Are there any real major differences between T-mobile's Monthly 4G and Simple Choice plans? I've used Monthly 4G in the past and i was reasonably impressed with it but i was wondering does the coverage differer between the two plan types?
Having used Go-Phone and Att networks i discovered that Gophone(Att prepaid) has less coverage than the Contract customers do.
I was going to sign-up with t-mobile but was unsure of which to sign up for...I know the big difference is you can finance on Simple Choice but really i have no need to do that really since i am bringing the phone over.
Having used Go-Phone and Att networks i discovered that Gophone(Att prepaid) has less coverage than the Contract customers do.
I was going to sign-up with t-mobile but was unsure of which to sign up for...I know the big difference is you can finance on Simple Choice but really i have no need to do that really since i am bringing the phone over.