So, I just bought brand new 1520 fresh from the box.. is it worth it now?


New member
Apr 22, 2015
Hi guys,, I was a 730 user(used this for 6months).. but I just bought the 1520 yesterday, yes a new fresh from the box... it sounds odd buying new EOL phone

I am just wondering if it is worth it.. because I only paid around 252 dollars for the 1520
my question is.. should I sell the 1520 again, stick for 730 for moment and wait for the future lumia?
because I know I cant afford anything above 300usd in the future.. (so, talkman and cityman gone from my list ANDD my country currency depreciating AF compared to usd, like holys**t)

need help,, because I am new to WP and do not know which one the best option.. wait or just use 1520 -_-
If you know that you cannot afford the newer Cityman/Talkman phones, then the 1520 is a great choice, hardware-wise. You just need to get used to the size of the phone.
I have been using a 1520 from the day it was released. I have had a Many windows phone (lg quantum,Nokia 900,920,1020,&1520. ) the 1520 is my favorite. After using it for a week or two it won't even feel that big anymore but everything else will be to small. I want the new cityman when it comes out but I will tell you that when the EOLed the 1520 I bought a new one to have as a backup in case something happens to mine. It is that good of a phone! I would be devastated if I had to go back to something else. So if you know that a new cityman is out of the question for you then you made the best purchase ever. Enjoy it
It remains a pretty great phone... however, I bought it in December of 2013 with the intention of using it for two years. I don't think it will be that useful for an additional two years if bought now. We are pretty close to the new releases... I would wait.
You'll have to spend at least twice that to get anything better and even then it wouldn't be significantly better. It's a really good buy right now. Just shot some video with mine and I'm really impressed with the quality.
The 1520 was a fantastic premium/flagship phone when it released. When the W10M flagships release, this phone will still shine as a midrange device (compared to the Cityman/Talkman devices)... In my biased opinion as a 1520 owner. 😊
Keep the phone. I loved my 1520. It was a great phone and still will be in the future... It is like the 920, hard to replace. if you will not be able to afford more than this in the future, anything less will be less...

Dont worry out the EOL... People get so caught up on having the latest... Funny, most people don't complain about their car, shoot... Buy for what it can do now.
It remains a pretty great phone... however, I bought it in December of 2013 with the intention of using it for two years. I don't think it will be that useful for an additional two years if bought now. We are pretty close to the new releases... I would wait.

since talkman and cityman is out of my league, will there be $300 lumia to compete with the 1520? loved to hear if there is one...maybe the one with 615 soc.. (410 is far behind, like so far)

thanks for the opinion guys! I will keep the 1520 then and sell my 730 :) (even tho the 730 re-sale price is so cheap..damn..)
and yeah,, after 2 days of using it, my 730 feels so small and 1520 doesn't feel that big either
I bought my 1520 for around 250, awesome awesome phone. But it had its own issues, so I sold it. If I could buy it again, I don't think I would. As mentioned in the thread, yes, a newer device would cost twice as much with the impending release of the Cityman... But the thing is, the 1520 is EOL... I think paying double to actually get a supported device for another 2 years would be worth it. Not to mention, you'll probably get great construction, better camera, and every feature will be supported on the Cityman like continuum, which won't be on the 1520 as far as I remember reading.

I am also speaking from experience, I had the touch / swipe issue. Pain in the ****! Also, it was just HUGE. I loved the size, but I was 100% unable to sit down with it in my jeans xD haha. Hopefully the cityman will either have less bezels or a slightly smaller screen. The galaxy note series has size to bezel ration down. :) Battery life on the 1520 was awesome. So was camera quality. Nothing beat the 1520 / 930 / Icon in camera in my opinion. I now have an LG G4 for the camera. I'm waiting for the Cityman! Hopefully it'll be awesome. I, personally, would keep it, and then maybe sell it in the future. It's a great phone, but if you can only afford 1 device in the next 2 years, I'd wait and invest in a newer device rather than a device that's already a few years old and terminated. But that's just my opinion!
At that price for a brand new one, I think you got a pretty nice deal. As mentioned previously, if you cannot afford the City/Talkman devices, then you got the next best thing available at the moment.

Sure the 640 XL is a fantastic device, but it is still not the 1520 in terms of overall build & features of device when you compare the costs.

Only thing you really will be missing will be Continuum so if that is not something you think you would use beyond seeing how it works, then I say you made a pretty good decision.

Enjoy! (Which color did you get by the way?)
just out of curiosity, why ask if it is worth it after you bought it?
while the 1520 is an amazing phone, but i am sure most of the people here would have said wait a couple of months, the 730 is not too bad as well.

any way, looking at your situation now, i would sell the 730, keep the 1520. enjoy your new phone.
I'm one year into 1520 ownership. Not ready to sell and am not "trading up" to the fall flagships.
I am a proud owner of the 1520. It is a fantastic phone. I find it hard to switch to any other phone for Web browsing, reading, multimedia, etc.
While I'm looking forward to the Cityman, the Lumia 1520 is not leaving my side anytime soon.

Posted via the Windows Phone Central App for Android
I'm one year into 1520 ownership. Not ready to sell and am not "trading up" to the fall flagships.
Like RumoredNow, I am 2 years into owning a 1520. I really like this form factor and build quality. Unfortunately, the phone cannot withstand a pinching/crushing action in a truck door.. But at least there are $250 like-new replacements out there! ;)

I do not see myself swapping my 1520 for either Cityman/Talkman either. Continuum is a nice-to-have, not a must-have, feature. :)
The 1520 is the ONLY I repeat ONLY previous flagship with an SD card slot. That alone with the awesome camera features great battery life and future upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile makes this at least a 12-18 month(more if you really don't need a new flagship) layover device easily. I only wish I had got one earlier but we're too close to the flagships for me to buy anything new. Especially if Microsoft officially launches a T-Mobile version of either the 950/950XL. But if you know kicking out the cash is not an option for a new flagship then enjoy that 1520. It will make you fall in love.
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Dude you have got an amazing deal ! Dont worry about the EOL thing. You have hot a great phone. And Windows 10 will boost its performance and usability a lot ! :D and the camera still holds its ground against the new age flagships. And the new windows midrangers won't be able to compete with the 1520. :) You have got a great device. Cherish it ^_^

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