Ok lets have fun with this one:
News flash: Strange light on Mars causes some brains to puff up - The Big Science Blog
Now keep in mind that debunking an idea with conjecture is just as narrow minded as trying to prove it with conjecture.
-This photo is authentic
-A second photo was taken a few seconds/minutes? after the this photo was taken by the other camera on curiosity that doesn't show the light.
-There is no definitive proof of it being a camera/data glitch OR an artificial light.
- This same light was shown on another photo with the same non-light copy taken not too long afterwards.
My guesses:
-Some weird natural geyser like phenomena that dies really quickly
-An artificial light that blinks very slowly
-perfect sun reflection into the lens off of a highly reflective surface. The second camera is at a slightly different angle so wont see the reflection.
-E.T. phoning home.
I'm leaning towards the latter hypothetical.