Running into 80188308 installing GDR1 or Pre Update

I aint doing a factory reset again just to update this bloody phone.
In fact I'm getting a little pee'd off having had to do a factory reset EVERYTIME an update is ready.

Microsoft please sort out the testing at your end.

I push windows phone all the time, but it's starting to wear a little thin.

Think about the devs too. I don't do any IAP in apps/games exactly for this reason, as I know at some point I'm going to have do a factory reset.

Well, I'm staying as is until you fix it... So please TRY and fix it without making everyone do a factory reset.

Thank you
After trying so many things.. I finally got the update to work after Hard Resets failed to help, etc. I used the Nokia Recovery tool and went back to 8.0 then went back up. Only after this was I successful in installing 8.1 Update 1. (Rogers Lumia 920)
After trying so many things.. I finally got the update to work after Hard Resets failed to help, etc. I used the Nokia Recovery tool and went back to 8.0 then went back up. Only after this was I successful in installing 8.1 Update 1. (Rogers Lumia 920)

Do you think this would work on any windows phone not getting the update?
After trying so many things.. I finally got the update to work after Hard Resets failed to help, etc. I used the Nokia Recovery tool and went back to 8.0 then went back up. Only after this was I successful in installing 8.1 Update 1. (Rogers Lumia 920)

Same solution helped me
I've tried 4 times today and I keep getting this same error on the 521. I had 1.6 GB of free space so I don't think it's a space issue. I was able to install update on both of my daughters 521 devices. Don't get it. Thanks.
I have the Samsung Ativ S phone and have tried the
Hard reset
Hard reset with no restore
Hard reset with another account
all have failed
I have a Samsung Ativ S, and had the 80188308 error even after i reset my phone. Now i made it, i have updated my phone (i had to downgrade to wp8.0 and then update 5-6 time until i get all updates). My ROM is GT-I8750_XXCMK2_R_signed, and my CSC is COA (i had the same even before downgrade so i dont know what the problem was)
Sorry for my english...
One thing I noticed, after the update downloads and the phone restarts and you get the spinning wheels for awhile, just before the 80188308 error message pops up, my Wi-Fi gets automatically turned off and I'm forced onto LTE. Wondering if the forced unavailability of a Wi-Fi connection might have something to do with the error happening and the update not proceeding? Could that "Temporary Problem" be lack of Wi-Fi?

L822, Lumia Black, Dev Preview, Verizon
So I got it to work yesterday...
I've a Nokia 920 (Rogers) in Canada...unlocked on Bell

I had to use the Nokia tool to flash back to "black" (WP8) and go through all the updates.
Backup -> Nokia Tool -> Developer Preview install app-> Update phone a bunch of!
One thing I noticed, after the update downloads and the phone restarts and you get the spinning wheels for awhile, just before the 80188308 error message pops up, my Wi-Fi gets automatically turned off and I'm forced onto LTE. Wondering if the forced unavailability of a Wi-Fi connection might have something to do with the error happening and the update not proceeding? Could that "Temporary Problem" be lack of Wi-Fi?

L822, Lumia Black, Dev Preview, Verizon

Thank god it's not just me. Same situation and I don't know why or how to fix it.
Lumia 920 UK Carrier Variant over here and I've been getting the 0x80188308 error message for the past four days... No GDR1 yet! :(
Getting the same on my Lumia 820 (still on Black). Not sure if this is related, my 8 gig sd card, has over 2 gig free, but Storage Sense reports 137gig of temporary files.
hi guys,

still having this problem (Non-US unlock phone) , so Joe still have not solved this bug yet?

cyan update has already been reported through my friends ....

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