Tom Warren is a troll, after he went to The Verge, is like another wolf dressed as sheep... you know, he rarely talks anything important anymore, and his articles are all so "vergeish" that means more towards hating on Microsoft.
anyway, who cares what he does? his reasons are stupid. Last time I compared this Android phone, and Windows Phone. and I came to the conclusion people that complain "oh this App is not available so WP sucks" are just one of those pathetics humans with not a real life.
The apps I use are on WP, I tried to think about any Android App I could need and nothing. anyway I realized worrying about apps and especially games on phones it's just stupid (games in general, it's nice people like to play games, but I like to create them... so yes I am cooler). but the phone makes calls, and Works to chat with people and all. something that always made me laugh "WP doesn't have Candy Crush, WP sucks and doesn't have apps" but Candry Crush is the copy of other games that you can find easily alternatives. so yes, that's how my "pathetic" conclusion came to my mind. I guess I don't want to be like tom warren or others that now feel they need to moan about any small detail in technology to look cool, and how he complains about apps probably he doesn't even use, or like if it would hurt him to do things the long way, instead of being the same fat guy he is expecting sitting in a chair and just move his fingers, like bank apps and such. people complain about it, even a random someone who has WP, but then I was like "well, I don't care about banks, I try to avoid them, those legal robbers... so why would I want them on my phone? if I have to do something I can do it on the website, which I am fine about so I can stay away easier from them"
I experience it everyday, not only with phones. I work with 3d. and 3ds max it's what I use. yeah my workflow is different than other artists, but sometimes I feel they complain and say "bug bugs Autodesk sucks" only because they can mess with the software easily or they want an excuse to complain how 3dsmax still doesn't get certain features Maya did. I do my work, it crashes sometimes, not like I will die from it.
So after seeing that, I really stopped worrying too much about technology. I have things in WP I can't get in Android, like a nice interface that will have the apps I use, and an interface and smooth experience. but then sometimes I am glad I can forget I have a phone and don't turn it on in days, that's how cool I am, not even charging the phone I could be killed tomorrow, like happened sometimes before, and the last thing I want to do it's be as pathetic as Tom Warren and their reasoning behind how important a phone is in his life. if I cared about what him or anyone thought about the phone I use, I would be probably wasting my life.
But anyway, what can we expect in a forum. a positive thread? never! ^____________^ Forums are made to complain, never happy threads. I think it's funny Tom Warren wants attention, and he wanted to share all his life in public, at what times does he go sleep, eat or go pee, can you tell me Tom? I am sure that information is as valid as how "I am leaving Windows Phone" blabla.
am I not the coolest and nicest person in the world? of course I had to write something about Tom Warren. I finally finished a work, and I am in good mood ^____^/
-the end of my novel is here-