How are US carriers bad?
Think about all the phones manufacturers offer overseas and how many of them come over here. That's one example. I swear I wish carriers would offer more phone choice. There are some tight phones they have in Europe but they never come here or when they do they are either really late or unlocked. Also, I remember a couple of years ago I bought my first smartphone, the Samsung Blackjack from AT&T. At that time, you could buy a smartphone and assume the responsibility of if you went on the internet without a data plan, you would pay the charges. I didn't have a data plan and at that time didn't have the need to go on some mobile internet (which at that time was really nothing). Then, they changed their rule to if you bought any new smartphone you had to buy a mandatory data plan. I did that too, which at the time was UNLIMITED and was really good. Now, we are limited to 2GB for almost the same price as unlimited and they lie saying that only 5% of users use more than that amount. I can't even imagine buying one of those PC cards from them that allows your laptop to connect to their network. With that you are limited to 4GB a month. It's just absolutely crazy. And then we have companies at the bottom like Cellular South...errr C-Spire that offer unlimited data, good coverage, but with a pretty bad lineup of phones. You can't win....ever.