Thanks! The line goes on further below the screen for a few more icons, ones I don't need as often. It feels completely different when you scroll like this, like it's a different UI: more like rolling a reel.
This is the resized image for 1280 res screens, if you want it:
I'm using the slightly pink-looking orange from 6 squares down the first column of the colour picker as my accent colour, which I expect won't be to everyone's taste but it feels like the most fitting one when you're leaving Start to go to another page.
[edit] A weird thing I've noticed: the Start page tends to refocus on important MS apps such as Outlook. I hate the way Outlook has a solid blue tile, so I tucked it away off the bottom of the screen in the arrangement shown in the screenshot. It was annoying me for a while, because everytime I reopened Start it would automatically open with Outlook in shot, so I'd have to scroll back until Phone was at the top.
However, I experimented a bit and eventually found that putting Music Preview to the top stopped that behaviour. Now it opens in the arrangement I wanted, albeit without Phone at the very top.