Running into 80188308 installing GDR1 or Pre Update

solution in this blog: http: // /pt-br /winphone/forum/wp8-wpupdate/atualiza%c3%a7%c3%a3o-samsung-ativ-s/3693fbe4-efff-41ad-93fc-fe08c298c4dc?page=29
Assemble the spaces ..
It is already 5 working days and still no word of a fix.. wonder how you guys ever managed to stay with windows phone with this amount of impatience you bring to daylight

I gave up waiting, back up all my apps via L930 and send L1020 to Nokia Care, was told the turn around is ard 48 hours, keep fingers cross ....
On the official support thread there was an update today that was something like "we are still investigating the cause, if you want the update now and you have a Nokia device then you can use the Nokia recovery tool, if you have a non Nokia device hang in there."
On the official support thread there was an update today that was something like "we are still investigating the cause, if you want the update now and you have a Nokia device then you can use the Nokia recovery tool, if you have a non Nokia device hang in there."

Where did you find this thread?
I can't post a direct link due to my post count but if you go to and search for "0x80188308 error on 8.1 DP Update 1 install" you should find the support thread. The latest update while07 mentioned is by Eli A. on page 40.

I ended up going the Nokia Recovery tool route yesterday. It took a few hours from initially flashing the device to 8.1 Update 1 with my backup fully restored. Besides losing old game progress it was pretty much pain free.
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Yeah it worked without any hiccups and I'm now enjoying the live folders :). A bit more info, my device is a Lumia 920 and the rom that the Nokia Recovery tool downloaded was around 1.3GB taking about 40 mins to download. Flashing took around 15 minutes.

The longest process was having to update the phone several times to get from the new flashed rom running WP8 to 8.1 Update 1. If I remember correctly it took about 4 updates using the developer preview app. Restoring from my backup took a further hour and the phone was back to normal with my start screen layout and apps all installed.
Someone posted an update on the Preview Programm to 8.10.14157.200. Could actually be the update to fix the error. Will report after download.
Edit: Error not fixed!
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What do you lose when you flash back? Did you have a backup already saved? or you have the choice where to flash back?

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