I would also think the hardware revision would vary based on what model you have. RM-937/938/940. On board memory, Qi, wireless bands, etc. So I would agree that there may not be much to put on hardware variation. If anything you'd think having the little bit newer Green AT&T/1520.2/RM-940/whatever you want to call it should have whatever fix unless they literally just started changing it. I would almost go with what Hesham said about the grounding and the screws being loose. I also see a lot of people talking about gap between screen and case. So I'm thinking the plastic housing is slightly more prone to flexing, over time the screws holding the motherboard may become slightly loose, and then the housing flexing a little allows the phone to not be quite as tightly fit around the screen. So now it's not all as nicely wedged together as it could be. Seeing as the pushing on the phone seems to fix things, it might then re-seat everything and kind of put more pressure between the motherboard and housing giving better contact even though the motherboard may not be tightened down as well as it could be.
Worst case scenario I'll just send mine in under warranty if it really starts happening.