so MS finally talks and says nothing.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I understand what mgarcia is trying to do, continue insulting Microsoft in hopes of them fixing things quicker. The unfortunate part for him is that Microsoft is a huge company that honestly doesn't give a rats *** about ONE person, and yeah even if they pretended to, he's ranting in the wrong place. So mgarcia, you either need to find the right place to rant, or just get rid of the phone altogether cuz I have a feeling that even Microsoft would be telling you to **** off with that amount of ranting.


Theoretically, if the general community seems frustrated by Microsoft's complete lack of urgency, then maybe they would make plays to show off aggressive intentions in the short term.

But if Microsoft moves at the pace which most of THIS community seems okay with, which included announcing features that bring feature parity with Android and iOS 10 months ahead of time....then Microsoft has a long....hard road....

I mean....some of what you guys is, and yes, I'll say it, complete lunacy.

It's a bunch of freakin ****** excuses.

Enthusiasts have a hard time getting on Windows Phone because of a lack of these features. So you guys tell me, enthusiasts don't matter, they don't make up the whole market. Oh REALLY? Remember when the freaking iPad came out...and sales were okay.......yet some how 5 months later they exploded during the holiday season? Why do you think that was......could it have been the people running around showing it off to people maybe? Or did people just buy one later? How about Android....some how that took off even though it took a year and a half for the OS to even be decent.

Besides....if you're not an enthusiast....then how are you not following the droves of your friends and family and just buying an iPhone. The majority of people of bought a Windows Phone are probably Zune fans like me, which makes an individual kind of an odd duck in most people's eyes anyways.

It's obvious that Winodws Phone's UI isn't selling the phone in droves....and they haven't touched the thing yet. This update is three things. Better speed, Copy and Paste, and Marketplace search.

That doesn't even make the OS look any more attractive. Not like adding incremental features in the last months could have.

It's gonna be till probably November before this thing is competitive with...might I add....LAST YEARS Android and iPhone.

I want nothing more than to see 3 competitive players in the OS space. But Microsoft has done absolutely NOTHING in 5 months to gain any momentum except finally put out adds that they should have had 5 months ago.

You guys are way too forgiving. Are me and mgarcia telling you that you'll all dumb for enjoying your phones? NO WE"RE quit acting like it....

Why is it so hard to get that we saw WP7 as a HUGE opportunity...and Microsoft hasn't done enough so far to capitalize on it.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
I'm sorry for so much confusion. I'll be sure in the future to not use the word "bug" and replace it with "numerous software glitches, design flaws, blatant oversights, poor application management, a disregard for user experience, and an unfinished operating product in nearly every way". Again, my apologies.

@burnethanol I've got a new device for other reasons, but unfortunately, new hardware does not remedy numerous software glitches, design flaws, blatant oversights, poor application management, a disregard for user experience, and an unfinished operating product in nearly every way.
I'd honestly love to hear your complaints about user experience and design flaws. I think user experience is one of the things they really nailed for the most part. I wrote about Metro being too design forward and minimalistic an interface for the masses a while back. Hopefully, I'm wrong about that because it's very. I do think it's interesting that they managed to bring bits of Windows Mobile's difficulty to be used with fingers over to Windows Phone -- see the tiny taskbar that we saw in Windows Mobile 6.5.3 builds, and the smallish app bar buttons. And the truncated text works in panoramas and pivots where you can scroll, but not in other areas. But overall, I think the design is refreshing, consistent, and works to make the interface disappear so that the content comes to the forefront.

And I wouldn't use the word "unfinished" to describe WP7. As someone else pointed out, something is "finished" when it's creator decides so. "Immature", yes, but you could say the same about pretty much any 1.0 software product, especially operating systems. iOS and Android were far more basic than at 1.0 than WP7. webOS in its first iteration was actually closer to WP7, though still lacking in the breadth of experiences of WP7.

But being immature isn't the issue I have with WP7. I actually don't have as much issue with the fact that NoDo hasn't launched yet as some do. I have faith that Microsoft will learn from their experiences and put that towards the next update. And a five-month wait for the first update can be forgotten and forgiven in time. The issue I'm having (which admittedly I didn't a couple months back) is that the next update isn't expected until "some time" later this year, seemingly fall. There's talk that IE may get released sooner and separately, and I'd love to see that as it would mitigate some of the lack of features, and create a give the illusion of a faster pace.

What really bites is that we know at the very least, bits of Mango are working, if even in an alpha state. We saw multitasking and an HTML 5-powered IE at MWC. It's impossible to judge just how far those features are from the videos, but are they really that far off? Was this just a build more or less made just for the conference?
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New member
Jan 30, 2011

Theoretically, if the general community seems frustrated by Microsoft's complete lack of urgency, then maybe they would make plays to show off aggressive intentions in the short term.

But if Microsoft moves at the pace which most of THIS community seems okay with, which included announcing features that bring feature parity with Android and iOS 10 months ahead of time....then Microsoft has a long....hard road....

I mean....some of what you guys is, and yes, I'll say it, complete lunacy.

It's a bunch of freakin ****** excuses.

Enthusiasts have a hard time getting on Windows Phone because of a lack of these features. So you guys tell me, enthusiasts don't matter, they don't make up the whole market. Oh REALLY? Remember when the freaking iPad came out...and sales were okay.......yet some how 5 months later they exploded during the holiday season? Why do you think that was......could it have been the people running around showing it off to people maybe? Or did people just buy one later? How about Android....some how that took off even though it took a year and a half for the OS to even be decent.

Besides....if you're not an enthusiast....then how are you not following the droves of your friends and family and just buying an iPhone. The majority of people of bought a Windows Phone are probably Zune fans like me, which makes an individual kind of an odd duck in most people's eyes anyways.

It's obvious that Winodws Phone's UI isn't selling the phone in droves....and they haven't touched the thing yet. This update is three things. Better speed, Copy and Paste, and Marketplace search.

That doesn't even make the OS look any more attractive. Not like adding incremental features in the last months could have.

It's gonna be till probably November before this thing is competitive with...might I add....LAST YEARS Android and iPhone.

I want nothing more than to see 3 competitive players in the OS space. But Microsoft has done absolutely NOTHING in 5 months to gain any momentum except finally put out adds that they should have had 5 months ago.

You guys are way too forgiving. Are me and mgarcia telling you that you'll all dumb for enjoying your phones? NO WE"RE quit acting like it....

Why is it so hard to get that we saw WP7 as a HUGE opportunity...and Microsoft hasn't done enough so far to capitalize on it.

this post seems to counter-point mine, in which I can understand why you have that stance but I'm not exactly implying (I dont mean to at least) what your saying, all points you make are pretty solid. Where I'm at a loss is how mgarcia says he loves the OS but I haven't seen one post lately, not ONE, where he praises it, it's 100% negative. You're posts are more balanced, ranging from 70%/30% to 80%/20%; good/bad respectively.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
in my opinion, there's nothing to praise it for yet. so much potential. today that pictures hub crashed on me. yesterday the Facebook app bugged out. there doesn't seem to be a single aspect of the phone that isn't deserving of criticism.

how's this? the calculator on WP7 works flawlessly. there's a 50% positive post, can we be friends now?

edit: @Rico I'll reply to you when I get to a computer, but yer comment on being too minimalist was a gross understatement.
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New member
Nov 9, 2010


New member
Jan 30, 2011
in my opinion, there's nothing to praise it for yet. so much potential. today that pictures hub crashed on me. yesterday the Facebook app bugged out. there doesn't seem to be a single aspect of the phone that isn't deserving of criticism.

how's this? the calculator on WP7 works flawlessly. there's a 50% positive post, can we be friends now?

edit: @Rico I'll reply to you when I get to a computer, but yer comment on being too minimalist was a gross understatement.

Really? Calculator? Mocking me it seems? Don't worry too much about being friends, there's time for that in short order because Microsoft is testing my patience... Heavily.

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
While Thurrot has some valid points and puts forward arguments that I agree with, though the way he goes about things is completely wrong IMO. Sure, Microsoft have provided unbelievable transparency in the wrong way by providing almost no information at points whatsoever with what's happening. Their handling of the pre-NoDo update failures was questionable (it's okay for the non-affected but when your phone ceases to function and you require it for work and day-to-day usage, it's a pain) and their planned "two updates a year" is ridiculous for the amount of functions/features/bugs that need to be rectified to catch up with the competition.

Microsoft may be new to the game with this platform (albeit they have experience with WM but WP7 is 'new') but in a post-iPhone era, majority of us expect more. We, the community, should go about this in the right way, organised threads on their forums (already being populated - but could be more in volume), express feedback/views/suggestions on their official social channels (we did a post about this a while back) and more patience.

Ranting/moaning/complaining OTT will not change things, and some of us have to realise that (not saying any of you guys are doing this, just overall - I'm guilty too).


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Good post Rich. I can agree with most of that. I guess my only point would be that I really don't think it matters where we make ourselves heard, it isn't going to open Microsoft's eyes anytime soon. I get the feeling that ignoring their customer base is one of their core competencies. The vast change in their transparency level from before to after launch has been astonishing.. but that's my opinion and obviously the majority of the people on this site are perfectly happy being in complete darkness about what to expect.

Really? Calculator? Mocking me it seems?

LOL not exactly trying to, just pointing out that every aspect of the phone is currently flawed in one way or another. There's nothing that I feel comfortable praising, because nothing, in my opinion, is acceptable as the phone stands right now. It had the Pictures Hub going for it, and (no joke) as soon as I mentioned previously in this thread that the Pictures Hub was problem free, the social info pull aspect of it has now crashed twice and won't allow me to upload photos to Facebook without kicking an error back.

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
This is true, I've voiced my opinion many times to their customer support and have either received nothing or little in response. Especially with the possibility of Zune coming to OS X, or at least implementing Marketplace search within the WP7 Connector so Mac users have the ability to click on app links etc. Damn that makes me feel so left out :(


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
While Thurrot has some valid points and puts forward arguments that I agree with, though the way he goes about things is completely wrong IMO. Sure, Microsoft have provided unbelievable transparency in the wrong way by providing almost no information at points whatsoever with what's happening. Their handling of the pre-NoDo update failures was questionable (it's okay for the non-affected but when your phone ceases to function and you require it for work and day-to-day usage, it's a pain) and their planned "two updates a year" is ridiculous for the amount of functions/features/bugs that need to be rectified to catch up with the competition.

Microsoft may be new to the game with this platform (albeit they have experience with WM but WP7 is 'new') but in a post-iPhone era, majority of us expect more. We, the community, should go about this in the right way, organised threads on their forums (already being populated - but could be more in volume), express feedback/views/suggestions on their official social channels (we did a post about this a while back) and more patience.

Ranting/moaning/complaining OTT will not change things, and some of us have to realise that (not saying any of you guys are doing this, just overall - I'm guilty too).

I agree. MS' slow reaction and lack of communication about NoDo has been horrible. (though a share of the blame goes to tech sites who repeatedly offered unconfirmed release dates)

That said, we live in an age where consumers don't know how to effectively communicate with a company. Armchair warriors much prefer to vent their frustrations on blogs and forums as opposed to doing something that would actually fix the problem.

I have no problem with people getting their rage on, but there comes a point where you actually have to do something about the problem (even if the solution is to return the product). Speak directly to the manufacture, not just a random website. Watching someone rant, moan, complain, and troll a product gets tiresome. And if you think excessive trolling is "helping" a community, then you need to look at more positive ways to help.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
this post seems to counter-point mine, in which I can understand why you have that stance but I'm not exactly implying (I dont mean to at least) what your saying, all points you make are pretty solid. Where I'm at a loss is how mgarcia says he loves the OS but I haven't seen one post lately, not ONE, where he praises it, it's 100% negative. You're posts are more balanced, ranging from 70%/30% to 80%/20%; good/bad respectively.

I can see where mgarcia and I look like cramugens on here.....but it's frustrating for us to voice concerns and have other members say that "maybe this isn't the OS for us". Then it just devolves from there.

If I had to put a number on it, I've got to be in the top percentile of Microsoft fanboys. When I was 15, the first thing I spent my first paycheck in my life on was an original refurbished Xbox and a copy of Halo. I used Creative MP3 players as long as I could...the only iPod I owned was a 2nd gen touch....(cause lets be real...even by then it was the only thing on Earth that cool)....but I ditched it for the Zune HD......I dont' even consider buying Mac, it's just not my nature.

I wouldn't waste my time sitting here on a forum if I wasn't extremely passionate about Microsoft's products and potential. I don't want to buy the phone and enjoy it despite that it is missing some key features. I'm an enthusiast...I sit and geek out about this **** all day long. I'm acutely aware of most of the features of the major OS's.......I follow numerous blogs and podcasts. When you listen to Engadget and Engadget sucks to hear them speak so well of WP7, but not even consider it as a personal every day phone because it lacks some key features. (Engadget as an example..because they cover the whole spectrum, I personally find them to be biased to quality..and the mobile guys are extremely excited about Mango and Nokia)

I want Windows Phone to not have to be a compromise for anyone. It'll be hard enough for Windows Phone to penetrate the competitive market, but if it continues to narrow down its audience simply by virtue of having a lack of modern OS staples, than how fast can they expect it to grow?

When NoDo eventually goes down, hopefully smoothly, then we can patiently wait for more good news. Google's going to announce something new this summer as well as Apple. In my eyes however, there will be constant pressure on's just that a failure to expedite this update has not lent itself to a spectacular future.

Yes, I agree.....they should only release it when they know it will be done well. But it would have been far better if it had been done a month or two ago. The worst possible scenario is that it ends up being a consistent string of "too little, too late. "


New member
Jan 13, 2011
in the meantime - apparently myself, averry, and paul thurrott are the only people that get it.

unfortunately posting things like your list of 'bugs' (of which most are nothing of the sort) to justify your comment that the company, the OS and the firmware (not sure what you were referring to by 'the firmware' probably another misunderstanding of a common term) are 'broken' doesn't lend much to the idea that you 'get it'. There is a difference between criticism and whining. By your logic every platform out there is 'broken' as is the company that produced it.

No WP7 is not perfect and no it doesn't have every possible feature, the good news is they are working on it, sure I - like pretty much everyone here - would like things to move faster but just like every single other platform out there this process takes time, most of us know this from experience.

Pete C

New member
Jan 24, 2011
mgarcia I finally see what you meant about the lagging keyboard. I am typically not typing on many forms within IE, so I didn't notice it, but entering text on some input fields is horrible. Within the OS itself...Bing search, people hub, text messaging, email, etc...the keyboard is lag-free. However, on the internet in an input field it can sometimes not even respond to key presses.

Paul Acevedo

Jan 19, 2011
unfortunately posting things like your list of 'bugs' (of which most are nothing of the sort) to justify your comment that the company, the OS and the firmware (not sure what you were referring to by 'the firmware' probably another misunderstanding of a common term) are 'broken' doesn't lend much to the idea that you 'get it'. There is a difference between criticism and whining. By your logic every platform out there is 'broken' as is the company that produced it.

No WP7 is not perfect and no it doesn't have every possible feature, the good news is they are working on it, sure I - like pretty much everyone here - would like things to move faster but just like every single other platform out there this process takes time, most of us know this from experience.

It's got to be really frustrating for mGracia, Averry, and others to post extensive, detailed lists of concerns and to have them brushed away like you're doing. Shame on you.

I can see where mgarcia and I look like cramugens on here.....but it's frustrating for us to voice concerns and have other members say that "maybe this isn't the OS for us". Then it just devolves from there.

If I had to put a number on it, I've got to be in the top percentile of Microsoft fanboys. When I was 15, the first thing I spent my first paycheck in my life on was an original refurbished Xbox and a copy of Halo. I used Creative MP3 players as long as I could...the only iPod I owned was a 2nd gen touch....(cause lets be real...even by then it was the only thing on Earth that cool)....but I ditched it for the Zune HD......I dont' even consider buying Mac, it's just not my nature.

I wouldn't waste my time sitting here on a forum if I wasn't extremely passionate about Microsoft's products and potential. I don't want to buy the phone and enjoy it despite that it is missing some key features. I'm an enthusiast...I sit and geek out about this **** all day long. I'm acutely aware of most of the features of the major OS's.......I follow numerous blogs and podcasts. When you listen to Engadget and Engadget sucks to hear them speak so well of WP7, but not even consider it as a personal every day phone because it lacks some key features. (Engadget as an example..because they cover the whole spectrum, I personally find them to be biased to quality..and the mobile guys are extremely excited about Mango and Nokia)

I want Windows Phone to not have to be a compromise for anyone. It'll be hard enough for Windows Phone to penetrate the competitive market, but if it continues to narrow down its audience simply by virtue of having a lack of modern OS staples, than how fast can they expect it to grow?

When NoDo eventually goes down, hopefully smoothly, then we can patiently wait for more good news. Google's going to announce something new this summer as well as Apple. In my eyes however, there will be constant pressure on's just that a failure to expedite this update has not lent itself to a spectacular future.

Yes, I agree.....they should only release it when they know it will be done well. But it would have been far better if it had been done a month or two ago. The worst possible scenario is that it ends up being a consistent string of "too little, too late. "

Excellent post. I completely agree.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
It's got to be really frustrating for mGracia, Averry, and others to post extensive, detailed lists of concerns and to have them brushed away like you're doing. Shame on you.

Things like bug reports are great for the platform and that's why using the msdn sites to communicate that sort of feedback is a great way to let the company know there are issues.

But stuffing a 'bug list' full of feature requests just to pad it out in an effort to justify obviously inflammatory comments like the company is 'broken' or the product is 'broken' is not a productive way to deal with issues.

No-one is saying it doesn't have issues and no-one is saying it is feature-complete, but many of us have experience with computing platforms enough to know that this is the case with EVERY SINGLE platform out there. You need to be patient, WP7 is in its infancy compared to the well-established platforms that have had years of a head-start.

but it's frustrating for us to voice concerns and have other members say that "maybe this isn't the OS for us".

And they're right, it obviously isn't - *yet* - I mean you don't have one because it doesn't have the features you need yet, it's the same as with every other infant platform. Your issues aren't with the core OS paradigms or anything like that, just with bugs or features so it likely will be the OS for you in the future. In the meantime by all means file bug reports and feature requests but then be patient and wait for them to fix/add them. It took the iphone an entire product refresh to get features we viewed as 'standard' because these things take time.

Even on this forum there is a sticky for 'needed fixes', why don't you use it? And maybe there should be one for 'feature requests'?
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New member
Nov 9, 2010
things like bug reports are great for the platform and that's why using the msdn sites to communicate that sort of feedback is a great way to let the company know there are issues.
but stuffing a 'bug list' full of feature requests just to pad it out in an effort to justify obviously inflammatory comments like the company is 'broken' or the product is 'broken' is not a productive way to deal with issues.
it is broken, and there is no productive way to deal with the issue, so this is how i want to handle it. If reading the truth about how microsoft is treating you is so inflammatory, perhaps you should stop reading my posts? I'm not sure what else to tell you, but I'm not going to apologize for being honest.
no-one is saying it doesn't have issues and no-one is saying it is feature-complete, but many of us have experience with computing platforms enough to know that this is the case with every single platform out there. You need to be patient, wp7 is in its infancy compared to the well-established platforms that have had years of a head-start.
i am saying that this is currently the least feature complete platform with the most issues, and i seem to be the very few saying that. We were promised updates when we purchased our phones. Never once did microsoft get up on a stage and say "you're going to have to be patient, it's going to take us a year to get the first two updates out". The fact that it is in it's infancy is what makes this so horrific. This os should be one of their top priorities, and if anyone on this website thinks that this os is one of microsoft's top priorities after the past 5 months, you should have your views on fanboyism evaluated.

and they're right, it obviously isn't - *yet* - i mean you don't have one because it doesn't have the features you need yet, it's the same as with every other infant platform. Your issues aren't with the core os paradigms or anything like that, just with bugs or features so it likely will be the os for you in the future. In the meantime by all means file bug reports and feature requests but then be patient and wait for them to fix/add them. It took the iphone an entire product refresh to get features we viewed as 'standard' because these things take time.
it's not the same with every other infant platform. Every other infant platform was patched and patched until the customers were actually complaining about too many patches. Again, patience is the exact opposite of what microsoft sold us, and still isn't selling us. They're still prancing around saying that updated this os is a core value or whatever, and i'm not quite sure how any of you don't find that as offensive as i do. They're lying to us, and most of you seem to be just fine with that.
even on this forum there is a sticky for 'needed fixes', why don't you use it? And maybe there should be one for 'feature requests'?


New member
Dec 30, 2009
mgarcia I finally see what you meant about the lagging keyboard. I am typically not typing on many forms within IE, so I didn't notice it, but entering text on some input fields is horrible. Within the OS itself...Bing search, people hub, text messaging, email, etc...the keyboard is lag-free. However, on the internet in an input field it can sometimes not even respond to key presses.
I've noticed that if the page is still loading and you type text in an input field in IE, the actual text input lags like crazy. This is a separate issue from the lagging keyboard, an issue which seems to be worst in the messaging app. The keyboard is one of the easiest and most responsive to type on, so when this issue crops up it's insanely annoying to me.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
And they're right, it obviously isn't - *yet* - I mean you don't have one because it doesn't have the features you need yet, it's the same as with every other infant platform. Your issues aren't with the core OS paradigms or anything like that, just with bugs or features so it likely will be the OS for you in the future. In the meantime by all means file bug reports and feature requests but then be patient and wait for them to fix/add them. It took the iphone an entire product refresh to get features we viewed as 'standard' because these things take time.

Even on this forum there is a sticky for 'needed fixes', why don't you use it? And maybe there should be one for 'feature requests'?

Actually, I don't have one because it's not offered in my Zip code yet.

But I was hoping that by the time Verizon got one...or AT&T was actually available in my area....that things would have progressed smoothly and excitingly...instead it seems to limping into my availability.

But when I get one...I'll post a picture of myself licking it so you know I love it.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
it is broken, and there is no productive way to deal with the issue, so this is how i want to handle it.

Yes i know you keep saying that, unfortunately since it has no basis it is factually false. It is no more 'broken' than any other platform, of course you can't refute that and you'll continue to parade your bull**** all over the forums anyway.

If reading the truth about how microsoft is treating you is so inflammatory, perhaps you should stop reading my posts? I'm not sure what else to tell you, but I'm not going to apologize for being honest.

Using words that you clearly don't understand with no basis in order to describe the situation is not 'the truth'.

i am saying that this is currently the least feature complete platform

Least feature complete? On numbers, maybe, but it certainly has unique features, which is probably why you bought one.

with the most issues and i seem to be the very few saying that.

The most issues? I don't think so, your list of 'issues' barely clocked 1/2 a dozen actual issues. Go ahead and compare it to the amount of issues on iOS or Android or webOS...or are you making that claim without knowledge of those other platforms?

We were promised updates when we purchased our phones. Never once did microsoft get up on a stage and say "you're going to have to be patient, it's going to take us a year to get the first two updates out".

And no-one's saying you won't get updates. I know you're obviously new to all this but it does indeed take time and you do need to be patient even if the company doesn't explicitly tell you that, because it's just common knowledge that features take time to implement.

The fact that it is in it's infancy is what makes this so horrific. This os should be one of their top priorities, and if anyone on this website thinks that this os is one of microsoft's top priorities after the past 5 months

I agree, but sensationalising the situation by using terms like 'broken' for everything and calling things 'bugs' when they clearly (assuming you know what a bug is) are not bugs doesn't do anything except make you a person they will ignore because you obviously don't have a clue.

you should have your views on fanboyism evaluated.

Calling you out on your improper use of terms and lack of basis for comments isn't 'fanboyism'.

it's not the same with every other infant platform. Every other infant platform was patched and patched until the customers were actually complaining about too many patches.

That's a load of crap and you know it.

They're still prancing around saying that updated this os is a core value or whatever, and i'm not quite sure how any of you don't find that as offensive as i do. They're lying to us, and most of you seem to be just fine with that.

Because we understand they aren't magic, if a problem comes up they have to fix it and this will take time. They can't foresee all problems and just magically fix them instantly, have you really never been through the introduction of a new platform before? Even on platforms like the iphone where there are only a couple of concrete hardware platforms it still takes apple weeks to fix even the most critical (see safari pdf exploit) bugs.

The problem you are having is you don't understand the methodology in the way they are distributing the software platform. Maybe it's not what you want to hear but it's basic and very logical. Of course it's natural to want the best of everything (say iOS with XBL/Office and the ability to install whatever i want) but that option just isn't there.

iPhone/Blackberry - very limited set of hardware, controlled by the company that makes the software. The result is a consistent platform with a speedy software update cycle

Android - can run on just about anything, google has no control over what devices it goes on or how the software is modified. The result is that updates that do come out get pushed to your device if the manufacturer wants to and many devices don't get them at all, this leads to an inconsistent platform with massive fragmentation.

WP7 - runs on devices that satisfy minimum requirements, MS works with manufacturers to get the update working on all devices before pushing them out so all WP7 devices can be up to date. The result is a consistent platform with longer update cycles.

EDIT: and please learn how to use forum quoting, it's not that hard.
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