I recently bought the 830 and I like the phone a lot. Previously, I had the 720, which also served me well. But what I found most interesting was the OS. I like the tile concept and in general the OS has been stable and fast. As for apps, I have no major requirements though I am fully committed to the MS eco-system for mail, cloud services etc. I also use a SP3 all the time and have a desktop machine as a backup.
However, the more that I see what MS is doing, the more I am contemplating a move to either an iPhone or to some Android device. And, I have basically two reasons for this:
First, if all MS services are available on competing mobile OSs, then the question I have to ask myself is why do I need to be on Win Phone OS? Think about it - as of now, I could very well buy an iPhone or an Android device and enjoy each and every MS service. And, some of these services are probably better presented on these devices than on Win Phone OS devices. See here:
Second, the state of hardware in the MS side is not very good. As many have pointed out, flagship devices are very few in number. Low-end devices proliferate. I am sure MS is working to a specific strategy here, but it is just that for me the choices of hardware are quite limited. If I become OS agnostic, I can then choose between a number of devices (running different OSs) and still have the benefits of my being committed to the MS services.
Now, since I have just bought the 830, I can't contemplate a new phone in the near future. My next hardware update will probably be around Oct. 2015 by which time Win 10 should have dropped. I also hope MS will have a newer and better line of hardware options available by then suitably optimized to run Win 10. Let's see what happens.
But if this state of affairs continues, then the title of this thread - "sad but true" - will indeed ring true as far as I am concerned.