Rant : What is your Plan B?

I think my plan B it's going back to iOS, but keep my kumis and hope for the best with the windows os, I really hate android so going to iOS it's the less bad choice for me
Yes, and I thought about purchasing it, but the BOGO from Microsoft convinced me to get the 950XL. Which I am greatly enjoying so far :).
What?!? Someone is enjoying the 950 XL without a band of shiny metal wrapped around the edges???? From all the whining I didn't think that was possible. :winktongue:
I'll probably give Android a shot. I almost pulled the trigger on switching a month ago before settling on the 650.

If I do make the jump, I'll be looking for stock or near-stock Android and avoid the bloatfest. I like what I've seen on the Nextbit Robin. May also be interested in the Nexus 5x or Moto X.
I already hit my Plan B because Verizon didn't have any new Windows Phone for me to upgrade to. Therefore, I'm now using a Galaxy S6. However, I have about 1.5 years left in my contract and hopefully by the time my contract is up, Verizon will finally have a new Windows Phone for me to upgrade to.
I already hit my Plan B because Verizon didn't have any new Windows Phone for me to upgrade to. Therefore, I'm now using a Galaxy S6. However, I have about 1.5 years left in my contract and hopefully by the time my contract is up, Verizon will finally have a new Windows Phone for me to upgrade to.

What are your impressions of Android? Thanks
Microsoft won't give up on Windows 10 Mobile mostly because it now requires so little effort to maintain. 90% of the dev is used in the desktop anyway, also true with Universal Apps.

The problem is mobile hardware. Microsoft appear to have halted everything with Lumia and now all hope rests on Surface Phone or 3rd party companies like HP or Xiaomi.

So I actually think now is a pretty great time to go to your Plan B. Grab a Nexus 5X or iPhone SE, enjoy Apps for 18 months and see where Microsoft are in mid-2017 with Surface Phone.

The Missing Apps will come to Windows. I know we joke but they will come purely on the success of Windows 10 (desktop). The install base is already at 300m, there's only so long Snapchat etc can ignore that many users and making one Universal App is a no brainer. This weeks new Facebook, Messenger & Instagram updates are a great nod to future commitments.

So these next 18 months are a great time to live with Android/iOS, you can always come back next year?

I agree, tho I'm returning from Android (L950 coming tomorrow). Android is terrible, different manufactures have there own bloat ware, year old devices don't get updates in a timely fashion and if you have a two year old or low budget phone you have no mission. Android only has apps on there side.

Apple have apps and a decent OS, slow to innovate etc. The phones cost top top end, contracts are usually dearer. Old phones slow down with updates till they are forgotten about.

Windows is not perfect but just works better. It's improving monthly, new phones on the horizon, with other manufactures joining. Apps is crap but it will change as Windows 10 grows and changes the computer seen into continuum. I believe it is a game changer. I'm sticking to W10M, Microsoft see it as there future.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
My tester 5s (2013) on iOS 9.3 still is very fluid and smooth. I do agree with it being slow to innovate, the OS basically has been the same for 5+ years.
I have been using Windows Mobile/Phone since 6.5 with a brief Android detour and an Apple workphone. Like most of you I have been a WP advocate among friends and family, but i am reaching the end of my rope as well.

I feel like there were 3 main things that made me fall in love with Windows Phone in the first place, but all of them are almost completely gone by now:

1, The unique "metro" design language with those endless scrolls of screens on the deep deep black of an amoled screen felt like you were holding a gadget from the future. I'll probably never be so awestruck by a phone like I was by my Lumia 800. This design has been watered up and gutted by MS through 8, 8.1 and now even more so with 10. The only thing that remains is the Live Tiles which I still love.

2, Reliability. Not only was I not able to remove the battery from my 800, but I never needed to. That OS was simply rock solid. Then you install WM 10...

3, The Nokia design. The colors, the unibody, those curved amoled screens... Then you see the 950/XL.

So, yes, I will hold on to my matt-orange 930 until I see if the Surface Phone is really the second coming of Christ, but if MS fails to deliver my Plan B is a top of the line Samsung with Android. I passionately hate Apple products...
My Plan B is iOS but I have had a huge attraction for the BlackBerry Priv as of late :p so maybe Android lol
What?!? Someone is enjoying the 950 XL without a band of shiny metal wrapped around the edges???? From all the whining I didn't think that was possible. :winktongue:

lol, yes. I am apparently one of the few who like polycarbonate. The screen is downright amazing, Windows Hello is awesome, the phone is very quick, the camera takes fast accurate photos, and Continuum just blows me away. I only see it getting better.

To be fair though, based off of another post on here I did buy a metal back (it was only $4.75) mostly because I'm curious and it's blue :) but I have no problems with the plastic back. I don't need a flashy phone, I just want the hardware.
I don't really have a plan B at this point, I'd probably go back to iOS but I can't see myself paying for an IPhone at this point in my life or any of the more pricey feature phones. I got the 640 thinking I'd keep it for a few months and then upgrade but it's been doing everything I need at this point so I haven't been left with a reason or big urge to upgrade. If I was forced to dump WM I might go with one of the cheaper Androids and put a custom rom on it to get ride of all the bloatware and google junk and just keep it stripped down to it's bare essentials.
lol, yes. I am apparently one of the few who like polycarbonate. The screen is downright amazing, Windows Hello is awesome, the phone is very quick, the camera takes fast accurate photos, and Continuum just blows me away. I only see it getting better.

To be fair though, based off of another post on here I did buy a metal back (it was only $4.75) mostly because I'm curious and it's blue :) but I have no problems with the plastic back. I don't need a flashy phone, I just want the hardware.

I also like the polycarbonate. I think my 950 looks nice, and feels nice in my hand. Build quality is superb. I have dropped it a couple of times with no damage, where my previous IPhones would probably be wrecked.
The fact that Paul is predicting the end of WM means nothing to me. He has been wrong with virtually everything relating to Microsoft and Windows for the last 5 years or so.

This exactly. He has been wrong about literally every single thing. The media has also been wrong of almost everything. It plays no role in what I purchase. I base my purchases off of my own thinking and form my own opinions after trying the product.
I don't have a Plan B. I have one plan and that's I use two operating systems, Windows and Android, with whatever device that suits the situation. I use Windows 10 on some of my phones and various laptops and desktops. I also run Android & Blackberry on my other two phones and my daily tablet driver is a Nvidia K1 Shield with Android. My main daily driver phone is my 950XL and I'm thinking of getting either a Robin or LG G5 as an upgrade for my daily Android phone. I guess what I'm saying is regardless of what device I'm using or where I am using it (I don't use anything that is Apple, personal choice), I use Microsoft software for all my daily office needs regardless of the device or operating system. I don't know if that makes sense and is a good plan, but its working so far...
I'm gonna stick it out with WM10. I want to see where it is going. I love the UI, and the UX for me is what I enjoy most about it. There are a few things that bother me about Windows 10 OS for phones (like many Cortana features that were axed from the WP8.1 days), but hopefully things will improve once Redstone builds take off. As far as I can see, things can only get better. Also, having a unified system on desktop, mobile, & tablet (as Windows 10 is trying to achieve) would be pretty awesome.

As far as my Plan B, my wife recently purchased an unlocked totally customizable Moto X Pure Edition Android phone and I think it's pretty awesome. Having been a former Android user myself, I think I can live with going back. There are a few Themes/Skins that can be applied to make the OS look and act like WM10. The availability of apps will definitely be a plus. But until Windows Mobile goes completely bust, I'm sticking with it. For the most part I'm pretty happy with it, niggles and all.
Going BACK to WP is plan D. Plan A was try convince myself not to give up on a dead platform after years of broken promises and apps. If you like it, great. Please don't try to tell me how awesome your experience. I'm happy for you. (Sorry but I get it from people who feel the need) Plan B was have one WP and another one that actually worked and had a decent app selection that I could use (iPhone). Plan C was to finally give up on a WP10 phone that had more issues than Miley Cyrus and get an Android phone as a back up. I miss WP 8.1. I do not miss the kind or sort of but not really released W10.
I also like the polycarbonate. I think my 950 looks nice, and feels nice in my hand. Build quality is superb. I have dropped it a couple of times with no damage, where my previous IPhones would probably be wrecked.

Same. Happily went from black 920 to black 950 and not feeling let down at all. It's gonna get wrapped in a case for kickstand and protection anyway.
mine is def Anroid over iphone any day. I hate google...but my utter disdain for iphone is far greater. I already know what it would be ...Galaxy Note X. X being whatever model is out at the time. what an amazing phone that is. If wp just disappeared tomrrow it would be the Note 5. I have one already for work and it is just great with the S Pen being able to take notes or write on any picture...i really wished the XL shipped with this feature as dan mentioned.

and what happened to burst? it used to be there with 8.1 and work very well now there is just some wannabe burst that just takes a lot of pictures quickly in succession. Before burst would give you like 15 frames to choose from milliseconds apart with one single shot....if im remembering it right on my 822.
Screw it I am changing my answer. I'm sticking with Win Phone until it won't work for the net. I'm tired of crappy phones and junk filled apps. I want a phone that does web, music, YouTube, and pictures plus the basics. What else do I need?

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