Redstone on the 1020

Hi there!
I wanted to create a thread for all those (very few I assume) that hacked Redstone on their 1020. I won't post a link to the tutorial because I don't know if it's against forum rules.
All I can say is that 14367 works really well on my 1020. Fewer hiccups than 10586.420 and the performance is a lot faster as 10586 and on par with WP 8.1. Battery is also better than 10586 I think but it's a little too early to tell. Lumia Camera works fine but no Here Drive/Maps and NO GLANCE (at least for the moment).
Does anybody else runs 14367 on their 1020?

i'm on denim at first...used wdrt to renistall cyan...used wpinternals and bootlocked...then used mass storage and changed values to 950xl/150...installed windows insdier(fast)...searched for here is the problem..

WDRT shows some availabe version which isn't latest after installing that Lumia1020 get another update which is small but it's denim...i cant find denim version software on lumiafirmware..lumiafirmware versoin = WDRT version.
so i used WDRT version to bootlock...after all mention above procedure now if i press check for updates it downloading denim but instead of installing it showing error: the update was downloaded, but couldnt be opened. (8007000d)..

i cant find denim version ffu reason unkown...without denim verion ffu i cant bootlock it using wpinternals......what must i do now i want redstone on lumia 950Xl...
i'm on denim at first...used wdrt to renistall cyan...used wpinternals and bootlocked...then used mass storage and changed values to 950xl/150...installed windows insdier(fast)...searched for here is the problem..

WDRT shows some availabe version which isn't latest after installing that Lumia1020 get another update which is small but it's denim...i cant find denim version software on lumiafirmware..lumiafirmware versoin = WDRT version.
so i used WDRT version to bootlock...after all mention above procedure now if i press check for updates it downloading denim but instead of installing it showing error: the update was downloaded, but couldnt be opened. (8007000d)..

i cant find denim version ffu reason unkown...without denim verion ffu i cant bootlock it using wpinternals......what must i do now i want redstone on lumia 950Xl...

You have to flash the original version of WP8.1 again with WDRT. Then you update to the latest version of WP8.1 which is available OTA. Then you have to spoof the device ID again.

Or you could try my ROM
Originally posted by milkyway
Originally Posted by gourav mopidevi
i'm on denim at first...used wdrt to renistall cyan...used wpinternals and bootlocked...then used mass storage and changed values to 950xl/150...installed windows insdier(fast)...searched for here is the problem..

WDRT shows some availabe version which isn't latest after installing that Lumia1020 get another update which is small but it's denim...i cant find denim version software on lumiafirmware..lumiafirmware versoin = WDRT version.
so i used WDRT version to bootlock...after all mention above procedure now if i press check for updates it downloading denim but instead of installing it showing error: the update was downloaded, but couldnt be opened. (8007000d)..

i cant find denim version ffu reason unkown...without denim verion ffu i cant bootlock it using wpinternals......what must i do now i want redstone on lumia 950Xl...

You have to flash the original version of WP8.1 again with WDRT. Then you update to the latest version of WP8.1 which is available OTA. Then you have to spoof the device ID again.

Or you could try my ROM

Wp8.1 is not available on wdrt or lumia firmware it is only available on OTA...if i do what you said then wpintetnals want same device version ffu for unlocking bootloader which I can't get anywhere apart from OTA..your Rom...where can I find it??? Do you have another thread ? There won't be any problem right :)...
Thank you :)
Will the phone have the Lumia Camera app when using this ROM? I'm asking because it is only available on 1020, and this ROM pretends to be a 950
Also, what do you think are the chances that in future updates of the OS, the phone will become unusable or require further customization/hacking?

No, this is a ROM without the data partition. You can google for "Lumia Camera appx" and download it to your phone. I think it's safe to say that we will get at least every cumulative update there will be to 14393.xx.
In a few weeks (?) we will know if RS2 works on unsupported phones
I have lumia 1020 and same happened with me i rolled back to 8.1 and now i am not getting update from preview. So i tried to interop and i am able to register as developer but not able to deploy vcreg, as it gives an error every time " Error - Installation of the application failed. Run time error has occurred. Fix the capabilities in WMAppManifest.xml file.

Please guide me through what can i do now i have been trying for almost 15 days but same result.

If possible share with me on my email id that is DATA EXPUNGED FOR SAFETY
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I have lumia 1020 and same happened with me i rolled back to 8.1 and now i am not getting update from preview. So i tried to interop and i am able to register as developer but not able to deploy vcreg, as it gives an error every time " Error - Installation of the application failed. Run time error has occurred. Fix the capabilities in WMAppManifest.xml file.

Please guide me through what can i do now i have been trying for almost 15 days but same result.

If possible share with me on my email id that is DATA EXPUNGED FOR SAFETY

here's the guide to install vcreg: [XAP] vcREG:Lumia Reg Editor+Jailbreak (int… | Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking
or you could just flash a (or my) W10 ROM
Hello all,

I do have my 1020 in w10 version, making it look like an 635 lumia.
However, when I enter the sub-menu of "glance screen" , it only crashes there, and then exits.

Any way so that I could manage have an opperational glance screen ?

PS. I tried flashing a .zip file of a custom rom fro 1020, using the WPinternals tool but I got the message "flash failed".
I did try it, after Unlocking bootloader and enabling root acces..
Hello all,

I do have my 1020 in w10 version, making it look like an 635 lumia.
However, when I enter the sub-menu of "glance screen" , it only crashes there, and then exits.

Any way so that I could manage have an opperational glance screen ?

PS. I tried flashing a .zip file of a custom rom fro 1020, using the WPinternals tool but I got the message "flash failed".
I did try it, after Unlocking bootloader and enabling root acces..

here is the guide to repair Glance
I entered MassStorage (MainOs) but unfortunately,

I don't see such a path when I use regedit:


(No OEM folder under SOFTWARE one).
I am currently on wm10 version. Could this be the reason why I don't see an OEM folder ?
(I managed to do what is described here:" I connected my Lumia 1020 in Mass Storage mode and then transferred the missing files to "\Data\\SharedData\\OEM\\Public". )


  • regedit.JPG
    57.2 KB · Views: 21
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I tried flashing each partition separately, but won't work.
It says that 'MainOS' is too big.

Can I just zip the two files and flash as a Custom ROM without having the data partition?
i tried to flash you're rom...i didnt selected ffu/original partitions as i dont know where to find displays a message flash fail with ok click...please help me...
the original ROM is on your hard disk if you used WDRT to reset your phone in the past

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