So, who's gonna get a Surface Pro 3?

Already ordered one! Core i3 will be enough, but 3 extra months of wait aren't worth extra $200.
P.S.: I use first Surface Pro as my main PC now (hooked to an second display).
The non-Wacom compatible pen is an absolute deal killer. I am sorry but that is a step backward for business use, bringing an inferior technology not widely adopted by industry to a business device. It can have a thousand levels of pressure sensitivity and make OneNote do backflips but without 100% Wacom compatibility it makes it, at best, hit or miss for those who need digitizer precision. Based upon the struggles with ESRI already, it will also probably be completely useless in clumsy (but essential) applications in my life such as ArcGIS.
How about you wait for reviews or try it out yourself until you just write it off completely?
Surely the difference between 256 levels of sensitivity and 1024 is not that noticeable, especially if they've removed the parallax and have almost no latency like they claim. People were complaining about some of these issues, plus edge performance, on the earlier Wacom Surface Pros
How about you wait for reviews or try it out yourself until you just write it off completely?
Surely the difference between 256 levels of sensitivity and 1024 is not that noticeable, especially if they've removed the parallax and have almost no latency like they claim. People were complaining about some of these issues, plus edge performance, on the earlier Wacom Surface Pros

For an artist, it can be a pretty noticeable difference.
I'm not quite sure about the poster you responded to though. For most "business" it should be just fine.
This is definitely the device/form factor I want, but I won't need one until at least September when I get back from doing some travel overseas
Given it won't be out in Australia until August, I may even be able to hold on until later in the year and see if they will do a refresh with Broadwell
For an artist, it can be a pretty noticeable difference.

I'm not quite sure about the poster you responded to though. For most "business" it should be just fine.
The Wacom Cinteq HD tablet is $999 just by itself, not only would Wacom view the Surface as a competitor to its own in-house products, but if it were to include that functionality then it would price it out of the range for everyone else who doesn't need that level of sensitivity.
It wouldn't surprise me if those issues came up when negotiating with Wacom and that's why they switched
I wish I could get one by August. Im passing my vaio S13P to my son and looking for a replacement. If funds permit this is a no brainer for me since I'm always on the move and on the plane to somewhere... I need a light and powerful workhorse to take with me. This is just awesome.
No. Its too expensive. Because of Microsofts 1 to 1 conversion rate $ to € in germany you pay a lot more for it. The 999$ version costs 999€ which is ~1,369$ here. Thats way too much
No. Its too expensive. Because of Microsofts 1 to 1 conversion rate $ to ? in germany you pay a lot more for it. The 999$ version costs 999? which is ~1,369$ here. Thats way too much
While I agree the rate is somewhat "unfair" it's still within the realms of reasonable due to European taxes and such. If they were to still it at the exact same price in Germany as in the USA you'd still pay at least $1200 due to the MwSt.

Personally I've preordered the to of the line i7 model to replace my five week old Pro2 8/512GB.
The i5 model with 128gb is ?670 if I buy it in the US. (with the type cover)
If I consider this, I'm going to have to get someone I know to pick one up for me
For an artist, it can be a pretty noticeable difference.

I'm not quite sure about the poster you responded to though. For most "business" it should be just fine.
I'm an artist. I don't really expect to see that much of a difference in the pen pressure. But having had a surface pro and now a surface pro 2, the pen was never truly 100% accurate. And the edges are so annoying to the point that I always have to zoom and pan to even work on them. If this new display works like they say it does, I'll settle for less levels of pen pressure. And being a heavy Photoshop user, I'm looking forward to that touch version!
I would want to, but my HP Split X2 is still working fine so I'll pass. I mainly just need a new phone.
on the i7s ? because we already know the i5s get around 7-8 since it is the same chip. And off course the i3 will get more but not much and the i7 will get less, but not much. are you expecting a huge difference? compare ultrabook data from the i5 vs i7 and you can see where things will land roughly speaking.
Pre-Order turned on at 8:52PDT for me. My order was complete at 8:53PDT. i5 256g with Keyboard
For an artist, it can be a pretty noticeable difference.

Yeah just like for "audiophiles" mp3 doesn't cut it they would tell you, they can so hear the night and day difference - until they are subjected to a properly done double blind test where 99% of the time they actually fail to tell the difference between mp3 and lossless. Placebo and confirmation bias is a strong effect, just the word "lossy" vs "lossless" are enough to deceive "audiophiles" to think that mp3 are just going to be inferior. For something like sensing 256 levels of pressure vs 1024 levels of pressure in a pixel? Let's say I'm going to be skeptical about such claims of night and day difference too. I'd like to see a double blind test done on these digitizers, Myth Buster style for bonus points, so this whole "OMG not Wacom deal killer!!!!111" can be put to rest.
Really digging the SP3, but my 4 year old laptop is still alive and kicking with W8.1 and it gets the job done with SolidWorks, MATLAB, Gimp, and AutoCAD--albeit barely :grin:. I'm not yet ready to kick her to the curb just yet...

Not to be off-subject about the luxurious SP3, but can anyone answer a question for me regarding the SP1 and SP2?
How does the pen fare when writing on either the SP1 or SP2? I couldn't find a good response when searching for an answer to this. I ask because I want to use either for my college courses and go strictly electronic when it comes to note-taking as well as scribbling in my e-books as well.
Really digging the SP3, but my 4 year old laptop is still alive and kicking with W8.1 and it gets the job done with SolidWorks, MATLAB, Gimp, and AutoCAD--albeit barely :grin:. I'm not yet ready to kick her to the curb just yet...

Not to be off-subject about the luxurious SP3, but can anyone answer a question for me regarding the SP1 and SP2?
How does the pen fare when writing on either the SP1 or SP2? I couldn't find a good response when searching for an answer to this. I ask because I want to use either for my college courses and go strictly electronic when it comes to note-taking as well as scribbling in my e-books as well.

If you're mainly taking notes, I would guess the pen on the SP3 is light years better.

The pen on SP1 is okay. Still feels slippery because of the glass. The pen is also pretty light and tiny. Too small.
I'm in. It has replaced my desktop and my laptop already, but was a bit too heavy, bulky and just didn't feel right as a tablet. This has everything I am looking for.

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