I really hate to throw more fuel onto this roaring fire, but I just read the latest Windows Phone Blog post on the subject of
?Copy and paste? Update Status. There, Microsoft announces "new transparency" by putting up a website that indicates "Where's My Phone Update?". 52 responses have already been posted and most show upset users.
It was shocking to learn that phones such as the HTC Surround, the LG Quantum and the Samsung Focus are still in "testing" status. This is for an update that supposedly was "in the can" back in November or December last year. Is it just me or is anyone else disbelieving that it takes over three months for the carriers to "test" this NoDo update? I just can't believe that the carriers are interested in the success of WP7. If they were, they would have made testing a priority and completed it long ago. I think they are just dragging their feet for the hell of it and with whatever business agreements Microsoft established with the carriers, there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.
My bottom line is that unless Microsoft changes those agreements and gets assertive, they might as well pack it in because this OS is doomed to failure. Okay, let's see a quick show of hands; how many people actually believe an update called "Mango" will see the light of day on user devices before the end of 2011?