[Quick Impressions] Who Just Got The Lumia 950 XL?

Pictures are fantastic, I caught my wife after her shower & the camera captured more than I could see. I'm running the same OS version as I was on the 1520, so, really NO difference.

Hmmm... I'm not getting the same thing with my 950 XL. I'll need to see those pics for verification. :straight::straight::straight:
Yeah, the phone is light, but it's still heavier than must flagships such as the iPhone 6s Plus although it is a bit bigger. Still, it is an amazing phone overall, minus the bugs and things.
Yes, I did know I wasn't buying a Blackberry, which is what I stated myself. So I don't really hold it against the Lumia that it hasn't got a physical keyboard, since it's not that kind of a phone. But, MY experience is that I miss that. As I missed it when I was using a Z10 and Z30. So to me, personally, that is a con.

But the other stuff, apart from a notification LED, is software. And I really feel that it could be better, with this kind of solid hardware ready to power that. Unified inbox like a HUB is pure software, anybody could make that if they wanted to. But that is perhaps a difference in vision between Blackberry and MS. Could be that MS considered it but had good reason not to implement.

However, the one thing that amazes me is that whole notification profile thing. That is something that should really just be there. It is something that so many people have to cope with a couple a times a day, every day. And it is already there for screen brightness, so they know how to build the interface, how to make it toggle like that. Take it a small step further and you REALLY improve the experience by a lot. I can't be the only one that feels that way, surely?

So, to answer your first question: no, I am not yet sure if this phone is right for me. Which is why it is an experiment. As I stated quite clearly. So it will have a two week trial period and perhaps I'll sell on the Classic and keep this one, or sell on the Lumia 950 XL and look elsewhere. Priv, perhaps.

I ended up with a PRIV. Loving it!!!
I picked up a 950XL at the MS store last week for $278 (Veteran Discount). I bought two of them in Nov 2015 (one store pre-order and one on-line) and quickly returned them due to the not-ready-for-prime-time W10. Good phone now that WM10 is decent. I added a Mozo cognac leather back cover for $40 from Stockyfy. The wood backs look nice too but I think the smooth leather will look better with age and use while wood has no way to go but down.

Hello still doesn't work. In fact its worse than the 950XLs I bought in 2015 but I didn't expect it to and don't really care. The 2015 phones would never recognize my eyes with glasses and only around 25% with them off. The new 950XL doesn't even detect my eyes while trying to setup Hello.

Things I don't like as much as my 1520.3: (1) pointless screen resolution increase that eats power and adds cost. (2) smaller screen size (3) much worse battery life.

Things I like better than my 1520.3: (1) real blacks with OLED screen, (2) power/volume button layout (sue me), (3) no trays!!!, (4) user replaceable battery, (5) aftermarket back covers, (6) USB-C, (7) Continuum, (8) on-screen start, back and search keys.

I couldn't find my posts in this thread from 2015 but see posts asking me follow up questions. Strange.
Hello still doesn't work. In fact its worse than the 950XLs I bought in 2015 but I didn't expect it to and don't really care. The 2015 phones would never recognize my eyes with glasses and only around 25% with them off. The new 950XL doesn't even detect my eyes while trying to setup Hello.

Tough to hear, for what it's worth, no glasses here, but current 14393.693 actually improved windows hello for me. Which equates to a noticeably quicker, more accurate performance, less move closer prompts. I still type in the pin though.. if hello is faster so be it.

Would be nice to see the creators update where they get rid of some animations to have it speed up more.
Just picked up my 950 XL over the weekend. I had been trying the IDOL 4S for the past 3 weeks; amazing phone - great battery, wonderful screen, excellent high quality build feel; everything was perfect - except for the camera:( I need a better camera than the Alcatel.
So....i went to Amazon.ca and picked up the 'International' version of the 950 XL. It was $160 cheaper than the 'regular' one sold in the Microsoft Canada store. The instructions are in German, and the charger has the European plug on it. Although it's still taking me a while to get used to the cheap 'plastic' Lumia feel again, i'm so impressed with the camera! Amazing pics!
Question: i've attached some benchmark screenshots. It shows that my phone is listed as a different model than the regular 950 XL. Has anybody seen this before?
Yes,it's normal.When you check,you will see that "RM-1085_12547" is nokia lumia 950xl.
Enjoy your new phone and welcome to club! :)
I just did the EXACT same thing, for the EXACT same reason, only I think mine is coming from China. Does anyone know the best way to go about getting the latest update without all the bugs that I've heard from this site.

I haven't been on windows since my beloved ATIV SE, but I've been interested in the 950 XL for a while, just because of how my 928 took amazing images. I've been a photographer hobbyist for a while, and can't over look a good camera on a phone.
i got mine 950xl for more than a month... and im still happy with it
i hope the camera features from the 930 will be available soon with the 950xl and 950 like the refocus, actionshot, selfie, and cinemagraph
i got mine 950xl for more than a month... and im still happy with it
i hope the camera features from the 930 will be available soon with the 950xl and 950 like the refocus, actionshot, selfie, and cinemagraph

I am super impressed and very happy with the camera so far! I came over from the Alcatel IDOL S4; it was the perfect phone for me....except for the camera; it was too weak to overcome all of the other phone strengths. the 950 XL camera is noticeably all-around better (focus, colour, detail, balance, exposure, speed). Super happy with it!
This is an amusing thread to read. I still have my 950xl, having received it in December '15.


The device feels less than ideal compared to my x3 but still takes fantastic photos. Better than my son's S7. My only gripes are with the power button being too close and between the volume keys and the horrid sound quality compared to any Iphone or my HTC One M8.

Now that I'm on a newer phone, the screen on the 950xl seems plastic like. Nit sure why.

Sent from mTalk
i got mine 950xl for more than a month... and im still happy with it
i hope the camera features from the 930 will be available soon with the 950xl and 950 like the refocus, actionshot, selfie, and cinemagraph
Refocus lens on 950XL ... I don't know why they stop one of the more unique app in mobiledom. Although I'm glad its still available on my spare 1520. Friends of mine been boasting about refocus-like function on their Huawei P9, it rankles.

... !!
This is an amusing thread to read. I still have my 950xl, having received it in December '15.

Lumia 950XL Review – The Perfect Reign

The device feels less than ideal compared to my x3 but still takes fantastic photos. Better than my son's S7. My only gripes are with the power button being too close and between the volume keys and the horrid sound quality compared to any Iphone or my HTC One M8.

Now that I'm on a newer phone, the screen on the 950xl seems plastic like. Nit sure why.

Sent from mTalk

I take a ton of pictures, so i'm super happy with the camera; took it up skiing today, and my pics turned out great! (I'm trying to add a pic to this reply, but it won't let me for some reason...)

I know what you mean about the 'plastic' feel of the screen. The IDOL 4S glass screen seems to much more 'premium'; the 4S also is way brighter; i ran it with the brightness on 50%, and it looked amazing. When i got my 950 XL, and set it to 50%, it looked dull; i've set it to 75%, and it looks close to the IDOL, but that 'plastic' look is still there...
Doesn't your X3 seem to large and clunky? I played around with one in the Microsoft store in Toronto, and it seemed huge!
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Got my 950XL about a week ago, still understanding its configuration, facilities but love it. Love the flat UI layout, much preferable to Apple and Android. Don't utilise many apps, concentrating on Outlook, Edge, Messaging. Attempted Hello but need a quiet, bright area I think, as didn't allow me to logon using my saved profile.

Bit of a pain to get Outlook and Messaging to alert me when emails, texts arrive but after posting on a windows forum, some kind soul helped me out. The 950XL provides basic descriptions and constant searching to work out some features are required but I'd expect that of any complex phone, including iOS and Android.

I just don't like the variety of iOS and Android apps and their look and feel and the flat UI of Windows 10 on the phone is perfect for me. Overall, love it.
Got my 950XL about a week ago, still understanding its configuration, facilities but love it. Love the flat UI layout, much preferable to Apple and Android. Don't utilise many apps, concentrating on Outlook, Edge, Messaging. Attempted Hello but need a quiet, bright area I think, as didn't allow me to logon using my saved profile.

Bit of a pain to get Outlook and Messaging to alert me when emails, texts arrive but after posting on a windows forum, some kind soul helped me out. The 950XL provides basic descriptions and constant searching to work out some features are required but I'd expect that of any complex phone, including iOS and Android.

I just don't like the variety of iOS and Android apps and their look and feel and the flat UI of Windows 10 on the phone is perfect for me. Overall, love it.

when you make a windows hello set up raise your phone parallel to your face upright at a reasonable distance. i think this will make your windows hello better at unlocking your phone when you try to look down on it after. its my own experience

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