Share your W10M Start Screens and Backgrounds!

My background pic keeps cutting off after a while it does not take the hole screen any one figured out how to fix this.
Am I the only one who got an additional row on the start screen?!
I installed the latest build on a Lumia 1520.
For me, I use a app called blank tiles. Just make a bunch of blank tiles and insert them in the middle. I set the start screen to "tiles" to set it up, and then switched to full
Well I figured that I should post a screenshot now that I got it running pretty slick on my 930
Am I the only one who got an additional row on the start screen?!
View attachment 104723
I installed the latest build on a Lumia 1520.

Hey can you confirm that they fixed the background shrinking bug from last build. If your not familiar with it. It's when you set and image as the background wallpaper and after a while the image would not be taking up the whole background anymore. The image would shrink and take only 3 quarters of the background and the rest would be Black or White. On the 1520.
Hey can you confirm that they fixed the background shrinking bug from last build. If your not familiar with it. It's when you set and image as the background wallpaper and after a while the image would not be taking up the whole background anymore. The image would shrink and take only 3 quarters of the background and the rest would be Black or White. On the 1520.

It is still there for me, unfortunately.
Thanks! The line goes on further below the screen for a few more icons, ones I don't need as often. It feels completely different when you scroll like this, like it's a different UI: more like rolling a reel.

This is the resized image for 1280 res screens, if you want it:

I'm using the slightly pink-looking orange from 6 squares down the first column of the colour picker as my accent colour, which I expect won't be to everyone's taste but it feels like the most fitting one when you're leaving Start to go to another page.

[edit] A weird thing I've noticed: the Start page tends to refocus on important MS apps such as Outlook. I hate the way Outlook has a solid blue tile, so I tucked it away off the bottom of the screen in the arrangement shown in the screenshot. It was annoying me for a while, because everytime I reopened Start it would automatically open with Outlook in shot, so I'd have to scroll back until Phone was at the top.

However, I experimented a bit and eventually found that putting Music Preview to the top stopped that behaviour. Now it opens in the arrangement I wanted, albeit without Phone at the very top.

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