SIP APP + Browse SMB Shares


New member
Jun 28, 2016
Hello all, New lumia 950 arrives tomorrow.
Would like to know if I can browse SMB shares on pc in continuity mode ?
Also, are there any good SIP telephone clients for windows mobile ?

And one last thing, I will be putting my work sim card in the second sim slot, is this slot reliable ? I can be called in the middle of the night for work so I need to know if the second slot is a reliable solution for receiving calls ?

Cheers guys, thanks for the great forum :)
Hello all, New lumia 950 arrives tomorrow.
Would like to know if I can browse SMB shares on pc in continuity mode ?
Also, are there any good SIP telephone clients for windows mobile ?

And one last thing, I will be putting my work sim card in the second sim slot, is this slot reliable ? I can be called in the middle of the night for work so I need to know if the second slot is a reliable solution for receiving calls ?

Cheers guys, thanks for the great forum :)

the dual SIM works so you can put the second SIM and you'll be able to receive calls - as long you instruct quiet hours to let calls through for your work line

From the little I read, SMB seems to be something you can access via the browser - so it could work in continuum mode

By the way, what you're trying to do seems beyond the current capabilities of continuum - if you really need a device that can handle complex productivity tasks, a dedicated pc might be the better choice - for now the 950 can handle the average productivity tasks like office and emails and browsing

Though since you're getting the device soon, you'll be able to test them out
Thanks guys, the phone came a day let setting up now :)

Just wondering if I should put the latest insider build on it ?? What do you think ??
Thanks guys, the phone came a day let setting up now :)

Just wondering if I should put the latest insider build on it ?? What do you think ??

for the time being, set up the phone, use the stable official release build. If you have no major issues, then stick with the official. If however you don't mind taking risks, you can try the preview builds. But you have to be prepared for bugs and resetting your phone now and then
Give a try to Zoiper and Linphone.
Zoiper has a pretty decent app, but I have never managed to use it properly, as I use accounts registered in specific server that does not allow simultaneous registrations. I don't know why, but Zoiper on WP needs it to function properly. If your accounts are registered in Asterisk based servers, I guess that you will be just fine.
Meanwhile Linphone is way more simpler that Zoiper, with less features and more bugs, but it happened to work for me, so that's what I have been using from time to time.
Thanks guys, the phone came a day let setting up now :)

Just wondering if I should put the latest insider build on it ?? What do you think ??

I would wait some time, because you never know if your phone is a faulty unity and on Insider builds you never know if it's the phone's problem or a W10M problem. I waited about 3 weeks before opting in.
there's an app called Yuki explorer support SMB on continuum mode, as well as the new VLC player for windows 10 if all you want to do is player media from SMB/ NAS
about SIP, there is open ones like Zoiper or so, but I didn't find any one work on continuum mode yet, but I don't see why . there are also propertary one like Text Now with free txt and free calls
Thanks for the replies guys, phone arrived but have had a horrbile time as it crashes constantly on my modem router box (Orange Livebox 4 2.4ghz N and 5ghz AC). I have to get a old cisco N draft wifi router out of the basement just to use this godamb phone!!!!
Thanks for the replies guys, phone arrived but have had a horrbile time as it crashes constantly on my modem router box (Orange Livebox 4 2.4ghz N and 5ghz AC). I have to get a old cisco N draft wifi router out of the basement just to use this godamb phone!!!!

make sure to update it to the latest OS and firmware updates - if the issue persists do a factory reset

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