Rename Phone OS to Lumia

Not really. We cant change the BRAND ASSOCIATION now. LUMIA as a brand is closely associated with phone models like Lumia 920 , Lumia 925 . After 2 years you cant change the association to a Software. It just wont work.

But I can agree that Windows Phone needs a cool one word name , but I guess by now it has already percolated among the masses and I do hear people saying I want a Windows Phone or Simply Lumia 520.

MS already is dong that with XBox. XBox music? Wasn't Xbox associated with hardware before and now to music. Lot of people are allergic to word "Windows" when it comes to software.
Clean, like iPhone 5 is clean, Samsung Galaxy S4 is clean-ish (I think Galaxy 4 would be better, especially since they have multiple models off the S4 line). Seems a whole lot more fluid than Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8... :confused:

I typically either say Nokia 920 or just Windows Phone. People lose interest by the time I get to the 920 in the full name...

No one used to say Nokia Lumia 920 WindowsPhone8. It's all made up by Ballmer. Everyone used to say Nokia Lumia or Lumia xxx or Nokia Lumia xxx. That's it.
IMO that was one of the major reasons why Nokia dominated in WP because of creating their own brand instead of using Windows or Windows phone name in the branding.
I am worried about MS and Nokia since MS is not going to use Nokia brand name for smartphones.
Microsoft's current big marketing campaign is pushing the Metro UI under the Windows and Xbox branding. Renaming Windows Phone to Lumia would be a big mistake. Microsoft has been working hard for years just to make people even just realize Windows Phone exists, suddenly changing the name would only further confuse consumers, as well as remove the synonymous branding they're going for.

I support Microsoft uniting everything under the Windows branding. Everyone is familiar with Windows, it's a brand they recognize and are familiar with. Only Nokia purchasers are aware of Lumia branding. Instead, Microsoft needs to focus more on the advantages of the modern Metro UI and showing how far Windows has come from is Blue-Screen-of-Death Days. And that's pretty much what they're doing, showing off the streamlined intuitive interface. They still have a long way to go, but they're making fair progress.
MS already is dong that with XBox. XBox music? Wasn't Xbox associated with hardware before and now to music. Lot of people are allergic to word "Windows" when it comes to software.

They chose Xbox because it's a popular platform and they had to move away from Zune, too much bad press with Zune.
Um, the live tiles are windows into the apps themselves.

Yes, I actually believe that.

I did think of that but I think MS has too much baggage. These days a marketing overhaul isn't that hard.

People still get all bent out of shape from MS stuff that was 15 years ago.
No one used to say Nokia Lumia 920 WindowsPhone8. It's all made up by Ballmer. Everyone used to say Nokia Lumia or Lumia xxx or Nokia Lumia xxx. That's it.
IMO that was one of the major reasons why Nokia dominated in WP because of creating their own brand instead of using Windows or Windows phone name in the branding.
I am worried about MS and Nokia since MS is not going to use Nokia brand name for smartphones.

Thanks for calling me "no one" :cry:

But I will just roll on... :winktongue:
That's part of the point that there are many Lumia phones in the market already.
They are already Lumia phones so nothing changes there.

That doesn't matter, there are more Windows Phone handset manufacturers than just Nokia. Could you really see a Samsung Windows Phone running Lumia OS, I can't and that's why the Windows Phone name is perfect as it doesn't tie the OS to a particular brand of phone.
Just had a thought. Is all this whinging from the nokia users sprouting up due to a bit of a superiority complex?

You all feel the right, that because Nokia Lumia sell the most windows phones that it should all be rebranded to the phone you covet so dearly?

One player never makes a team. That's all nokia were, a player in a team for Microsofts Windows phone 8.
Just had a thought. Is all this whinging from the nokia users sprouting up due to a bit of a superiority complex?

You all feel the right, that because Nokia Lumia sell the most windows phones that it should all be rebranded to the phone you covet so dearly?


We just love Windows Phone, and know that the OS has to gain significantly more marketshare and mindshare than Microsoft has been able to do in 3 years of trying.

So, now we are all armchair quarterbacking what Microsoft should do to right the ship.

The WP ship isn't exactly sinking, but there's not much wind in her sails either. They can't keep doing what they've been doing for 3 years and expect different results.

We just love Windows Phone, and know that the OS has to gain significantly more marketshare and mindshare than Microsoft has been able to do in 3 years of trying.

So, now we are all armchair quarterbacking what Microsoft should do to right the ship.

The WP ship isn't exactly sinking, but there's not much wind in her sails either. They can't keep doing what they've been doing for 3 years and expect different results.

Tell you what lets rename Windows 8 to Surface 8 as it's not used on billions of machines around the world, is it /s

They can't rename it now, if they do they can't tie it to a brand either as Nokia aren't the only OEM creating Windows Phones. The Windows Phone name is fine, it's generic and ties in with the brands they have in Windows, Surface and Xbox!!!!
Microsoft appears to be moving their entire OS line towards what WIndows 8 looks like (desktops, tablets, phones). I don't think it would help their strategy to rename the phone OS something else. I'd never run Windows 8, until I got my Lumia. I was surprised at how little adjustment I required on a Windows 8 desktop after playing with my phone for a few weeks.

Windows Phone had this look before windows 8 was released
Microsoft is pushing an unified platform for the future, the selling point is convergence, if you use a different name for the phone OS then the message is lost.

Lumia is a line of products with a colorful design and affordable price. Microsoft should keep the Lumia brand for those phones as in "Lumia 1520". Probably Microsoft will produce a Surface Phone next year, a product with a different design and its own brand: "Surface One".

The operating system should be called just "Windows", as in "My Lumia 1520 is running Windows". But they should make more visible products brands than the OS brand, the OS presence is evident in the start screen and the design language.
Only if they are successful they can start thinking in changing the name of the OS to something like "Surface OS" or "Lumia OS". Change the name now and half of the world will hate the new name because the OS doesn't have a proper start button.
I think many of you are missing the mark, the name of the OS does not matter as much as the name of the device. leave the OS name as Windows 8/Windows Phone 8 but do not use it in the name of the devises. Also MS has a very popular band with Xbox and I will not for the life of me understand why they do not use it. I think they should have Xbox, Xphone, Xtab, and maybe even an Xbook as a gaming laptop, this could be for the general population/gamers. Now for the professional make Surface, and Surfacebook, Xphone should be fine for both groups. The difference between the two groups would really just be look and feel. Now the OEMs can still be in the picture by doing what they also do, make cheap PCs and mass produce them, MS will make Apple level hardware. Both can coexist

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