Starbucks Says NO! To Windows Phone APP

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There's a wonderful Starbucks app in the store but I'm afraid of mentioning it or else Starbucks will shut it down too like they shut down Starbux.

They've been making a lot of improvements and it's really polished now both in appearance and functionality. Hint: think about how you can rearrange the Starbucks name.
There's a wonderful Starbucks app in the store but I'm afraid of mentioning it or else Starbucks will shut it down too like they shut down Starbux.

They've been making a lot of improvements and it's really polished now both in appearance and functionality. Hint: think about how you can rearrange the Starbucks name.

I'm thinking BuckStars. Do I win?
If you consider a 3% drop in profits a tumble. WP users are in no position to strong-arm any company by threatening a boycott. Remember the axiom regarding bees and honey as opposed to vinegar.

So. . . . if the devices I use do not occupy the top rungs of the market, I can go fly off so far as Starbucks is concerned? I have to act like a sap and keep my mouth shut? The dollars I peel from my roll are the same as any other customers. The virtual dollars that would peel off my Starbucks cards and enabled devices would be just as good as any other. I expect Starbucks makes something from me every time I walk through the doors. I don't expect them to scan me for optimal consumer demographics before they will treat me with courtesy.

I get the economics and I get corporate mentality, but I don't get, no matter how often its been force-given to me, the idea that by virtue of the products I buy I attain some elevated status. At least not as a general matter. Even if I were an Apple acolyte, I would reject the idea that as a solitary consumer, I am undeserving of consideration unless I can line up 100,000,000 more behind me. The customer is always right! Even Windows Mobile customers!
So whatever happened to SBUX Card? I used to use it on my Lumia 521 but I see it's not in the app store anymore and is now listed under the "not available for this phone" section of MY APPS on my Lumia 640. Is Buckstar just as good/better?

Well I installed it, as the others don't seem to show a balance. I guess this serves as a nice replacement for SBUX :)
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So. . . . if the devices I use do not occupy the top rungs of the market, I can go fly off so far as Starbucks is concerned? I have to act like a sap and keep my mouth shut? The dollars I peel from my roll are the same as any other customers. The virtual dollars that would peel off my Starbucks cards and enabled devices would be just as good as any other.

OTOH, Starbucks is providing an app. You are responsible for setting yourself up as unable to use it. Just another way of looking at it.

Sent from whatever device I happen to be using today using Tapatalk
I've been looking into roasting my own coffee beans. Interestingly enough, the only smart roaster I've found only works with Windows desktop (not iOS, Android, MacOS, or WP). That's fine with me though.
Starbucks is among the worst coffee. I don't understand the appeal. Many gas stations have better quality coffee than Starbucks does and the price is significantly less. There is a local coffee chain here in Pittsburgh called Crazy Mocha that I like quite a lot better, and many independent coffee shops as well. As for McDonald's, I refuse to go there for anything other than to use the restroom. Their food quality is subpar, and while their coffee might taste better than Starbucks (I refuse to try it so I don't know), they don't even properly clean their coffee machines; their employees tend not to be very hygienic.
As for the Starbucks app, I think they are just temporarily holding off until Windows 10. The e-mail the OP posted does not say 'never', after all. Although I'll never need the app, I hope they do at least port the iOS or Android app to Windows 10 to appease those who are requesting it. It appears to be very simple to do and if they can publish it in the Amazon store, they can in the Windows store too. I don't think Starbucks has any grudge against Microsoft or Windows like Snapchat does; it's just a business decision they made to maximize their profits on the horrible coffee they overcharge for.
Any app that was found by searching for "Starbucks" was removed from the store, apparently by Starbucks. It's why the lone good app doesn't reference Starbucks in its description at all. However, a bunch of people started putting "Starbucks" in the user reviews for the app so now that app shows when you search for Starbucks. Kind of unfortunate if this app gets pulled because of user reviews.
Any app that was found by searching for "Starbucks" was removed from the store, apparently by Starbucks. It's why the lone good app doesn't reference Starbucks in its description at all. However, a bunch of people started putting "Starbucks" in the user reviews for the app so now that app shows when you search for Starbucks. Kind of unfortunate if this app gets pulled because of user reviews.
Well if an App uses their Logo or Company Name directly, I guess it's understandable.
I get the economics and I get corporate mentality, but I don't get, no matter how often its been force-given to me, the idea that by virtue of the products I buy I attain some elevated status.

It's not about elevated status, it's about numbers. Pure and simple. My point is that we, as WP users, got into this ecosystem knowing full well that apps were a serious issue as compared to iOS and Android. The situation has not changed in 5 years and telling Starbuck's or any other corporate entity that we're not supporting their business because they won't make an app for WP is akin to telling VW we demand Porsche engines in our Jettas.

I come from webOS and BlackBerry, I know the pain of having to deal without apps. I knew it going in and understood there would be features I'd have to live without. Having said that, I could care less about Starbuck's as long as I have a steady stream of Dunkin Donuts (they have an app that I've never used) and Trader Joe's coming in.
Since this here thread has changed lanes anyway :)
And speaking about burnt a former gov't worker running a coffee fund for 10 years or so I used to buy the Folgers high yield ground coffee.
We used to make around 3-400 cups a day and run out often.

It smelled like diesel fuel.
Tasted like hydraulic fluid.
Always had an oil slick on top in the pot.
Guys would dump whiskey in it to make it drinkable
It would raise eyebrows on the toughest commando on board!

Only 2 bucks a month for the privilege!

Those were the gut still aches thinking about that stuff.
Whatever happened to the idea of universal web apps? Many of these type of apps are really nothing more than a glorified web app in functionality. The only thing the Starbucks mobile website is missing when you log is the barcode.
Peet's of Berkeley CA has better coffee ( that's where the 3 founders got the idea -they went to CAL Berkeley ) and bought Peet's and had it sent to Seattle in the first year or so. Who needs a coffee app anyway.
I like Dunkin' and McDonald's coffee...
When on the road it's good to find a McD's or a good truck stop with fresh coffee.

Some of the worst coffee I've ever stomached was from Denny's or VIP's where the pot was left on the burner for a few hours.
Whew...almost had to go outside and lick asphalt to get the taste out!
Whatever happened to the idea of universal web apps? Many of these type of apps are really nothing more than a glorified web app in functionality. The only thing the Starbucks mobile website is missing when you log is the barcode.
The barcode is the most important part of the Starbucks app, though. That's what needs to be scanned at the register.
Maybe off the topic ,or maybe not, but here, in India, Starbuck sucks . I find Gloria jean's coffee much much much better than Starbuck's.
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