After years of marketing and letting people know about windows phone OS existence you want to change all that .... it will be a mistake
i say keep using windows phone name for the OS and keep using Lumia brand for the hardware
Given that they started three years late, I'd say being behind by 6-12 months is great!A new name isn't needed, just a robust OS with compelling enough features to draw people away from the 'Big 2'. WP is still about 6 months to a year behind imo.
Since school started, people have noticed my phone and they are like oh you have a Lumia. It happened at chili' happened in WalMart. It happened the other day when we were at the gym.
I'm American btw. The Lumia name could generally stick with it as most people I have come across aren't even aware that Microsoft is the maker of the OS. Only after playing with it do they realize the similarities with windows 8.
Since school started, people have noticed my phone and they are like oh you have a Lumia. It happened at chili' happened in WalMart. It happened the other day when we were at the gym.
I'm American btw. The Lumia name could generally stick with it as most people I have come across aren't even aware that Microsoft is the maker of the OS. Only after playing with it do they realize the similarities with windows 8.
Microsoft wants people to see Windows as a complete cross-platform OS. Renaming one part of it would be counter productive.
Yes, Windows goes back to a time in computing where we were first starting to multitask the UI (hence the name). These days we've kind of gone the opposite direction.
Time for Windows branding to die.
Um, the live tiles are windows into the apps themselves.
Yes, I actually believe that.