At least i have all the apps i need, and the most important thing for me is the WP UI which is never boring like iOS which i also think its of top quality. To date most people who keep complaining about windows phone have only one reason, and its the app gap. If you have a mercedes benz and you start focusing on it cons, you'll never see it as a perfect car for you, and of course nothing is. But this doesnt mean that it is not one of the best cars, at least for others. Some will love BMW and others Porsche etc. It is the same with mobile OS, its down to personal preferences.
I have used android and blackberry before WP. My sister and brother have iphones and ipads, so i got a chance to play with them. I think iOS is very good BUT boring after only a few hours. Android is also good but again the UI isnt pleasing enough for me. I enjoy my windows phone a lot, cant stop staring at the live tiles, simple and fluid, affordable. I know its not perfect but one thing that never bothered me its the app gap. I have all the apps i need, news apps, social, sports, weather, games etc. Thanks candy crash saga is here but i used sweet crush before its arrival.
Despite loving WP this much, i will never try to spread and exaggerating the bad side of Android and iOS just because i dont use or like them. I will just try to spread the good side as well as the cons someone will face if he joined WP. So people stop exaggerating the deficiencies within the windows phone OS
Next winter? CoolThat?s okay, I?ve given up on Tom Warren. I?m getting that Lumia 940 next year on T-Mobile.
Yes, he specifically says he's been using all three os's over the last few years. But you can't blame a guy for needing certain tools/apps for work and colleagues. Gotta go where the apps and functionality are. I know my gf and I had to get iPhones for work and I love it. Also still use my 1520 along with it.So Tom is out of the closet, finally. Probably no secret to what he has been using all along except for maybe us. He probably has been using an Iphone for years, got the Iphone 6 like a lot of people did and now he's no longer keeping it a secret. No biggy.Its a nice phone. Until MS puts something on the table we could be proud to own, he won't be the last to venture onto greener pastures.
No flagship, no retention of customers and no new customers. Have fun with the Third World business model MS...
If your phone OS of choice is among the market leaders, you don't care. However, if your phone OS of choice happens to be very low in market share, and declining -- as is Windows Phone -- then you should very much care because of the risk of said phone not existing in the near future. You would rather see people flocking to, rather than fleeing from your phone OS. Make sense?
Secondly, and perhaps the most controversial, is the inclusion of android apps. Please keep reading. Not that we add the ability to run android apps on our phones like blackberry, but that MS, in all of their software wisdom, should create a basic utility to EASILY port apps on an individual basis to something resembling native windows phone code. An "Android App translator" of sorts. I do not want an android runtime running on top of my WP, and I dont want people to stop developing native WP apps. Just get 95% of the the conversion process done, and leave some tweaking to be done.
The HTC One M8 is a flagship as is the Lumia 1520 and since market share is actually rising it's likely they are gaining more customers then they are losing. MS probably has a better idea of how to run their business then you.
How's it hilarious? His points are all valid and true, unless you're Nadella using a fictitious screen name.
Do you think windows phone is gonna die soon?
I will continue to use WP unless MS discontinues it. iOS and Android are not what I want in a smartphone and for my personal user experience. WP is the sweet spot.
Unfortunately not C -_-I don't think consumers consciously decide to have only two choices. In fact, that goes against human nature, I think. We like choice.
IMHO, it's a simple matter of options A and B being better fits for more people.
I think most folks want as much functionality as possible, and no ethical reservations with regards to a duopoly can get in the way of that want.
Unless MS gives Cortana away to those two (IOS Android) as an "Alternative Personal Assistant"Exactly. It's just like imagining a world where our only choice would be between AT&T and Verizon. You need your T-Mobiles and Sprints to keep the big guys honest (sort of). Blackberry is too far gone to be a solid 3rd guy in the game, so all that is left is WP.
I can understand people getting angry that MS is offering their apps on iOS and Android, but it really is smart. It's much easier to give an iPhone owner a taste of Microsoft than get them to jump ship to WP. But you get them using One Drive and Cortana and you start pulling them away.
Hmmm so um where'sI have been a VERY loyal windows phone user since the HTC Titan. I will not give up on WP, but I think there are some things MS needs to fix.
Firstly, build a "surface phone". They don't have to call it that, but a thin, vapor-mg case with the latest snapdragon would be drool-worthy. This is a device to directly compete with the iPhone, something the current flagships do not (the 930 comes close, but no US availability!)
Secondly, and perhaps the most controversial, is the inclusion of android apps. Please keep reading. Not that we add the ability to run android apps on our phones like blackberry, but that MS, in all of their software wisdom, should create a basic utility to EASILY port apps on an individual basis to something resembling native windows phone code. An "Android App translator" of sorts. I do not want an android runtime running on top of my WP, and I dont want people to stop developing native WP apps. Just get 95% of the the conversion process done, and leave some tweaking to be done.
I think these are realistic demands.