Sad and true...Tom Warren giving up on WP

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Tom warren is was an iPhone user long before... The only reason he wrote about windows phones was because it was his job..
He is an iPhone user disguised as a Winlord
I hope we don't get the app gap gone, I don't need 4000 fart apps, ones that make you look like you have a big mouth while you talk or other stupid crap. We don't need all the junky crappy apps. We have good games, who cares if you don't have the latest games. they are only for passing ten mins. I have every app that I used on android on my WP. Banking, finance, photo, nav, shopping. If the app is not there, websites work so much better on the windows phone system than the others that it don't matter then anyways.
😂 idk but warren as his point an its the truth. an yes the truth hurt when you have friends on the other os smiling at u. but good thing is that I want ms to fail so they can continue making great device an try to make the os better. they already follow apple an failed (wp7) so now there doing both apple an android mixing it up(wp8-8.1) lets see if it can work for them in windows10.
You will find I am one of the biggest proponents of WP. Have been since my Dell Axim X5 with PPC 2002. I have an affinity for a company that trailblazed the industry and stuck to their product. (unlike Palm). So needless to say I have had all the OS"s from ppc2003 to WP8.1. and can be afforded a voice. We lost a lot of functionality with the reboot from WM to WP, but the reboot was necessary and Microsoft had to make that move. That gap loss has drastically closed. I understood the WM to WP move and even understand the W10 one OS move. The app differential is not serious to me, but I can see how it is for other ppl.

What I am not understanding is that Microsoft could help the app situation. Porting services to other ecosystems doesn't give devs incentives to concentrate on Microsoft. Plus all of that effort could have went into increasing improvement in your own ecosystem instead of helping others. And yes I have experience in other mobile OS even develop for one after my professional WM position dried up. My daily driver is still WP.
Sorry, but this is not true! I don't care about a hardcore flagship, more important is the look and feel of the phone and believe me, 80% of people who are not tech nerds think same way.
*looks at market share*
Tom warren is was an iPhone user long before... The only reason he wrote about windows phones was because it was his job..
He is an iPhone user disguised as a Winlord
Before Tom was at the Verge he started his own dedicated Windows site and was recruited by the Verge because he was so prolific a Windows blogger.
Before Tom was at the Verge he started his own dedicated Windows site and was recruited by the Verge because he was so prolific a Windows blogger.

Drop the facts, they aren't allowed here.
Back on topic. IVerge,Tom Waren suxks (am I doing it right?)
When I read the headline, my first thought was "Who??"

That's as much impact it has made... So what???
Good god... how many freaking apps does a person need??
It's not the number of apps that matter, it's WHICH apps that are available. Snapchat just did the rounds warning every Windows Phone owner I know to stop using third party apps (yet still aren't supporting with an official app), the Instagram app is still a joke, and even Microsoft's own apps are superior on the other platforms.

Whenever I suggest someone jumps to Windows phone, it's not always the same apps that people want and use regularly that prevents them from taking the plunge.
When I read the headline, my first thought was "Who??"

That's as much impact it has made... So what???

Ahh. So a person's influence shouldn't be measured by how many people read his work. Instead it should be measured by if you know them. Got it.
Okay I'm starting to wonder how many people that are complaining here actually really read the article through.

We've got a few complaints that keep coming up here...

Why should I care if Tom Warren gave up on WP? Who is he anyway?
Why? Well it's quite simple. Ask yourself this question - of the people you know around you how many have you gone out of your way to show to other people what your WP phone can do and ultimately brought them into using a WP device? The chances are that if you're on this forum and complaining in this thread that you care about the WP ecosystem and you're getting more than a bit frustrated at Microsoft's glacial pace. The fact that you even care enough to complain means you're more than likely one of the people that have convinced other people you know to at least consider WP as their next device.

Effectively you ARE the marketing machine for MS at this point. They always say that word of mouth is the best form of advertising and this is a big factor for WP. Tom Warren is a recognisable name in the tech industry world, in as far as Paul Thurrot and Mary Jo Foley are also in this category amongst others. If you managed to talk to your friends and family about WP the chances are that it is these tech bloggers and big names that got you to consider the platform in the first place. This is why it matters. This is negative press and it's feeding into the already frustrated userbase of WP enthusiast users that are out there. The wider public perception of WP as a whole is fragile as it is, but every family has a tech guy/gal. If they laugh off WP and wouldn't seriously consider it as a next device then average Joe is going to be put off from getting a WP device.

Haha - he's a hater and a closet iPhone user anyway. Lols.
You've really got to look at the person individually rather than judge him for the reputation of the website he's writing for. So you might think he's a hater and a closet iPhone user and only used WP devices and wrote about them because it was his job -- regardless of whether that is true or not people are going to judge the platform one way or the other.

Honestly at this point it's less about the individual writer and more about the public's overall perception of the platform. That's the issue we should be discussing here, not focusing about your irrational hatred of someone you've never met.

WP sucks, it's dying and I hate it. I'm off to <insert other platform name here>!
You're in the same boat as many people are. You're really frustrated and don't think you're being listened to on the platform you either like or once liked. Sure I get this, but honestly what's complaining about this on the boards going to do? In this day and age it's less about the platform ultimately. WP, iPhone and Android devices are there to fulfil specific purposes in the lives of the people that buy them. If you don't think you're getting the most out of your device and want to move on, do some research and find the device that does have the apps you need and will do the things you want it to do. Any of these platforms are respectable and don't deserve your hate.

Use what suits you in your situation.
Based on what? It's going into the fifth year and they are at less than 3% worldwide. WP is going nowhere fast. Even the hardware is stale and boring. No innovation at all and I just saw a article with the specs for the Win 10 phones and it's only incremental. Pathetic!
Now that MS has pretty much every app from Office to Here+ on every other platform what incentive is there to use WP? I love the OS but everything else around it is not up to par.
Based on what? It's going into the fifth year and they are at less than 3% worldwide. WP is going nowhere fast. Even the hardware is stale and boring. No innovation at all and I just saw a article with the specs for the Win 10 phones and it's only incremental. Pathetic!

Well on the contrary, Nokia was very innovative I remember when the 920 was the hottest **** on the block, first phone with OIS, one of the first few with NFC, amazing low light sensitivity, the camera was unprecedented. After the 920 they only incrementally improved due to a number of factors: A shift in focus to low-mid range devices in attempt to gain market share, the process and finalization of the Microsoft/Nokia takeover. All of those are huge things for companies to go through and although it may have slowed innovation it didn't completely stop it, the McLaren was gonna have some awesome 3D tech and although I used a very ironic example given that the device was cancelled, the R&D that was put into that device shows that they still want to innovate. Windows Phone is going through probably it's roughest stretch yet but if it makes it, there is a very good chance that it'll be all good. I believe Microsoft knows best how not to give up a good example is its Xbox juggernaut look at its history. The best thing people can do at this point is for supporters to keep supporting, former supporters to praise the good while giving a respectful nod to the bad. Quit with the complaining and switch it with constructive advice. If the platform is bad enough to passionately exhibit displeasure in it, then choose another platform. Simple.
Ahh. So a person's influence shouldn't be measured by how many people read his work. Instead it should be measured by if you know them. Got it.

You seemed to have missed my sarcasm.... Even so, my conclusion remains the same.
If I based any of my decisions on what other people thought, I wouldn't make any decision for myself.

I.T. blogger's/commentators are ten a penny. I always take their comments with a double handful of salt.....

In the end, if Mr Warren chooses to do what he believes is best for him, then great. For myself, I'll stick with what MS is doing. It's working well for me.
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