Rubber strap splitting on Band2

I sent mine in on sat to be placed from the cracked rubber band I will check later today to make sure they received my Band. :sweaty:
Received my second replacement today after sending mine away last week. This time I got a new unit (fully boxed) as a replacement rather than one in a plain box / padded bag as I've had in the past. The rubber seems firmer on this one but so did the last replacement when it was new to be honest. We shall see what it is like in 2 months.
Aw man...split another one... what the heck? I only got this replaced at the beginning of May.

Drives me nuts too, because the *screen* part of the band is pristine and is utterly scratchproof as far as I'm concerned.

Ah well, back to the Pebble for a week, now that I got Pebble Time Manager working. :P
Just got my replacement Band 2 (from lot 1616) because my old Band 2 (from January) split, in the same way that so many other Band 2s have split.

Not convinced the band is much thicker, but it does seem to be a different material, and stiffer, and the area where my old band split seems to be slightly reinforced (both of those might be my imagination, since I sent the old one of 7 days ago, so I can't compare).
The silicone tore on my Band 2 a few weeks ago - sent it in for warranty service and they returned it to me saying I had damaged it. Was incredibly pissed, initially.

I walked into the Microsoft Store and they swapped it out no questions asked. They told me they have been seeing lots of these with this issue. Really positive experience.

That being said, I put it up on eBay. Hopefully the 3rd iteration will have solved the various issues this one has.
Got exactly the same problem with my Band 2 - split strap in the same place as in your photo. I believe that a small amount of water or sweat got into the crack, and Band now no longer charges or starts up.

I checked online, and the warranty repair wizard for Band said I could submit it for repair at a cost of ?133. This is contrary to UK consumer law, and for an item costing ?199, it should have lasted more than 7 months. It was bought direct from Microsoft through the online store.

Do others have a recommended route for gaining a satisfactory outcome? Is there a MS phone number to ring about warranty repairs or replacements?
and the warranty repair wizard for Band said I could submit it for repair at a cost of ?133.

I also got the same message yesterday when arranging to send mine back for repair / replacement. I went back in the wizard and selected "other" instead of "damage" as it automatically assumes any damage is the users fault.

I'm shipping it today so I guess it will take a while to get a response, I'm including a letter in the package explaining various evidence I've collated online regarding this being an MS design issue, not sure if it will help or not.

WP_20160725_19_30_36_Pro (2).jpg
This is how my (second) Band 2 looks after 6 month of regular usage:
Microsoft's Band 2 broken .jpg
and this is what Micrsoft offers to solve the problem:
Microsoft's answer .jpg
Shame on you, Microsoft!

With the band splitting issue do not select physical damage on the online warranty claim submission form as it assumes you are not covered. Select "Other" instead and put in some detail of known fault / poor design you can then send off for a replacement with no fee.

It is a poor design unfortunately. I've experienced this as well as battery issues :(
The strap on my 7 month old Band 2 also cracked so I walked into my local Microsoft store this morning here in Florida, they looked at it and said the tech will come out and look at it. She came out while I waited for about a minute, she looked at it and without any questions, she immediately took a brand new one off the shelf and replaced mine with a new receipt and new warranty. They also offered me food and drinks before I left the store. So I got a brand new Band 2 and a free lunch :) Now that is what I call an EXCELLENT SERVICE, thank you Microsoft!!!
Returning my second band today. I plan to sell the replacement with the 2 extra chargers and wait for the Band 3 even though I know I'll be getting the updated band.

EDIT: Just looked up when I replaced my first band and it was back on April 20th. Wow. This one lasted less than 4 months.
I am waiting for my 1st replacement. 6 months of use, small split 3-4mm width. Was very careful with it - did not bend the rubber part. Was using for sports, when at home and sleeping. During work (at the office) was using phone tracking. Did not wait for the crack to expand contacted MS UK online got a label to ship damaged one to Germany. Now waiting verdict. Hope there will be no issue with replacing it.
Mine has just gone :( This is my 2nd Band 2 and only got it back at the end of April, it,s not even lasted 4 months. Sending it back today for warranty claim and will not accept anything other than a free repair/replacement, these things are wearables and I have mine on 24/7 so it should at least last a year or two. I have had cheap Casio rubber watches last decades.
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BTW, the replacement Band 2 I got is lot#1622. Which is rumored to be an updated band but I am selling it with the 2 additional charges and will wait to see what the Band 3 brings.
Well crap, I have to eat my own words. Just looked at my wife's Band 2, and guess what I found?? Yep the band is split too. Must have just happened. She doesn't work out or mistreat her Band. I'm now convinced it is a flaw.

How mine is still in good shape, I don't know. Now I'm expecting mine to crack any day now.
Yay, just got my third Band 2 - the first lasted from December to April. The second from May to August. We'll see how this one fares.



Mine has just split in the last few days. Got it in May so only 4 months old. I love the band though, so I will be taking it back to Argos for a replacement.
Just sent my 3rd one off for replacement -_- sick to death of it now was the lot number just before the updated strap though -_-

Don't worry about the lot number. I know people are mentioning that it started after a certain number, but I had one after that did not have the updated strap, and later got a refurbished one that *did* have the updated strap.

The only way you can tell if you have the updated strap is if it feels "hard" near the joints near the screen. You'll know if you have the different strap from that alone.

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