Skype sms (since .576) stopped working on laptop.


New member
Oct 6, 2016
I adopted the skype sms so I could have my sms pop up on laptop, since .576 this has stopped working, In settings via laptop (within skype preview app) I can see "phone not connected" but all settings have remained the same since .448. Yet another odd glitch to hit my L950 since the .576 update, with that said I found .448 to be very stable and successful,
Anyone else having this sms issue?
going to try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it.
I too have adopted skype sms.

I had a weird issue with getting it to connect to my phone last week. It just said "phone not connected." Here's what I did:

1) On desktop/laptop version of skype, disable SMS
2) connect your phone to your desktop/laptop via Bluetooth (if possible)
3) Once Bluetooth says "connected", click enable on desktop version of skype
4) below the "enable" button you just clicked, you'll see a sub menu showing connected devices. Hopefully you see your phone there. If you don't, repeat steps 1 - 3 a couple times (I had to a couple times).
5) If you see your device, click the name and it'll ask for a passcode
6) on the mobile version of skype you should see a passcode in the settings menu where you choose to enable/disable skype
7) type that passcode in and you should be all set with connectivity
8) close out skype and re-open and it should merge all the appropriate conversation.

Let me know if that works.

Sidenote, I was also having syncing issues with OneNote. I did an app reset as you said and all is well now -- thanks for that.
Cheers for that buddy, I will try these steps, I did notice (on laptop side) Skype preview offering a 1 time code, never had to do this before., I will try these steps (although no Bluetooth on this device) but where you said " on the mobile version of skype you should see a passcode in the settings menu" ..... I have never noticed this and trying it now, will report back, Thankyou.
UPDATE>> your directions were correct, when given the passcode from the desktop side I checked with settings within skype app on the mobile, after resetting the passcode 3 times (on laptop) it triggered a response on my mobile skype preview app, (no alert or audible sound but a very discrete update on the mobile side on the screen within that setting.
Now my mobile is connected once again,
Thankyou @Chazzy J
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