Hey does anyone know if the battery slot is the same size as the euro version of the trophy? I want to buy a 1500 mah battery and am wondering if we need to wait for a US specific one... thanks!
Not suggesting they are lying. But I am suggesting they use a different method for deriving the capacity, one that favors them. What motivation would an OEM have to put an under capacity battery in a phone, knowing that battery endurance is probably one of the top three knocks any device gets in reviews and otherwise. I am confident that OEMs do their best to fit the most possible mAh into the backs of their devices. So how can third parties logically trump that by 30-40%. Would like to see a lab performance test. And if an OEM was just being cheap, and looked forward to the bad press for doing so, why wouldn't they offer the same size/higher capacity battery with their branding which would demand a higher price. Think about it.I don't think they would "lie" about the mAh of the battery either. The thing I wonder about is how reliable and what quality the battery is in order to fit it in the same package.
i had a seido battery in my incredible that went from 1300mah to 1750mah that fit in the same case...
i don't think they would lie about the battery.
Did the 1750mAh battery last longer? How much?