Surface GIVEAWAY contestants gather here

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I'm just curious, are there any Mac users on this thread for the sole purpose of winning the Surface Laptop :winktongue:
(don't get me wrong it's ok to love whatever that deserved to be loved :grincry: )
Working in the Enterprise for many years, many of then use web apps for a few of their internal apps. Even though many of the applications needed the java applet download, but if Microsoft can continue to push .Net to the open source community I can see more companies adopting this.
I'm legitimately curious as to how locking things to the store will work out but the laptop is so pretty, I can't help but want one.
After the recent Cyber attacks I really hope people see the benefits of Windows 10 S and that a locked down store DOES have massive advantages for the majority of people. ie people that are not computer literate.
This is where the Surface Laptop really stands out in the crowd, and it should make certain organisations and programmers sit up and start paying attention of what Windows 10S and UWP can truly offer.
The thought of all my programs I need that can run on any Windows 10 device using UWP should be a reality. Even if a Surface phone doesn't ever come to market, you can see the direction that Microsoft what their OEM's to head especially now with Windows 10 on ARM devices.
The beauty of UWP is not that it runs on any Windows 10 device as such, but more to do that it scales perfectly across different device formats. This in itself gives massive scope to what an OEM can bring to market by thinking outside the square (Or circle... or any object really!)... And sorry WhartonBrooks your device is too little too late for many.
All the pieces of the puzzle of Microsoft's long term goals with Windows 10 are slowly bearing fruition... and what better way to be on that cutting edge, but with the cutting edge in laptop design with the Surface Laptop. The only thing I would love to see in the 2nd gen is USB-C port and a 360deg rotating screen... and then you have my perfect device.
I haven't used a 3:2 aspect before, however having used a 16:10 (And 3:2 not being that different in aspect ration) I think I would actually prefer it, especially when using a 2 in 1 device and running in tablet mode with side by side apps... always nice to have that little bit of extra real estate to see the apps you are working on.
Yeah, I would love to know what Mac users think of the Surface Laptop... and also their thoughts on where Windows 10 (S) is heading in generally... I mean some of the things shown at build coming to the Falls Creators Update are pretty damn awesome!
TheSurface Laptop giveaway makes me Wannacry tears of joy.

This is a reminder to Patch Those Ancient XP computers, or do the recommended thing and go get yourself a window 10 computer .... a Surface Laptop windows 10S computer, then upgrade it to Pro.
I actually would love this surface. I believe its a great addition to the line up. I was very tempted to get in debt and get the surface book but this surface laptop seems perfect. Light, thin and powerful! plus i would love to whip it out next to a mac book pro o mac book air user in starbucks and have them look over like - wooo what is that! ;)
I can't wait to see developers porting their win32 software into UWP and make them available in store.
Yes, they need to at least limit it to posts that contribute to the forum, like iMore did with the Switch contest.
The store really needs some more big name apps for Windows 10 S to be a viable option for schools. The surface laptop on the other hands is just gorgeous.
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