Starbucks Says NO! To Windows Phone APP

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It's simply a business decision due to the costs of building and supporting an ecosystem that has a 3% market share.

Do as you wish but their not out to get you...

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

What was the market share when the original iPhone was released? A couple of teenagers could write a sufficient app, I call bs
Starbucks coffee is terrible. They were pretty good about 10yrs ago, but now McDonald's make a better cup of plain coffee than they do. Since you found local alternatives - good. Support the little guys. Most of them care more about the coffee anyways. I will only drink Starbucks when I'm on the road and I can't find something like Peet's. The whole excuse about the cost of making and maintaining an app is BS too - look at Buckstar. That's like one guy who spent a couple days building it.

If anyone wants a Starbucks app just to pay for their coffee, simply take a screenshot of the barcode from another (supported device). That's all you really need to pay anyways.


Let's start a fund for billion dollar companies who can't pay $50-$100 for a WP app.

Let's start a fund for billion dollar companies who can't pay $50-$100 for a WP app.

I wish I knew how to develop an app on Windows Phone. Might set aside some time, but for now it would pretty awesome to see a developer create a YouTube video documenting how long it took to create an app. So, someone like Rudy Huyn could read off something like this email response from Starbucks and get to work on something like the Buckstar app. If it indeed only takes a couple days by ONE guy, it should at least be hilarious enough for it to be noticed in social media shares and it could possibly land them a job.

If successful, it could get companies to take notice. Let's get some indie developers together - haha.
What was the market share when the original iPhone was released? A couple of teenagers could write a sufficient app, I call bs

All they really have to do is port the iOS or Android version and be done with it. agreement with the call of bs
As far as meeting up with people, I'd just rather meet up with my wife, and spend time with her. Coffee for two at home sounds perfect for me. ;)

The little one knows when Daddy comes home, the pot starts brewing and it's time to scatter. It's Mommy and Daddy time.
I'm a Panera man: Much better for meeting up with excellent coffee, free refills for everyone, ceramic mugs, better food, and better parking.
At least they haven't pulled a snap chat or google and killed or maimed third party apps. Nor have they tried to get the tile taken off the Band. Personally, if I was them I would just release more open APIs for devs and let them do the dirty work.

They actually have. There used to be a MyBux app that was the best one of the bunch with wallet support and live tikes showing balances. I asked the developer where the app went after I got a new device and was unable to get the app, he said Starbucks asked him to pull it using a cease and desist.
They actually have. There used to be a MyBux app that was the best one of the bunch with wallet support and live tikes showing balances. I asked the developer where the app went after I got a new device and was unable to get the app, he said Starbucks asked him to pull it using a cease and desist.

MyBux was excellent, tried reinstalling it after I got my new phone.. Didn't know about the cease and desist
The only problem is that 3% is very large. Consider that there there have been over 4 billion smart phones shipped since 2011. 3% of that is 400 Million, hardly a small number.... Windows 10 & it's 1 billion(combined platforms, ie phone, tablet, 2 in 1 laptop, laptop, desktop, IOT, Xbox) installed base can't get here soon enough.................. Although only a 3rd will be mobile(phone, tablet & 2 in 1 laptop)
Kind of crazy how Starbucks won't do an app for Microsoft phones considering both corporations are just across the lake from each other.
What was the market share when the original iPhone was released? A couple of teenagers could write a sufficient app, I call bs

Ancient history my friend. You know who was #1 when the iPhone came out? Blackberry... Times change.

I made a mistake with the 3% market share, that's global. WP market share in the US is 1% if their lucky. Don't expect this to be attractive to any Multinational company or banks.

Everyone needs to get used to WP being a small , neglected, but fairly useful OS. We'll get a flagship phone every 18 months or so and maybe a big name game or two occasionally. But the lions share of development will go to iOS and Android.

PS - if "a coupe of teenagers" could do it I challenge you and a friend to give it a go.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
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Let's start a fund for billion dollar companies who can't pay $50-$100 for a WP app.

What world do you live in where you can develop and support an app for $50-100?

It's not just to actual coding and building of the App (which will cost thousand,s) but the in-house support, On going bug fixes, adding new stores...What about the back end costs for the payment gateway? How about staff training? Ect ect

50-100 huh? My god.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
The only problem is that 3% is very large. Consider that there there have been over 4 billion smart phones shipped since 2011. 3% of that is 400 Million, hardly a small number.... Windows 10 & it's 1 billion(combined platforms, ie phone, tablet, 2 in 1 laptop, laptop, desktop, IOT, Xbox) installed base can't get here soon enough.................. Although only a 3rd will be mobile(phone, tablet & 2 in 1 laptop)

MS shipped 10.4 Million Lumias last quarter. Down from the previous one. The trend is not good. Plus, in the US their market share is 1%. And MS seems to be changing directions every 18 months.

Don't get me wrong. I think WP is the best OS you can buy right now (WebOS would get my vote is it was still around) but as they say "the market has spoken"

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Hi all,

This is my first post and it has been motivated by a response that recently received from Starbucks. I sent their customer service department note asking when a Windows phone app would be available. Below you will find the response. Make not of the "opportunity" statement and realize what Starbucks is really saying.

Anyway, I am done with Starbucks. I truly believe this is a social political decision and not an economic one. They have at least have an app although it needs work. However, they also have great coffee!

If you are a true Starbucks lover, I suggest you contact customer service and let them know how you feel!

From Starbucks:
Thank you for contacting Starbucks.

We have continued to look at the Windows platform and listen to our customer?s needs. As we grow and evolve our mobile applications, we seek to develop on the platforms where we see the greatest opportunity. At this time we will not support the Windows platform but will continue to evaluate it as the landscape evolves.

Your feedback regarding this decision is much appreciated. Rest assured, your questions and concerns have been documented and passed along to the appropriate teams.

If you ever have any questions or concerns in the future, please visit us at

Diana M.
customer service

Just wondering, why do you need a starbucks app? what does it do ?​
Just wondering, why do you need a starbucks app? what does it do ?​
Starbucks has a card that can be used to purchase coffee or food. If a person buys a lot of coffee/food, he/she gets a gold card. The gold card allows a person to get a free drink after 12 purchases, get special offers, etc.

The Starbucks app includes the card. One opens the app and scans the card at the register to pay for purchases or claim free rewards.

The app also tells a member his/her progress toward earning rewards. It is also possible to reload the card balance by using the app.

The app also searches for Starbucks stores, and it has filters to show which ones are open 24 hours, etc.

I hope this helps!
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