Starbucks Says NO! To Windows Phone APP

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Thanks Laura for the welcome!

I am going to try and take a stand on this one. I have already found a nice local coffee shop that provides great service, good coffee and is more quaint. Also, I plan to visit all the Coffee Bean stores I can find while on vacation next week using their app.

I do appreciate the recommendation though.


I always thought (IMO) Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is better than SB.
Man if you think that burnt crap at Starbucks is good coffee you have bigger issues. :unhappy:
I had also wondered why there was no USA app due to there being a Mexican Variant but I can only assume that even the reduced work of "Americanizing" it is not worth it economically. They have probably charted that the cost spent vs the projected slight increase in customers doesn't add up for their shareholders.

I wonder if part of the problem is that Starbucks are just not optimistic that Windows Phone is going to stay in the US Market? Sadly the world is slowly becoming locked down to iOS or Android for even the most of basic of things now as I witnessed when trying to quickly print a snapshot at a local Walmart. Whereas before I could use Bluetooth, I couldn't even use WiFi or USB on one of their machines without it prompting me to download an iOS or Android App first.
If a lot of you actually got some decently roasted beans (read: not burnt) and a quality coffee maker, you'd realize how bad big chain coffee is.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
The little one knows when Daddy comes home, the pot starts brewing and it's time to scatter. It's Mommy and Daddy time.

At our house, when Mommy comes home (because Daddy stays home with the little ones), the little ones rush to greet her, give her sugar, and I set supper on the table. As supper is winding down, the coffee starts to brew. Then mommy gets detox time after a hard day, little ones get a bath, and we read to our 2 and 5 year old for a little while. Then it's PJs and bedtime for them early, and Mommy and Daddy time for us. Yeah, our time has to wait, because our children are younger and refuse to scatter at this point. 2nd cup of coffee for each of us comes after the kids are in bed. It's the best cup of the day. :)
There sure is a lot of coffee loving in this, glad I don't drink that stuff :P I can already imagine a world without coffee... Complete anarchy haha.
Well,I'm from New Orleans so great coffee is everywhere in neighborhood shops. I live in San Diego now and there are so many neighborhood coffee shops that make better coffee than Starbucks. Some that even roast their beans on site. Starbucks bought Seattle's Best to kill off the competition but they refuse to sell a similar brew which was excellent. Even the baristas don't get that one?
Just say NO to Starbucks coffee. Seems they won't use the money to build a Windows Phone app anyway. Drink Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.
It's always a bad thing when somebody tries to change the 'Murkan language.

Words they use: Tall, Grande, Venti, Barista.
Perfectly good 'Murkan words: Small, Medium, Large, Wait Staff.

Don't get me started on how they are labeling the smallest drink on the menu "Tall" - that's just un-natural. Yee-haw!
Well,I'm from New Orleans so great coffee is everywhere in neighborhood shops. I live in San Diego now and there are so many neighborhood coffee shops that make better coffee than Starbucks. Some that even roast their beans on site. Starbucks bought Seattle's Best to kill off the competition but they refuse to sell a similar brew which was excellent. Even the baristas don't get that one?
I remember when Borders sold Seattle's Best. I used to go to Borders for the coffee, not the books. I couldn't use Borders WiFi though. WiFi at Borders was only for T-Mobile customers.

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk
Didn't Starbucks get their global start when they hooked up with United Airlines and served their coffee at the United gates and on the flights?

I remember flying in and out of Seattle a number of times and noticing the Starbucks name all over the airport there.
Thought the coffee was too strong at first then I got used to it and still guzzling today...
...I'm drinking a cup right now as a matter of fact.
Didn't Starbucks get their global start when they hooked up with United Airlines and served their coffee at the United gates and on the flights?

I remember flying in and out of Seattle a number of times and noticing the Starbucks name all over the airport there.
Thought the coffee was too strong at first then I got used to it and still guzzling today...
...I'm drinking a cup right now as a matter of fact.
I think that might be the case. A friend of mine went to the original Starbucks in the early 80s when he was in Seattle during his time in the Navy.

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk
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