Rubber strap splitting on Band2

Don't worry about the lot number. I know people are mentioning that it started after a certain number, but I had one after that did not have the updated strap, and later got a refurbished one that *did* have the updated strap.

The only way you can tell if you have the updated strap is if it feels "hard" near the joints near the screen. You'll know if you have the different strap from that alone.

Hope my last one wasn't then as that split worse than the other's xD if it splits again and they send me a new fully boxed one again ill just save it, sell it and buy the 3 once its unveiled XD
Got mine swapped by Argos last night, no problem at all. Absolutely great service in fact!

It is batch no. 1617 which would suggest an updated strap, however it looks no different to my previous band. It is certainly no thicker.

The guy at Argos put it through as refund - then new purchase, so if it happens again I will repeat the process. I hope there is a Band3 though, it is just too good for Microsoft to give up on. Hopefully Band3 will be waterproof too!
Это дерьмо! WP_20160908_17_27_29_Raw.jpg Я заклеил ремень Band2 китайским клеем, покупали in US. прэтому нет гарантии, а прошло всего 3 месяца(
Oh no!

Mine split again just after little over 3 months, didn't get it replaced by Amazon this second time due to "System preventing them". Got full refund though.So i can either order a new one with certainty of failure or wait for Band 3... sight!
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Looking at the pictures.... It's a stress point and I can see why it cracks. Be careful... "Waaahhh I am being careful.." No, you're probably not. Pressure on that point of the band WILL crack every single one.
I purchased my band from Amazon 3 months ago. The strap split yesterday at the same spot others have described. I took it to Microsoft Store and got a replacement. The service person immediately recognized the problem and said they will cover it under warranty. The replacement band was a refurbished unit. They told me they have made some tweaks to the design. I feel that the strap wraps around my wrist more naturally. Hopefully the stress point is removed. They are covering similar failures for the replacement band too for the warranty period. I hope this replacement unit will last longer.
It cracks because it is poorly designed and made with subpar materials. It is a fitness tracker and should withstand a reasonable amount of wear and tear without falling apart after 3 months. I have had 2, both cracked after 3 months of daily wear. I exercise with it on because that is what it is made for.
My second Band2 will go back to Microsoft tomorrow. The strap split yesterday. This one lasted, well, just about four months with daily use for sleep tracking and 3-5 times per week for exercise tracking. I have taken better care of this one than of my Panerai. It's very annoying to see that the build quality is still complete crap, as I like the product a lot.

The rubber started to curve from the sides about two months ago, then a little bridge formed at the places where metal extension of the screen finishes inside the strap - and that's where it broke.

Here's for hoping that they actually manage to produce something that lasts for more than six months...
Add one more. Mine split yesterday. Bought it Jan 2016, so I feel like I got a longer run from mine than what I see on here. I took it to my Microsoft store this afternoon... They replaced it on the spot, no questions asked.
Mine split a number of weeks ago whilst I was on Holiday in the US... I had to keep wearing it (had no way of safe storing), so it just got progressively worse.... anyway... sent back to Microsoft here in Australia and got a new band back within 5 days... pretty good service really.

Add one more. Mine split yesterday. Bought it Jan 2016, so I feel like I got a longer run from mine than what I see on here. I took it to my Microsoft store this afternoon... They replaced it on the spot, no questions asked.

I've had mine since before Christmas and the strap is fine. The only issue I have is the heart rate sensor is broken.
mine did this at about 6 months in. Replaced under complete no questions asked. Hope it doesn't happen again. Not sure if they'll have stock to replace it any longer :(
I've just started getting the split strap problem on my 2nd band, which was replaced direct by MS due to battery problem a few months ago.

I'd like to send it for replacement, but I cracked the screen a few months ago. It works perfectly and I've been happy to keep the band with cracked screen as that was down to me, but obviously I want to swap due to the strap issue. What do you think the chances are of me getting a replacement? Are MS likely to say no chance due to me cracking the screen, even though it works and now the strap is splitting?
I am on my 4th Band, counting the original purchase, in 11 months, another tear, I sent it in with over a month left on my warranty and Microsoft has refused to repair/replace it. I am so disappointed with this horrible inferior product. Their quality assurance team should be fired, or more so their engineering department responsible for this design needs to be replaced. So I understand it was an issue with the Band 1, and now with the Band 2. All I can do is shake my head in disgust. 2 months after buying the band, I got a tear, they sent me a refurbished piece of crap, which I had to send back and was sent another refurbished piece of crap ( buttons did not work, QC sucks too), and a few months later another tear, sent it in, they sent it back with a wadded up piece of paper, a dear customer letter that they send to everyone, telling me I damaged it and did not qualify for a repair. It is still working fine, but with the tear, and slowly getting bigger. I paid $250.00 for a new Band, and after 2 months, I was wearing a refurbished one. I would classify this as theft. I basically paid $250.00 for a used refurbished Band. No more MS products for me. Surely there is a way to repair the strap ones self? Any ideas anyone? Thanks to anyone who has an idea of how to repair, no thanks to Microsoft?
Well, I'll be sending in my Band 2 tomorrow to get my FOURTH band. All of them were because the damn rubber strap keeps cracking at the same spot. To date there's been no problems with the exchange process other than the annoyance of having to do it. Right now, I'm thinking this will be my last one until the Samsung Gear 3 ships.
Mine split down to the wiring after 3 months of wearing it and when I sent it in for warranty repair, it was returned with a message saying that "Damage by external cause." and would not be repaired or replaced. This was a nice product too bad you can't wear it because it will break.
Mine split down to the wiring after 3 months of wearing it and when I sent it in for warranty repair, it was returned with a message saying that "Damage by external cause." and would not be repaired or replaced. This was a nice product too bad you can't wear it because it will break.
It's unfortunate that happened. If you have a MS store near you, I would take it in and I'm sure it will be replaced on the spot.
Hey guys,

sadly now my Band is starting to split too :(

Bought mine on 28th of November 2015 at Amazon UK.
Does the band get replaced without any issues by MS Support?

I'm from Germany so I guess I have to send my Band 2, where I had to send my Band 1 two times due to it not charging anymore^^
hey guys, i had same problem with mine after about 7 months of wearing. I am from Brazil, so i have no microsoft support near me. I could not accepted that I would lost my band 2 due to this factory problem. So I found a solution for this **** problem. I use windshield glue. It is a rubberized black glue of polyurethane, after it dries, the color is almost the same of the wristband. I am really optimist with the result. I still have to do a finishing, I will sanding a little and then post the final result.
My wife's band has split again in the same way as previously and mine has now stopped holding a charge. Now sending them back for another service repair. This time unfortunately it seems like the web support method of requesting a service repair is no longer available so I had to contact customer support directly.

I think this will be my fifth band and my wife's fourth in 11 months of ownership, all issues have been either strap splitting issues or battery :(

I think the warranty will expire soon so this will probably the last replacement available. I really like having the Band 2 but I am now thinking that it isn't fit for purpose as it breaks once every 2/3 months so might attempt to contact the Microsoft UK Store where they were both purchased for a refund.

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