Ruin a wish [Game]

Granted, i did it for you, this means anything that was white is now gray or pink, socks are missing, and everything has a layer of cat hair (no laundry is allowed to pass un-inspected by my cat, more fur on the clothing the comfier it is)

I wish i didnt have 12 hours left :(

Granted, but now you spend the rest of your entire life there and any more wishes to not be in captivity will be met with instant death.

I wish I could program in C# in order to make my Proof of Concept multiplatform chat bot app.
Granted, but now you spend the rest of your entire life there and any more wishes to not be in captivity will be met with instant death.

I wish I could program in C# in order to make my Proof of Concept multiplatform chat bot app.

Granted it gets 90 downloads but no one tells you what they think to it, leaving you to wonder if its truely liked or not.

I wish it would stop raining in 15 minutes so my walk home will be dry
Granted, but there is a blimp hovering over the sidewalk with people throwing confetti out of it your whole way home.

I wish I was motivated to finish my last project of my most recent college career instead of sitting here avoiding it.
Seems I always have your back in this game, k72. Thanks to an injection that is 1/3 coffee, 1/3 Red Bull, and the balance made of equal parts pure cane sugar and 5-Hour energy, along with Hans and Frans screaming at you from over your shoulder constantly "pumping you up", you sail through this project, focused and motivated to degrees that your college professors will sing your praises long after you have graduated. Too bad you mis-read your class schedule and you actually finished a project for the wrong class. You accidently spent all your time proving that jelly-fish are not in the same genus as jelly donuts. Hey, it is a mistake anyone can make.

Too bad you don't have any motivation left for that project that is actually required.

I wish that all stand-up comics were actually funny, and that there were never any jokes that bombed so we could all laugh more.
Thanks for that red bull mix, project done. Your wish is granted, but they were so funny that the audience expected more, and the comics got so tired from standing up all the time that they all collapsed in exhaustion except for Conan, and the world cried because there were no more funny jokes.

I wish the little baby bunnies hadn't grown up and left the front yard at my house.
Thanks for that red bull mix, project done. Your wish is granted, but they were so funny that the audience expected more, and the comics got so tired from standing up all the time that they all collapsed in exhaustion except for Conan, and the world cried because there were no more funny jokes.

I wish the little baby bunnies hadn't grown up and left the front yard at my house.

Granted, no idea where they are though.....meat sandwich?

I wish i didnt work sundays
Granted, now they have created a new calendar with 12 days per week and you work those, but you have Sundays off.

I wish people would quit interrupting me.
Granted, now they have created a new calendar with 12 days per week and you work those, but you have Sundays off.

I wish people would quit interrupting me.

Granted, to ensure you are undisturbed we have sealed you in a big box, nothing gets in or out, not even air.

I wish the request thread for developers wanting to join windows central's developer scheme was looked at more often :(
Granted, to ensure you are undisturbed we have sealed you in a big box, nothing gets in or out, not even air.

I wish the request thread for developers wanting to join windows central's developer scheme was looked at more often :(

Granted, now they check it constantly, waiting for you to add another comment. They also know where you live, and wait on your front step to talk to you. You had to move, but when that didn't work, you were forced to change your identity, pay the mafia to change your face, and are now known as Weird Tom, the man with the 2 foot beard who lives in a hut and forages for dandelions and pinecones in the woods outside of Peoria. However, so far, so good.

I wish certain odd people had not ended up with my number and would quit texting me. ☹
Granted, now they check it constantly, waiting for you to add another comment. They also know where you live, and wait on your front step to talk to you. You had to move, but when that didn't work, you were forced to change your identity, pay the mafia to change your face, and are now known as Weird Tom, the man with the 2 foot beard who lives in a hut and forages for dandelions and pinecones in the woods outside of Peoria. However, so far, so good.

I wish certain odd people had not ended up with my number and would quit texting me. ☹

Granted, other odd people have now got you number and are now texting you (did you like the latest picture of the dandelion and pinecone surprise i had for tea? signed Wierd Tom)

I wish i had not just seen my ex (satan, bealzebub, lilith, she of many names) driving past me on the way home, it was scary, i was convinced her broom was her only form of transport (plus where were the harbingers of her arrivial? the howling of dogs, the moon turning red, where was the warning!)
Granted, but now your ex is right in front of you. Buhahahahahaaa..

I wish this forum would go back to its peaceful old times....
Granted, as it turns out you've actually spent the last six hours meticulously separating your Mrs, Dash spice blend into each individual spice. The garlic powder and onion powder were particularly difficult to distinguish, but you managed in the end. Congratulations.

I wish furniture could be shrunk and lightweight when moving.
Granted, as it turns out you've actually spent the last six hours meticulously separating your Mrs, Dash spice blend into each individual spice. The garlic powder and onion powder were particularly difficult to distinguish, but you managed in the end. Congratulations.

I wish furniture could be shrunk and lightweight when moving.

Granted, you discover that with the use of an industrial wood chipper all your furniture becomes much easier to transport (WARNING: does not work on pets(well ok it does but its not recommended)) however reassembly has proven tricky, your not sure if its the lack of bluetac or if you really should of started with the edge pieces

I wish past dave hadnt left so much washing up for me! im tempted to leave it and use cleanplates for dinner, future dave would then be pissed of at me though :(
Granted, you discover that with the use of an industrial wood chipper all your furniture becomes much easier to transport (WARNING: does not work on pets(well ok it does but its not recommended)) however reassembly has proven tricky, your not sure if its the lack of bluetac or if you really should of started with the edge pieces

I wish past dave hadnt left so much washing up for me! im tempted to leave it and use cleanplates for dinner, future dave would then be pissed of at me though :(

Granted, he broke all the dishes instead so you wouldn't have to clean them.

I wish I hadn't used the wood chipper to move Fido to the new place.
I wish I hadn't used the wood chipper to move Fido to the new place.

*looks at his avatar, shivers a little*

So granted. Fido is safe, sound, and chewing what little furniture you have left at your new address. However, there seems to be some specialized Law Enforcement Officers knocking at your door, wondering where your wife, kids, old nieghbor from across the street, Father-In-Law, your least favorite teacher from grade school, and the drunk from the local bar all are. They seem to be VERY interested in that wood chipper.....

I smell a very good episode of "Criminal Minds" coming on. Ripped from the headlines.

I wish for world peace, S'mores for everyone even if they don't like them, and milk that never spoils.
You made 3 wishes: So they were granted one by one.
First there was world peace. Then S'mores were give to all and they were forced to eat it, which started riots and ended world peace, and the milk that never spoils was spoiled due to this misery.

I wish that my wish would not get spoiled by the next poster.
Granted, but then my head exploded from trying not to ruin a wish that should be ruined.

I wish my belongings would pack themselves and teleport across the state and magically unpack themselves in a nice organized fashion so I'd just drive to the new place and carry on.
Granted, but then my head exploded from trying not to ruin a wish that should be ruined.

I wish my belongings would pack themselves and teleport across the state and magically unpack themselves in a nice organized fashion so I'd just drive to the new place and carry on.

Granted, but they have gained self aweness and believe that you may just be using them, willing to cast them aside when they are no longer fit for the purpose you have enslaved them for, i strongly urge caution when entering your new place!

I wish i could stop cars from entering my site, im convinved they are the man cause of all agro i get (them and the people they carry) aparently the carpark needs them though
Granted, but they have gained self aweness and believe that you may just be using them, willing to cast them aside when they are no longer fit for the purpose you have enslaved them for, i strongly urge caution when entering your new place!

I wish i could stop cars from entering my site, im convinved they are the man cause of all agro i get (them and the people they carry) aparently the carpark needs them though

Granted, instead of cars, tiny little bunnies are now entering by the 100s. Apparently they love you best because they are all headed your way.

I wish I hadn't left my stuff that needs to be packed all over the floor and waited until late to have to pack it just to get to the bed. 😞

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