Rant : What is your Plan B?

At the moment I am pretty happy with my 950XL, and I am happy to stay with WP as long as the OS is usable, if that stops. I might switch to something crazy like Jolla if they ever come out with a new phone. But if my only choices are Android or IOS I will probably go with IOS, simply because they, like MS, seem to be pro-consumer by standing up against the government. The only downside is their prices, but Android/WP-phones have had a price hike recently as well, so it isn't as bad anymore.

My second choice would be a non-Google-Android, but not sure if that exists in the west.
I don't need a Plan B when Plan A is working so well for me.

I don't really think much of Paul's editorial there. He's overlooking the fact that hybrid laptops are becoming more popular than tablets and that Android/Apple tablets are little more than really big phones (without the phone). He also overlooks the corporate world.

As always, people seem to be blinkered into the "market share" view. Microsoft is providing customers with ways of doing stuff - Windows 10 is good at doing stuff. If people don't want to do stuff the Microsoft way, then they can choose something else (where Microsoft happens to provide ways of helping people do stuff as well).
Here's Paul spreading more gloom, this time predicting the death of Windows and x86

Absolutely agree. The fact that Paul is predicting the end of WM means nothing to me. He has been wrong with virtually everything relating to Microsoft and Windows for the last 5 years or so. I don't really understand what goes on in his head.

The media, so called "pundits", and the general public have never been able to think a few steps into the future. Microsoft have now to 90% (or so) completed what both Apple and Google will at one stage also have to do, namely integrating mobile and desktop into the same OS. Why on earth would you want to keep two OS's when we know with a 100% certainty that processors with the capacity of todays most powerful desktop machines will very soon fit into devices the size of mobile phones. Microsoft have done the right thing at three major levels: One OS for all devices, Software that runs on all platforms (including the web), and Investing in Cloud technology. Google has a chance to catch up, but Apple are so far behind I think they will be just a memory in 5-10 years time.

I am not spending any energy thinking of a plan B for two reasons 1) I am really happy with what I have. I have a Lumia 640 running Windows 10 and for me it is great on all levels, and as an added bonus it is also dirt cheap, and 2) With one OS for all devices how can Windows Mobile possibly go away? It just can't happen.
Perhaps a mobile rename is needed...Reboot 4.0..they can go far with this. Kidding aside I think one thing the OP said I cant see happening, the likes of FB etc leaving W10. The reason UWP apps exist is that the mobile versions are easy to develop for. Yes the amarket share is an abysmal 1% and that is 100% Microsofts fualt for a number of reasons. When that % increases so will the number of apps being launched for windows same time as Apple and Android. People are just fed up with the waiting, I know I am. I will however give the X3 a good look however, Microsoft knew the X3 was coming and yet still chose to say mobile is not a priority this year, this makes me feel a tad sorry for HP, they must be thinking that if the creator and partner doesnt give a ****, why are we pushing thier products and services.

Windows mobile is not dead yet...MS can sell nothing from today and it will still have a pulse in 10 years time. Anyhow..thank you Microsoft for taking me out of the yearly mobile upgrade loop we can get caught up in.
I recently made the jump from my HTC on Verizon to a Galaxy 7 Edge. What I miss to most, are the live tiles, and to be honest Outlook on Android is awful, as is the calendar. No Comparison to the Outlook Mail was on my W10 HTC. AND! There are NO Xbox games on Android as well. I Want my W10 Mobile back
Of what all rumors these past few days about the death of W10 Mobile has been disappointing. And if it happens it would be a sad end to a very promising OS. Microsoft shouldn't give up on it's mobile strategy easily because I feel that Smartphone industry is saturating and companies don't really know what next can you do expect improve the hardware specs. Currently its mostly used for data consumption.

Microsoft needs to push one last time and introduce their Surface phone with full Windows 10 capability where you can just connect your device to a bigger screen and there you go you have a full featured win32 enabled OS. Hope Microsoft is listening to its fan base.
OneDrive integration.did you even try OneDrive on android device- their android app is miles a head compared to abandoned windows phone 8.1 app.

Also outlook uwa on android is miles a head compared to windows 10 and dead 8.1

I tried. You're totally wrong. They are different, yes. But none of them is better.
I don't see any need for plan B. If Microsoft kills WM, what's the point of pushing UWP anyway?
They said 'Mobile' is not a priority as in hardware, they are not bothering with hardware this year, they are however doing a hell of a lot with Windows 10 which covers mobile devices also including HPs.
In fact having third parties create the actual hardware is exactly what MS wants, they want to create reference type devices, like surface and then their partners take that idea and run with it.
3) (this is for the above poster) outlook on android being cluttered does not necessarily make it superior. I've used it on a Nexus 5X and as powerful or feature rich it may be, Doze completely kills off the experience by delaying notifications and frequent slow downs at cost of battery improvements..something WM excels in.

Just FYI, you can take apps out of Doze if you wish to.

My two cents on this is I'm already on plan B (Android) and I'm waiting to see what happens with W10M. At the moment, Android works for me but I feel I'm a bit of a different user than some people so to each their own.

I personally don't see W10M being discontinued, more like a niche product like it's always been. We can't see the future so who knows what's coming?

According to some articles on this site it would appear smartphones are dying so let's see...
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No, I refuse to try anything Google, although I agree that feature-wise, Android is a closer replacement to Windows Mobile than iOS is; not sure of these apps.

Plus Google is evil.

My plan B is this one: Zopo Speed 8 is the Cheapest Top Performing Smartphone in the World! | ZOPO Mobile Official | Android Smartphones

Microsoft announced me two weeks ago that they're gonna cut down my OneDrive storage space from 30GB to 5GB. That was the last drop for me. Plus they won't come up with flagship phone models in the near future. IMO they've lost the game.

Edit: yeah, and about that "Google is evil" and "why to purchase those Chinese phones":
-almost every phone model manufactured nowadays is coming from China, whether it's a brand phone or not. So what's the point saying "why to purchase those Chinese phones?" They don't have any brand related additional price on them, like Samsung and iPhone.
-Google is evil? C'mon, IMO Apple is evil. Their iPhone is spreading like a cancer, they ask money for some of their services and their phones cost truckloads of money. Who's the evil one? Won't touch an iPhone ever, I'd rather go to Android...

If I were a mobile phone developer @ Microsoft, I'd try to develop and release a dual booting phone with Android and Windows. Now Microsoft is targeting their Lumia phones for business use but if they'd have dual booting phone(s) in their model range, they'd try to convince the potential customers to purchase the phone and use its Windows for their business and its Android for personal use. And if I remember correctly, they have a patent for that dual booting OS.
Android never IOS.....Android own %100 market share... I cant understand why people dislike it.....its changed a lot now.......... I love the choices with Apps!!! Using this one atm has an awesum theme.. makes me want to jump f/time.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.thefabulous.app&hl=en The more I look at Windows 10 on mobile, i just see the computer........I want something different for a phone experience. I have a cheapy Windows 10 to play with and my Samsung as my main driver...But i like to check in and peek if anything is mind blowing which hasn't happened for a year lol. I asked a few developers of my fav App this week regarding WPs and both said no!!! to much work!! bit dismal really
My plan B is this one: Zopo Speed 8 is the Cheapest Top Performing Smartphone in the World! | ZOPO Mobile Official | Android Smartphones

Microsoft announced me two weeks ago that they're gonna cut down my OneDrive storage space from 30GB to 5GB. That was the last drop for me. Plus they won't come up with flagship phone models in the near future. IMO they've lost the game.

They warned by mail for month since last summer about that, giving everyone the choice for stayin with 15 GB ( + 15 GB Roll bonus)
They warned by mail for month since last summer about that, giving everyone the choice for stayin with 15 GB ( + 15 GB Roll bonus)

Nope, they didn't. I complained about it into their Facebook page. Today I got the answer where they apologized and told me they could send me a voucher to keep at least 15Gb...
Plan A - stay with my old WP8.1 which just works and does what i need. accept absence of future updates.
Plan B - budget WM10.
Plan C - keep an eye on Tizen
Plan D - due to dementia, forget how awful android is and switch to android.

It must be the phone people use, most of my apps on android are paid and high quality!!! even better than WP.
Side note..I've not even put 10 on my Pc yet! i think Windows 7 is better...its a big waiting game but it gets tiring waiting. Facebook for 10 was released and Mobile once again later in the year it's just to long for me!!! I can use Facebook on android with full features!........Also people not trusting Google, well what makes you trust Microsoft??...
Maybe in the 90s! yes.......a phone now is more then calls Text...it tells me when to drink water! and whatever else!! ..If i wanted just that Id go buy a flip! I want social media on the go oh and those free messenger calls :D.
Android never IOS.....Android own %100 market share... I cant understand why people dislike it.....its changed a lot now.......... I love the choices with Apps!!! Using this one atm has an awesum theme.. makes me want to jump f/time.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.thefabulous.app&hl=en The more I look at Windows 10 on mobile, i just see the computer........I want something different for a phone experience. I have a cheapy Windows 10 to play with and my Samsung as my main driver...But i like to check in and peek if anything is mind blowing which hasn't happened for a year lol. I asked a few developers of my fav App this week regarding WPs and both said no!!! to much work!! bit dismal really

Android has 100% market share? Which universe?
Here's Paul spreading more gloom, this time predicting the death of Windows and x86

I do not necessarily agree with him, but yet he does have a point.

I read on this forum and other pro Microsoft forums that the world is moving to 1) mobile devices, and 2) apps from a Store rather than traditional x86 "programs". Who are the companies that are (currently) leading the pack in those categories?

Microsoft is trying to get in the mobile and app markets, but so far the results have been feeble at best. It is conceivable that the world does in fact move to mobile/apps and that Microsoft does not make the headway they're striving for. Who is going to be in the driver's seat if that happens?

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