Sad and true...Tom Warren giving up on WP

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I'm also afraid that the "Windows 10 will be available for all platforms" could mean the end of Windows Phone in the long term. Because they'll only be creating one version of Windows. Therefore if the phone's popularity dies away, they're not losing as much as if they were making two seperate OS's.

Windows 10 can't be the same for everyone, they'll still be coded differently for the different type of hardware available.

Windows RT and Windows Phone will probably be merged however the regular Windows will still be very different, and it is also likely that they classify Windows 10 for PC and Windows 10 for Phones differently to avoid confusion.

Microsoft's approach has been to get apps that work across all their platforms and achieve cohesiveness so that people become used to their products.

Their approach has worked and the Windows Store has gained a lot of quality applications, the same can't be said for the Windows Phone Store which has often been ignored.
....then you have to lower your expectations with the iphone 6 too.

Why? From my past experience with iOS, most apps are on there first and the phone works perfectly well.

That's what I'm referring to when I talk about expectations: apps. The rest I can't complain about Windows Phone which is why I bought a new one merely 4 months ago even though I've used all the other major platforms (iOS, Android and even BlackBerry). The OS I prefer is Windows Phone.

But when it comes to apps, most of the time we have to expect to not have them or not have them updated.

Unless you're talking about something else?
The only thing that's sad but true is all the crying and ******** going on in this forum. If you're unhappy with Windows Phone just move and do your crying and ******** in your iOS or Android forum.
1. Releasing apps for all their services on iOS and Android
This is good business sense, have your product EVERYWHERE, that way there is no possible way to miss potential customers.

I agree that having your services everywhere is good business, however it is good for the services themselves.

What I mean by that is that if Microsoft continues to release applications like this the two possible outcomes will be this:

? More people will use the services and become tied with the platform.

? It will provide an easier transition for those that want to go to another OS from Windows Phone and not lose any of the apps.

In barely any cases I can see the growth of Windows Phone because of cross platform services, it may ultimately lead to the downfall of Windows Phone.

Here is a review on the MSN News app on the Play Store which may put into perspective what I am trying to say:


By the way that was the most "helpful" review of the app, meaning that people up voted it and share similar thoughts to him.

What I am trying to say is that Microsoft creating better versions of its apps on other platforms may very well lead to the death of it's own platform.
The only thing that's sad but true is all the crying and ******** going on in this forum. If you're unhappy with Windows Phone just move and do your crying and ******** in your iOS or Android forum.

Yeah you're right. These forums are solely for praise. Never mind that Microsoft actually says they adjust their products according to the feedback given. If one is not in awe of Windows Phone, then that person shall be crucified!
I will continue to use WP unless MS discontinues it. iOS and Android are not what I want in a smartphone and for my personal user experience. WP is the sweet spot.
lol apps on windows ARE worse than using the web browser.
This is the lamest argument I see all WP user use to validate their WP purchase.
My bank app lets me deposit checks using the camera. My bank doesn't have an app on WP and point blank told me, "Not Interested in Developing for WP platform."
The reason you have 5 apps is because you don't have any to start with.
I am pretty minimal when it comes to apps, I don't use fart apps or ignorant crap like that, but I still have around 25 apps installed on my iPhone 6+ and Note 4. My WP collects dust and thats about all its good for.

And then there is this other thing where WP users say there is other apps that do kind of the same thing. just use it....
WP will go nowhere without Official name brand apps. it will stay at its current 1% market share and go no further.

Wrong. I have 5 apps because I see no point in apps. I also have a Nexus 7 (2nd gen) and have probably the same # of apps. Apps are overrated, sorry. They are a fad. The real killer app is the OS itself and how it performs. THAT is why I chose WP.
These forums are nothing but wannabe like WP fanatic community without any objectivity. Since when things grew better on low expectations and only on nice and kind feedback.
Wrong. I have 5 apps because I see no point in apps. I also have a Nexus 7 (2nd gen) and have probably the same # of apps. Apps are overrated, sorry. They are a fad. The real killer app is the OS itself and how it performs. THAT is why I chose WP.

I have around 100 apps on my WP, all useful at some point. However "Big name" company apps sucks all the way compared to other OSs. That's what it needs to be fixed.
Crying is one way of feedback. Represents what sucks. Denial is something else. Haha

Who's in denial? I have my issues with Windows Phone too, but I take my "Feedback" to the uservoice site to make MS aware of them. I don't come to this site and cry and moan about it. And I certinally go come the to talk about how I'm switching to iOS or Android becuase Windows Phone dosen't have this app to that. No, crying is just crying. Go cry more some where else.
Who's in denial? I have my issues with Windows Phone too, but I take my "Feedback" to the uservoice site to make MS aware of them. I don't come to this site and cry and moan about it. And I certinally go come the to talk about how I'm switching to iOS or Android becuase Windows Phone dosen't have this app to that. No, crying is just crying. Go cry more some where else.

It was meant for everyone not pointing at you here. Anyways MS is supposedly reading WC forums, I don't know if everyone knows that, but okay. About uservoice, it would be nice if there was some feedback from MS too. That they are looking into it or whatever. Probably only suggestions with thousands of votes gets looked at .. Leaving small issues like my country's keyboard which doesn't show the right letters lol.. Ah
Who's in denial? I have my issues with Windows Phone too, but I take my "Feedback" to the uservoice site to make MS aware of them. I don't come to this site and cry and moan about it. And I certinally go come the to talk about how I'm switching to iOS or Android becuase Windows Phone dosen't have this app to that. No, crying is just crying. Go cry more some where else.

Yup! So uservoice = complaints, WC Forums = Praises and ******-ism?

Or, and this is just a suggestion, maybe just not read every bloody post that you don't like or disagree with and let everyone talk about what they want and let mods determine whether it's appropriate or not?
Tom Warren is a troll, after he went to The Verge, is like another wolf dressed as sheep... you know, he rarely talks anything important anymore, and his articles are all so "vergeish" that means more towards hating on Microsoft.

anyway, who cares what he does? his reasons are stupid. Last time I compared this Android phone, and Windows Phone. and I came to the conclusion people that complain "oh this App is not available so WP sucks" are just one of those pathetics humans with not a real life.

The apps I use are on WP, I tried to think about any Android App I could need and nothing. anyway I realized worrying about apps and especially games on phones it's just stupid (games in general, it's nice people like to play games, but I like to create them... so yes I am cooler). but the phone makes calls, and Works to chat with people and all. something that always made me laugh "WP doesn't have Candy Crush, WP sucks and doesn't have apps" but Candry Crush is the copy of other games that you can find easily alternatives. so yes, that's how my "pathetic" conclusion came to my mind. I guess I don't want to be like tom warren or others that now feel they need to moan about any small detail in technology to look cool, and how he complains about apps probably he doesn't even use, or like if it would hurt him to do things the long way, instead of being the same fat guy he is expecting sitting in a chair and just move his fingers, like bank apps and such. people complain about it, even a random someone who has WP, but then I was like "well, I don't care about banks, I try to avoid them, those legal robbers... so why would I want them on my phone? if I have to do something I can do it on the website, which I am fine about so I can stay away easier from them"

I experience it everyday, not only with phones. I work with 3d. and 3ds max it's what I use. yeah my workflow is different than other artists, but sometimes I feel they complain and say "bug bugs Autodesk sucks" only because they can mess with the software easily or they want an excuse to complain how 3dsmax still doesn't get certain features Maya did. I do my work, it crashes sometimes, not like I will die from it.
So after seeing that, I really stopped worrying too much about technology. I have things in WP I can't get in Android, like a nice interface that will have the apps I use, and an interface and smooth experience. but then sometimes I am glad I can forget I have a phone and don't turn it on in days, that's how cool I am, not even charging the phone I could be killed tomorrow, like happened sometimes before, and the last thing I want to do it's be as pathetic as Tom Warren and their reasoning behind how important a phone is in his life. if I cared about what him or anyone thought about the phone I use, I would be probably wasting my life.

But anyway, what can we expect in a forum. a positive thread? never! ^____________^ Forums are made to complain, never happy threads. I think it's funny Tom Warren wants attention, and he wanted to share all his life in public, at what times does he go sleep, eat or go pee, can you tell me Tom? I am sure that information is as valid as how "I am leaving Windows Phone" blabla.
am I not the coolest and nicest person in the world? of course I had to write something about Tom Warren. I finally finished a work, and I am in good mood ^____^/

-the end of my novel is here-
Yup! So uservoice = complaints, WC Forums = Praises and ******-ism?

Or, and this is just a suggestion, maybe just not read every bloody post that you don't like or disagree with and let everyone talk about what they want and let mods determine whether it's appropriate or not?

Perhaps, you should take your own suggestion.
I read this on ZDNet as well. There is no way I would leave the best operating system as a result of a carriers laziness with releasing the latest firm ware. I've got 8.1 on the Icon and it is great. I have no problem with using the developer preview to get the latest operating system. It is likely the pattern that will continue in the future.
No problems with using the Developer Preview here either.

I think the only app that really annoys me is the official Twitter app. The iOS version is miles ahead of both Android and WP. Everything from not having the inline conversation feature and the fact that the menu bar still takes up 1/4 of the feed.
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