Rant : What is your Plan B?

Well, my "Plan B" for when I get tired of W10M on my 830 is putting my sim into my iPhone 6 or a 5C, or a Nexus 5 or some days my 1020 with 8.1,or my 920 to play some rocket riot, sometimes and only if I'm feeling really hipster I go with a my trusty Focus Flash... Or a 520, a 635 or a 640 or a Galaxy S.
why thinking too much about it, feel free to enjoy your life than these things. Don't care about the platform die or not, just care for my phone if it still works or not, that's all.
Plan A: upgrade my phone to 950/XL since it's already cheap now.
Plan B: wait for surface phone.

I'm just glad my phones are still getting the latest OS, and MS commitment to Win10M :)

No Plan C-Z for android / ios at this point.
I have no plan B. I'm using a 950 XL now that I got late last year. I plan on upgrading to whatever Microsoft release in 2017, immediately if it's really good or when my current phone is two years old otherwise. I'll stick with Windows 10 Mobile until it no longer fulfils my needs. I'm not going to jump ship because it might not fulfil my needs at some point in the future. If and when that point comes, I'll assess my options at the time. I would expect that, had I the need to change now, I'd probably move to Android but I'm not sure which phone. I'll see what's available at the time, should the time ever come.
If WM10 is totally killed off, I'd still stick with Windows Phone, either 8.1 or 10 via eBay or Amazon and will continue to use until Windows Phone is depleted. After that, I'd prefer to go back to my flip phone (no joke) but will probably go to Android as I'm already familiar with it since I have an Android phone for work.
I have been a Windows Insider for a long time, both on PC and Mobile, I have tried really hard to love W10M on my Lumia 830 but I rolled-back to WP8.1 and currently I have no plans to update it again to W10M... Too many issues, inconsistencies and a broken experience compared to WP.

My current plan is:

1) Stick with WP on my Lumia as long as:
A) The phone will keep working
B) I won't feel to use a completely abandoned platform

2) When that time will come, I'll likely get an Android-based device
I have been using Windows Mobile/Phone since 6.5 with a brief Android detour and an Apple workphone. Like most of you I have been a WP advocate among friends and family, but i am reaching the end of my rope as well.

I feel like there were 3 main things that made me fall in love with Windows Phone in the first place, but all of them are almost completely gone by now:

1, The unique "metro" design language with those endless scrolls of screens on the deep deep black of an amoled screen felt like you were holding a gadget from the future. I'll probably never be so awestruck by a phone like I was by my Lumia 800. This design has been watered up and gutted by MS through 8, 8.1 and now even more so with 10. The only thing that remains is the Live Tiles which I still love.

2, Reliability. Not only was I not able to remove the battery from my 800, but I never needed to. That OS was simply rock solid. Then you install WM 10...

3, The Nokia design. The colors, the unibody, those curved amoled screens... Then you see the 950/XL.

So, yes, I will hold on to my matt-orange 930 until I see if the Surface Phone is really the second coming of Christ, but if MS fails to deliver my Plan B is a top of the line Samsung with Android. I passionately hate Apple products...

Totally agree with you mate!
I've also used Windows equipped phones since WM6.5 (or was it WM6.3???) and almost all of my phones have been Windows phones (with the exception of Droid 2 which I bought just for the curiosity and my Android watch). I've even purchase Windows Phones to my wife (Lumia 1020) and my daughters (both have Lumia 928). I have two Lumia 930s and had an opportunity to test Lumia 950XL for two weeks. Even though it has glance, IMO the build quality is not up to Lumia 930.

Since there are not plans to introduce a new flagship Windows Phone in the near future, I've decided to switch (at least temporary) to Android. So I preordered an Android phones with pretty decent specs and gonna try it out. The most unpleasant issue is the availability of apps. I'm quite happy with the apps I have right now but some of my work-related apps are only available for Android and iOS, and they won't be available for Windows Phone. So that's why I need an Android phone. I also have some prerequisites for a phone and that means the best possible processor and camera. That's why I preordered Zopo Speed 8 Android phone which specs seems to be pretty good (at least on paper).
My plan B is to go back to Android (I came from Android this winter). The only reason I came to Windows was because I thought Microsoft was actually going to pay attention to mobile, that the security is great and that Windows looks good on mobile devices.

What I would be giving up going from Windows to Android:
1. An OS that is updated regulary (security)
2. Live tiles and in general a better looking OS (I think Windows is the most beautiful mobile OS out there)
3. Quiet hours (even though it's not as smart as i should be)

What I get in Android:
1. Better OneDrive sync that works all the time (it's so buggy on my 950XL).
2. Google Photos. I really miss the functionality were Google automagic put several pictures and videos together to make a shareable short video.
3. Spotify Connect
4. A proper search engine (in Norway Bing is pretty much useless)
5. A _smart_ phone. Google now is actually pretty good.
6. A better and more updated map.
7. Android Auto (or whatever the car integration is called)
8. A better browser (I prefer Opera).
9. A Messenger app that is not designed for blind people.
10. A proper ePub app.
11. The Polar app.

Android has QI and glance screen, so I'm not going to miss that.
My plan b is is some type of Android phone with a Win 8/10 theme.

I cannot for the life of me see how people deal with the crappy Row of Icons static OS's of IOS or Android. I could not imagine using a phone with IOS where I could barely customize the OS and had to stare at useless static icons. While Android is a similar crappy interface from the early 2000's at least it can be tweaked to look like windows Phone.

It just amazes me how people accept both of these crappy OS's.

Something like this is my plan B



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As much as I wouldn't like it, I'd go with some kind of Android that had high-speed capability. Like, 480fps or something. I like shooting video of stuff for slow motion. Nonetheless I'll probably end up with a phone just for that since it looks like that's probably low on the list of features for a WM10 phone. I'd love to upgrade this fall to something but Surface Phone is apparently delayed until next year. Oh well. If we get specs for it and it's worth the wait then so be it. If not, I'll see if any WM10 devices are worth a darn and then make the decision.
My plan b is is some type of Android phone with a Win 8/10 theme.

I cannot for the life of me see how people deal with the crappy Row of Icons static OS's of IOS or Android. I could not imagine using a phone with IOS where I could barely customize the OS and had to stare at useless static icons. While Android is a similar crappy interface from the earlyu 2000's at least it can be tweaked to look like windows Phone.

It just amazes me how people accept both of these crappy OS's.

Something like this is my plan B




I never tried the W10 launcher, but I did recently try Launcher 8 and its a joke. It does provides the look of Windows Phone, but offers very little of WP's functionality and smoothness. I can't imagine a former Windows Phone user putting up with it for longer than a few days. Its simply a launcher, so give it a shot, but don't expect it to make the move to Android any easier.
My plan b is is some type of Android phone with a Win 8/10 theme.

I cannot for the life of me see how people deal with the crappy Row of Icons static OS's of IOS or Android. I could not imagine using a phone with IOS where I could barely customize the OS and had to stare at useless static icons. While Android is a similar crappy interface from the earlyu 2000's at least it can be tweaked to look like windows Phone.

It just amazes me how people accept both of these crappy OS's.

Something like this is my plan B




I wouldn't bother with the Windows Launchers, eats battery life like mad. They were neat but not worth the time or download.

If interface is all that matters to you than stick with W10M. I wouldn't worry so much about it dying. No Plan B really required if you don't like another type of interface.

You're only losing out on apps and if that's not important to you than it's a non issue. Keep using Windows. Maybe in 5 years time I'd start to worry if MS leaves personal/portable computing due to lack of interest from consumers.
Can I just say something?

If Microsoft is to kill mobile business even in distant future...why would it go for such a Huge Effort to have Single Windows and to make it (Windows 10) so polished? I feel its just time...well I know they are taking DREADFULLY long...but let me point out that no one in past had true Single Full Fledged OS running across devices. I honestly feel single core OS across the devices is just huge ambitious goal provided no one even guessed that in the past and honestly it does require thoroughly huge engineering efforts...

So I somehow feel its understandable why its taking so long. But if Microsoft had to kill mobile right away it would have not wasted energy and MONEY to keep Windows Phone development keep going...Microsoft would have simply abandoned it by now. And if they are still under development then I am sure they have not yet come up with decision to kill it. And in addition to that if they know that currently there is barely any % of users on Windows Mobile, then simply they are willing to grow that %.

So I feel they are not to give up. They are building (as development is not halted) to compete aggressively in future (as they know currently they barely have any market share).

[ In fact I super loved the way Windows 10 (for PC) is crafted. Their are just so many features that are perfectly implemented in it. Multi desktop view existed for decades in Linux, but Windows 10 has got it super late, but still in its best avatar ever. Honestly, let me just say it: I am eagerly waiting to experience that super polished Windows 10 Mobile. And I understand it is going to take time (Recently I was in business trip. I was given accommodation in a hotel. I did not had laptop. Looking at the big flat LCD in the hotel room...I wished I had Windows Phone :'p ) ]

So MS is going to do it. If it comes late, the only effect will be that it will take time to get the comparable share but that does not translate to death. Google came a lot late in browser market. For 18 years IE was dominant. In early years no one thought Chrome will someday match up IE share. But it did because it was acceptable. So in the end its just the matter of providing people something acceptable. Rest is all about time. Thats it.

I feel that everyone is talking about death of WM since they think of it in isolation. We should just stop talking about Windows Mobile in isolation from Windows (for PC). Because at the core thats how Microsoft looks at it with Windows Mobile just another UI layer above the core. So if Windows for PC lives, and once Windows Mobile is ready to acceptable extent, it is going to be less effort to maintain Windows Mobile. All patches / fixes for Windows for PC and Windows Mobile will overlap resulting in less maintenance cost.
I just bought a Lumia 1520 again, a phone from 2013 - I could have bought the new lumias or something else, but basically I dont see anything better than WP 8.1, so plan for this phone to hold me off till next year even..
I won't go back to Android.
At the beginning of the year I made the mistake to try Xperia M4 with 5.0 Lollipop. Couldn't handle it more than 2 months, got pissed off and disappointed, and went back to my Lumia 640. Yes, Android is full of apps, but I'm pissed off because of the ****ty bloatware you can't remove. You can't rely on any update policy, no matter of the manufacturer, unless you've the highest priced device. And the system cannot take full advantage of the hardware. It's like a big new shiny pool, with almost no water. For me personally Android is a closed page - I won't go back.
iOS is just so annoyingly boring. its a totally different user experience. I Find that I am playing around and admiring my start screen all the time, watch titles and all that....other phone users dont even have that expereince. their home screens are nothing more than a launch pad for opening up apps. Nothing built into the OS either.
will suck when we are forced to leave.
I'm happiest on 8.1

Yea I can't believe people are happy with static boring start screens that don't do anything or tell you any info. MS really hit a homerun with live tiles, they work well on phones and PC's. I have taken the time to set them up properly on my phone and Win 10 Tablet and PC's so they are all similar looking tiles/apps and it is really an amazing experience getting so much info just looking at your start screen on multiple devices.

IOS and Android are just app launchers while Win 10 Mobile/PC are mature fully functioning interactive tools that at times negates the need for separate apps due to the OS functions. I think that is where things are headed, OS integration of services and the concept of a separate app for everything will fade. In this case MS is way ahead of the curve.
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yea i agree on windows you can do almost everything without need to find an app for it, not even search for an app. And live tiles if used properly by devs can give you so much info. Ofc the user has to play his side to have livetiles usefull for him too i mean if i didnt setup my homescreen the way i have i wouldnt be getting the info i want from live tiles and at the same time believe my home screen is so beautiful but most ppl care only about apps, so most of the times on windows(seen it by friends) they use the first start screen damn i dont even think they bother to learn how the start screen works or even move the icons xD, they just use it like android ios all icons are there ok good now i need apps :3.
Yea I have no intentions of moving on. I'm full on with the MS eco system, Lumia 950, Surface 3, Xbox One, HP Envy Recline. It is completely amazing how all these different devices work together and complement each other in MS's eco system.

It's why I think MS will keep putting out Windows phones even if they don't sell. They need a space for their OS in this form factor. Without a Phone with Windows 10 on it their entire concept of Windows 10 and UWP falls apart. So I don't care if it's popular I really love Windows Phone and have no plans to ditch them unless MS just shuts everything down.
i have no plan b.

i have been using windows 7.8 for the last several years. thanks to the hardware keyboard, and Zune,
there is no reason to ever upgrade until they can match the features.

8 coudn't do it. 8.1 coudn't do it. and windows 10 is worse than both of those.

i have a lumia 650 as a gift, but only use it on wifi for testing, so far it doesn't come close.


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