice) and boy we have come a LONG way in a fairly short amount of time.

As a phone the call quality is very nice indeed the person on the other end sounds crisp and clear.
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